George Zimmerman arrested in Florida

George Zimmerman took a thug off the streets permanently. He's not a hero. He is a survivor. Since he was rightfully acquitted there have been numerous attempts to phony up a case against him. All of those failed. We don't know what will happen this time. But I'm glad George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. Florida is a bit safer for it.
Looks like Zimmerman is the thug

He has been arrested more than Trayvon Martin ever was
Trayvon never was arrested.
the 2nd-time in recent times that a woman has accused him of assault. Sounds like he MIGHT have an anger issue :eusa_whistle: Oh yeah, thats right. How could I forget. :eusa_doh:He stalked and shot a citizen who was simply walking home

Except, of course, that's clearly NOT what happened in that old case. The facts and the verdict advise rational folks that you are just fucking dopey on this topic.

There's no surprise.
If Zimmy is a thuggish dolt, that has approximately zero point zero to do with what happened on the night of the incident in the Trayvon Martin matter.

If Trayvon had a gun, you are likely right. He would have likely shot Zimmy for no good reason instead of attempting to bash his brains in for no good reason.
^^^^See my point...another internet tough guy with a mean looking avatar....what a pussy!

Idiot doesn't even understand I agreed with him...just a stupid fucking hypocrite full of hate,
And this is sort of upstanding citizen right wingers like to see carrying a gun?
Everyone should carry a gun. If Trayvon had one, he wouldn't be 6 feet under right now.

If Trayvon dared defend himself, the right wingers would be calling him a murderer and some white redneck would have killed him by now.

If Trayvon dared to accost Zimmerman and bash his skull onto the concrete, some liberal would have accused Zimmerman of racism by now.

Oh, wait.
If he had a gun, none of that would have been necessary.

If Trayvon had a gun, you are likely right. He would have likely shot Zimmy for no good reason instead of attempting to bash his brains in for no good reason.
Like I said...a hypocrite.
Dimmit man, just say what you mean. G. Zimmerman is a punk, so was (that kid he shot) end of story. Is this (thread) going somewhere?

This thread can't go anywhere since it started nowhere and is about nothing of any moment.

s recap.

Zimmy defended himself when Trayvon tried to bash his brains in. Zimmy defended himself (with a gung, ZOMG!!) and Tryavon died. Therefore Zimmy "must" have been a racist fuck. Except that he wasn't; AND he got acquitted.

That means that Zimmy being caught up in some new case must prove something about the old case. Except that it doesn't.
And this is sort of upstanding citizen right wingers like to see carrying a gun?
Everyone should carry a gun. If Trayvon had one, he wouldn't be 6 feet under right now.

If Trayvon dared defend himself, the right wingers would be calling him a murderer and some white redneck would have killed him by now.
:lol: Rednecks are all talk...fat internet blowhards who are only rugged and tough while in the confines of their trailer or meth lab.

Said the lolberal troll in his parent's basement.

FU you pissant troll beyotch.

^^^^See my point...another internet tough guy with a mean looking avatar....what a pussy!

Idiot doesn't even understand I agreed with him...just a stupid fucking hypocrite full of hate,

Your lack of clarity is not my responsibility, ya fuckin' jerk wad. Now get out of your folks' basement and get to bed, kid.
Everyone should carry a gun. If Trayvon had one, he wouldn't be 6 feet under right now.

If Trayvon dared defend himself, the right wingers would be calling him a murderer and some white redneck would have killed him by now.
:lol: Rednecks are all talk...fat internet blowhards who are only rugged and tough while in the confines of their trailer or meth lab.

Said the lolberal troll in his parent's basement.

FU you pissant troll beyotch.

^^^^See my point...another internet tough guy with a mean looking avatar....what a pussy!

Idiot doesn't even understand I agreed with him...just a stupid fucking hypocrite full of hate,

Your lack of clarity is not my responsibility, ya fuckin' jerk wad. Now get out of your folks' basement and get to bed, kid.
:lol: Your stupidity and knee jerk reactions are not my problem. You either believe in 2A or you don't. It applies to EVERYONE, not just your wetback hero. Hypocrite.
If Trayvon dared defend himself, the right wingers would be calling him a murderer and some white redneck would have killed him by now.
:lol: Rednecks are all talk...fat internet blowhards who are only rugged and tough while in the confines of their trailer or meth lab.

Said the lolberal troll in his parent's basement.

FU you pissant troll beyotch.

^^^^See my point...another internet tough guy with a mean looking avatar....what a pussy!

Idiot doesn't even understand I agreed with him...just a stupid fucking hypocrite full of hate,

Your lack of clarity is not my responsibility, ya fuckin' jerk wad. Now get out of your folks' basement and get to bed, kid.
:lol: Your stupidity and knee jerk reactions are not my problem. You either believe in 2A or you don't. It applies to EVERYONE, not just your wetback hero.

Except, you are the stupid one as your unintelligible posts establish, dickweed.

And my belief in the Second Amendment has nothing at all to do with the sub-moronic musings of the Board's whacked out laughable lolberals concerning Zimmerman.

And Zimmy is not now and never was my hero.

He may very well have been innocent in the Trayvon case. So? I don't recall suggesting that his likely innocence made him my "hero."

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