George W. Bush Paintings.

Looks like he has little talent. Most people do but have never tried to draw. Anybody that studies art, especially with instruction, could do as well or better in a few years. I don't care except it proves that he's a psychopath. He can go on with his life as if his lies didn't cause the deaths of hundreds of thousand innocent Iraqis and American soldiers. And of course his loyal audience won't look too deep into his criminality either.

^ It is not that YOU are a psychopath, but it is the case that you are a trite, ignorant, misinformed, easily-mislead , laughable drone.

You may not accept all the things his Administration said, but despite your willingness to spout your hive-mind party line, you have exactly zero evidence that any lies told by him or his Administration had anything to do with causing deaths.

Newsflash for you moron lolberals, your endless willingness to loop the charge that "Bush lied and people died" doesn't make it true and none of you assholes has ever validly supported that idiotic contention.

Go back to sleep now, you dickweed.
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All art is about commerce.

Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.

You need a pin in your bubble. Art is about commerce. If you can't sell your shit, you are a worthless artist. Rent a storage space. Decorate that.

Van Gogh sold one painting during his lifetime - to his brother.

And you're an idiot.
Oh, and one more thing.

Three cheers for Sallow.

He clearly is no fan of W. But that didn't deter him from making a thoughtful and even appreciative comment about W that was outside the realm of politics. Simple objectivity.

It's a good thing.
Bush is getting good reviews now. He doesn't have to wait until he's dead.


or should I say "LinkSSSSS?"

Where are all these good reviews. Inquiring minds are wondering about their objectivity.

I did give a link. You may not have wanted to see it. There are art critics that like his work, there are art critics that don't, just like every other artist out there. There are art critics who are so liberal, they criticize politics and pass it off as art criticism.

If you are concerned about art objectivity, sadly, art is in the eye of the beholder and you would be hard pressed to find an eye totally unobjective.
Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.

You need a pin in your bubble. Art is about commerce. If you can't sell your shit, you are a worthless artist. Rent a storage space. Decorate that.

Van Gogh sold one painting during his lifetime - to his brother.

And you're an idiot.

How much is a Van Gogh going for today. Does it have commercial value? I guarantee you that no museum or private collector will have a worthless painting in their possession.
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All art is about commerce.

Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.

You need a pin in your bubble. Art is about commerce. If you can't sell your shit, you are a worthless artist. Rent a storage space. Decorate that.

Art = Money
So if an artist dies a pauper, he's a failure? What if a few years later his art is discovered and the stuff really sells. Is he now no longer a failure? Art is not about money, although money's nice to have.
You need a pin in your bubble. Art is about commerce. If you can't sell your shit, you are a worthless artist. Rent a storage space. Decorate that.

Van Gogh sold one painting during his lifetime - to his brother.

And you're an idiot.

How much is a Van Gogh going for today. Does it have commercial value? I guarantee you that no museum or private collector will have a worthless painting in their possession.

Van Gogh is Dead, ya know.

They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.
They are certainly not Expressionism.

He's an ordinary man of ordinary talents who should never have been a world leader: he was completely incompetent. Now he is an ordinary retired man who likes to paint. Nothing wrong with that, but his his talent is very ordinary too. They are nothing more than any other average retired person might paint, and about a step or two above paint by number.


Bush has never had a talent for anything except ruining business, sports teams, states and countries. Let him paint all he wants. After all, its not like he can step outside his door ever again.

It will be funny to watch the next Bush running for office without his brother at his side. There is not doubt that Jeb will go right on pretending he has never heard of Dumb-Ya.
I guess if it's not scat on a portrait of the Virgin Mary, a crucifix in a jar of urine, or the homoerotic photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, it's not art...
They look like caricatures.


No, caricatures take real talent. Seriously. The shrub's paintings are clumsy and heavy handed, very amateurish. If he were not the ex-prez, we would never see them, never know about them.

The terrible tragedy is that his name is Bush and bin Laden's money bought him the presidency. If he had just churned out his childish paintings, he would not now be a war criminal and the shame of our country.


Except, no, these aren't "amateurish".

The first time I heard about Bush painting was something he did of himself in the shower.

I wanted to have a laugh and had a look at it.

And it showed remarkable talent.

I'll agree as a president Bush was terrible. But not everything he did as President was terrible.

He saved a great deal of people in Africa from AIDS.

He deployed the US military on life saving missions in Iran and Thailand.

He was the most colorblind President in history.

He created an underwater sanctuary near Hawaii.

He got the Israelis to give up Gaza.

He was the author of the Road to citizenship and cap and trade.

On the whole, I view the guy as a good person that got into the wrong crowd and made some very bad decisions.
They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.
They are certainly not Expressionism.

He's an ordinary man of ordinary talents who should never have been a world leader: he was completely incompetent. Now he is an ordinary retired man who likes to paint. Nothing wrong with that, but his his talent is very ordinary too. They are nothing more than any other average retired person might paint, and about a step or two above paint by number.

Just like Obama.
They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.

I don't like the style myself, but that is just me. A couple of them actually impressed me even if I don't like them.

To be honest, I half expected you to have a reaction like rdean. Glad to see I was wrong.
I guess if it's not scat on a portrait of the Virgin Mary, a crucifix in a jar of urine, or the homoerotic photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, it's not art...

Those things are not art either. Those things are efforts to garner attention and make money, and they emphasize why good art does not equal money: crap art often sells for various reasons, shock value is one. Many so called artists today get attention and money via shock instead of talent.
I guess if it's not scat on a portrait of the Virgin Mary, a crucifix in a jar of urine, or the homoerotic photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, it's not art...


Robert Mapplethorpe took homoerotic photographs?

Who ever said USMB wasn't educational.

Here's some REAL ART:

I guess if it's not scat on a portrait of the Virgin Mary, a crucifix in a jar of urine, or the homoerotic photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, it's not art...

Those things are not art either. Those things are efforts to garner attention and make money, and they emphasize why good art does not equal money: crap art often sells for various reasons, shock value is one. Many so called artists today get attention and money via shock instead of talent.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.....

To my eye this is a fine work of art......

People will buy Bush's paintings because of who the painter is, not because of the quality of the art work -- same reason they pay money for a George Zimmerman painting.

It's not about art; it's about commerce.

All art is about commerce.

Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.

As a writer I can tell you quite definitively that, if the art doesn't have commercial value it isn't any good. "Artists" like to pretend they are being true to themselves and that anyone who makes money is a sell out, but the truth is that they are just bad at what they do.

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