George Zimmerman arrested in Florida

More evidence that Zimmerman was probably drunk when he murdered Trayvon.
Murdered? Did the jury's decision get overturned somehow?

It's kinda like how OJ murdered Nicole.
Was OJ convicted of murder? Zimmerman or OJ both were accused both had there day in court and both were found not guilty people may not like and agree with those verdicts but that's not going to change them people can call them murders if they wish in the eyes of the law they aren't.

OJ had lots of money for a high-dollar lawyers.
Zimmerman's dad was a retired judge who was connected to the Sanford Police Department.
Money and influence counts in court.
Sorry I have to explain such simple things to such simple minds like yours.
And nothing you posted changes anything I said yes OJ could afford lawyers that didn't change the evidence presented to the jury in his trial nor did Zimmerman's father having been a judge in his so unless you have some evidence to show that either trial was rigged your just talking out of your ass as usual. Pity your mind is void of basic common sense.
Hero? Spoken like a true leftist hack.

I have yet to meet anyone who even admires Zimmerman. Most agreed he had issues, but there simply wasn't evidence supporting a murder conviction.

True, because the act was in self defense. Trayvon is dead, because Trayvon richly deserved it.

Zimmerman doesn't have to be a saint to be perfectly within his rights to defend himself through the effective use of a sidearm. In truth, he should never have been on that side walk getting his head bashed in... he should have dropped Trayvon the instant he refused to stop approaching him in an aggressive manner.
You people made Zimmerman a hero. You people put Zimmerman up on a pedestal and proclaimed his innocent before the trial.

Ask Trayvon Martin's Family if their "Over" the cold blooded murder of their son a failed wanna cop.

Trayvon is dead, because Trayvon earned it.

There are two kinds of people on this board: Those who will say shit like this anonymously and those of us who would say what we think in the middle of a public square with a bullhorn. The MIssing Keys butthead belongs to the former.

ROFLMNAO! I SO adore the Cyber bad-asses!

I think Brad Paisley said it best when he described them, thusly:

George Zimmerman arrested in Lake Mary charged with aggravated assault - Orlando Sentinel

George Zimmerman, the self-styled "Neighborhood Watch" and wanna be failure of a cop has been arrested on charges of Domestic Violence after throwing a bottle of wine at his latest target...I mean girl friend.

Zimmerman became RW Hero after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American Teenager who was packing some skittles and bottled tea.

Zimmerman has announced he will surrender all his firearms to member of his family or an unnamed third party.

Zimmerman violated the rules of Neighborhood Watch by carrying a loaded firearm on the night he killed Trayvon Martin

George is no stranger to being arrested for Domestic Violence.

Be Proud RePugs....your man is single handedly able to beat up women, its just he keeps getting caught doing it.
Zim is a pussy, like you.
Trolls such as this thread is only for one thing

SHIT STIRRING. take that TITLE right off the bat...who sits around and thinks up that stupid stuff? rw gun nut hero

Nobody I know see's Zimmerman as some hero. Just a case that went public and some stood by the verdict and the rest of you make up threads such as this because you are the judge and jury of all mankind evidently.... dumb
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well they knew that the dead guy was a doper didn't they , wasn't that reported ?? Seems to me that after a shooting everyone involved is drug and intoxicant tested Luddley .
Yet another thread where an ignorant and butt hurt lefty thinks that GZ's arrest actually means something.

The worthless thug Trayvon Martin is taking a dirt nap, all is right with the world.

lol, the rightwing myth of the colorblind post racial society takes another hit from another shit.

Oh look! Another butthurt lefty calls racism! Zzzzzz......
34 pages (so far) of blather about a loser who was acquitted of killing a homie... months after he stopped being real news... Jesus H. Christ... too funny.

but but but --

he got re-arrested.


For a new crime.

Just because he got off from a previous crime is no reason to give him an automatic walk on a new charge.
I guess the point is that I'm frigging amazed that anybody still gives a rat's ass what happens to this guy... it's over... yesterday's news... and I was downright shocked to see that a thread about such stale subject matter was still capable of generating 30+ pages...
You have to understand Kondor that Zimmerman is a work in progress. We all expect him to work his way up the police blotter until he gets stuck on a felony rap.
the 2nd-time in recent times that a woman has accused him of assault. Sounds like he MIGHT have an anger issue :eusa_whistle: Oh yeah, thats right. How could I forget. :eusa_doh:He stalked and shot a citizen who was simply walking home
34 pages (so far) of blather about a loser who was acquitted of killing a homie... months after he stopped being real news... Jesus H. Christ... too funny.

but but but --

he got re-arrested.


For a new crime.

Just because he got off from a previous crime is no reason to give him an automatic walk on a new charge.
I guess the point is that I'm frigging amazed that anybody still gives a rat's ass what happens to this guy... it's over... yesterday's news... and I was downright shocked to see that a thread about such stale subject matter was still capable of generating 30+ pages...[/QUO

No interest? Why are you here then?
talk about a witch hunt and modern day LYCHING of an American citizen who was cleared by a court of LAW.

just awful and scary all rolled into one
Who called the police SHould the police ot respod because it is GZ. You are such a stupid fucking cu()t. A disgrace to conservatives...but a typical teaper. Trailer trash, welfare queen...a lunch lady. You are a leech on society. Useless.
Who cares. You destroyed this mans live.

Hope you're happy.

Who is "you"?

Anonoymous members of a message board? Really?

He should of never had his life destroy for self defense. I hope karma bites you in your ass.
How did you become a gimp? Was that karma? You racist piece of shit, how was his life destroyed when idiots like you think he is a hero? Are all police liberals now? Is there a conspiracy to go after him? Pathetic. Racist logic is hilarious...or is it gimp logic....either way, severely retarded thought process on your part.
34 pages (so far) of blather about a loser who was acquitted of killing a homie... months after he stopped being real news... Jesus H. Christ... too funny.

but but but --

he got re-arrested.


For a new crime.

Just because he got off from a previous crime is no reason to give him an automatic walk on a new charge.
I guess the point is that I'm frigging amazed that anybody still gives a rat's ass what happens to this guy... it's over... yesterday's news... and I was downright shocked to see that a thread about such stale subject matter was still capable of generating 30+ pages...[/QUO

No interest? Why are you here then?
To serve-up a "you gotta be kidding me" kind of feedback about the thread, obviously.
This thug is not gonna stop his thuggery until he's stopped. He's going to end up either dead or in jail, whichever comes first. I'll be sure to say "I told you so" too.

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