George W. not a perfect president but lead us through 9/11 well


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.
1 and 2 'booosh' familia members flooded the USA with third worlders to the detriment of American kids and 'jebito boooosh' woulda finished the job .
W is a war criminal and should be in Supermax for life.

This should make all Americans sick. What a disgusting warmongering ASSHOLE!
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

I agree
The highlight of Bush’s presidency was post 9-11. He provided leadership, a strong backbone and a shoulder to cry on. His approval rose to 80 percent and he had bipartisan support

Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
I will give him that, he handled 9/11 well.
If Trump had been at the helm he would have done what he always does: made it all about him.
But Bush went after Saddam because "he tried to kill my daddy".
The vanity war in Iraq, the ENDLESS war in Afghanistan, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, skanky Condi Rice, et al. turned me off to the right, permanently.

I remember watching Bill O'Reilly for the last time in 2004 before I said, "Enough of these motherfuckers" because Bush and Company created ISIS.

The obvious outcome of a military attack on Al-Queda.

How the Islamic State evolved in an American prison
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I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

FDR with Pearl Harbor and WWII? Clinton with Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center bombings? Polk and the Mexican-American War? Madison with the War of 1812?

And those are just presidents who had to deal with death and destruction on US soil. Plenty of presidents had to deal with American deaths in other nations.
George W. Bush ultimately failed us. He used the tragedy to gin up a war against Iraq and then used it to pass the so-called Patriot Act. I will give him credit for not engaging in sectarian hatred, but that is about it.
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.

That is something I can actually agree with. President Bush was excellent through 9/11.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?
...and it made perfect sense, too! Saudi Arabians attack America, and Bush attacks Iraq!
So the Saudi's attacked America through Bin Laden for whom the Saudi Kingdom had banned from that Kingdom ??? Please explain all the connections in that mess if you don't mind.. Thanks.
I can find fault with G.W. for a few things but no other president except Lincoln had to deal with the horror of death and destruction like no other. Bush presented a calm, presidential demeanor proving to be one of us and bringing our citizens to chant USA, USA!

For that, all of us who remember that time, thank him for that.
He did a good job for like a month after 9/11. Then he fucked us for years.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?
Lakhota when have you ever given me an AGREE? That is new. I am glad we can agree, but I also believe BO should be in Supermax for his warmongering. Do you agree?
...and it made perfect sense, too! Saudi Arabians attack America, and Bush attacks Iraq!
So the Saudi's attacked America through Bin Laden for whom the Saudi Kingdom had banned from that Kingdom ??? Please explain all the connections in that mess if you don't mind.. Thanks.
17 of 19 hijackers were Saudis
He handled 9/11 well because he was up in the air most of the time, looking down thru AF1's windows.
As much as I despise Trump

I think history will consider Bush a worse President because of his poor decisions to bring us into two wars and a collapsed economy
Unfortunately, he overreacted to the attacks and blundered us into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq. His decision to engage in torture demeaned us all
Things might have been different, without Cheney and Rumsfeld, the sniveling, evil little snakes.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.
Why did Bush ignore all the pre-9/11 warnings?

oh not this again .... they weren't ignored....they weren't specific enough to act on.

And let's not blame our leaders for the actions of our enemies.
I actually think that it was Giuliani and not Bush who right in the aftermath of the 911 attacks held the nation's attention and showed resolve and determination. Bush was off in an "undisclosed location" because he was like a frightened deer caught in the headlights. For heaven's sake, he was reading My Pet Goat to elementary school children when the attack happened and just stood there.

This is the same Giuliani who unfortunately is now destroying his legacy. But he was once a great man during a terrible crisis who rose to the challenge.

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