George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

If he has no money to afford rent or a home, than he is considered homeless even if his family takes him in. Many people who do not own houses are not homeless, they just rent. The guys in our local shelter, they're homeless. My friend who has no money for rent and is living with her mom is technical homeless because her mother could kick her out at any moment.

No. He is not.

(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets.
"the plight of young homeless people"
synonyms: of no fixed address, without a roof over one's head, on the streets, vagrant, displaced, dispossessed, destitute, down-and-out
"homeless people"
people of no fixed address, vagrants, down-and-outs, street people, tramps, vagabonds, itinerants, transients, migrants, derelicts, drifters, hoboes;
informalbag ladies, bums
"charities for the homeless"

Talk to a social worker. I did. That's how I found out that my son, living in my home, is, according to the law, homeless. He's not paying rent, he has no way of affording rent, he's homeless.

But he is fed, clothed, and sheltered? By definition, that is not homeless.
No. He is not.

(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets.
"the plight of young homeless people"
synonyms: of no fixed address, without a roof over one's head, on the streets, vagrant, displaced, dispossessed, destitute, down-and-out
"homeless people"
people of no fixed address, vagrants, down-and-outs, street people, tramps, vagabonds, itinerants, transients, migrants, derelicts, drifters, hoboes;
informalbag ladies, bums
"charities for the homeless"

Talk to a social worker. I did. That's how I found out that my son, living in my home, is, according to the law, homeless. He's not paying rent, he has no way of affording rent, he's homeless.

But he is fed, clothed, and sheltered? By definition, that is not homeless.

By definition, he's a drama queen.! You don't get it!

In Republispeak, one must say the words precisely or it doesn't count in their black/white world.

Like: 911 Dispatcher: "Don't follow him"

No no no. YOU liberoid idiots don't grasp the actual meaning of words.

It is simply NOT the case that a comment "you don't have to" is a directive NOT to do something.

For example, if I offer a nice old lady my seat on a subway train and she, being polite, tells me "Oh, you don't have to do that." She's right. I don't HAVE to. But I am free to do so anyway. Her comment is NOT a directive.

A cop telling Zimmerman that he doesn't HAVE to do something is simply NOT a directive to cease and desist. In fact, the cop on the phone had no authority to direct Zimmerman NOT to do what the law permitted Zimmerman to do.

No matter how many times you spin and peddle your obvious plodding hack lie, it remains just your lie.

All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:
No no no. YOU liberoid idiots don't grasp the actual meaning of words.

It is simply NOT the case that a comment "you don't have to" is a directive NOT to do something.

For example, if I offer a nice old lady my seat on a subway train and she, being polite, tells me "Oh, you don't have to do that." She's right. I don't HAVE to. But I am free to do so anyway. Her comment is NOT a directive.

A cop telling Zimmerman that he doesn't HAVE to do something is simply NOT a directive to cease and desist. In fact, the cop on the phone had no authority to direct Zimmerman NOT to do what the law permitted Zimmerman to do.

No matter how many times you spin and peddle your obvious plodding hack lie, it remains just your lie.

All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:

See what I mean?


btw...How is Zimmy homeless? Didn't he move back in with the girlfriend he pulled the gun on?

Hmmm...enquiring minds want to know what happened now!
Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.


George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.

If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except the evidence showed that Zimmerman was assaulted. A witness testified that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.

I think we have two people that contributed to a tragic event.
All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:

See what I mean?


btw...How is Zimmy homeless? Didn't he move back in with the girlfriend he pulled the gun on?

Hmmm...enquiring minds want to know what happened now!

He did what he always does, she dropped the charges, and he dumped her.
No no no. YOU liberoid idiots don't grasp the actual meaning of words.

It is simply NOT the case that a comment "you don't have to" is a directive NOT to do something.

For example, if I offer a nice old lady my seat on a subway train and she, being polite, tells me "Oh, you don't have to do that." She's right. I don't HAVE to. But I am free to do so anyway. Her comment is NOT a directive.

A cop telling Zimmerman that he doesn't HAVE to do something is simply NOT a directive to cease and desist. In fact, the cop on the phone had no authority to direct Zimmerman NOT to do what the law permitted Zimmerman to do.

No matter how many times you spin and peddle your obvious plodding hack lie, it remains just your lie.

All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:

That was a priceless post o stupid one. I must be really getting to you. What an idiot. :lol:

Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

With all you rabid haters out there, where can he go? Who is going to hire him and become a target? The only way the poor guy will ever have a decent life is to get out of the USA.
How can people NOT feel sorry for a guy who gives an interview to the media about how miserable he is because the media won't leave him alone?


He's a professional victim now. He said he wants to be a lawyer (LOL) but his own actions have made that impossible. (Is he so stupid that he does not know that?)

Instead, he just keeps doing things that are designed to get his name in the news again.


And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

With all you rabid haters out there, where can he go? Who is going to hire him and become a target? The only way the poor guy will ever have a decent life is to get out of the USA.

Sounds like a plan to me. When is he leaving?
All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:

See what I mean?


btw...How is Zimmy homeless? Didn't he move back in with the girlfriend he pulled the gun on?

Hmmm...enquiring minds want to know what happened now!

What's with his "homeless" claim?

He's not homeless. He said he lives with "his family". Would that be mommy and/or daddy?
I wonder if Trayvon's parents regret not doing a better job raising their kid?
My dad told me "don't start fights with people they may have a gun"
My dad told me "don't start fights with people they may have a gun"

Very good advice these days.

Seriously, there are nutters out there who would love the opportunity to show what big strong Mighty Mouses they are.

Don't throw popcorn at an asshole who is harassing you. For that matter, don't you dare text in a theater. Don't play music loud. And, as this case has shown us, running away from a stalker may not be enough to save your life.
I see the degenerates are kicking the innocent man around again.

You people are the scum of the earth, and no shocker, most of you are liberals.

nothing but racist pigs.

He wasn't a man. He was a boy.

And, you can't kick around someone who is already dead.

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