George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.

Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.
He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.

Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.

Do you keep calling him a pussy because it's been so long since you've gotten any and this is an excuse to think about it?
Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.

Not if Martin started the physical altercation. You don't get it. Following someone is not a crime. there has to be an additional action, such as a threat, or menacing. If Martin started the physical confrontation, and grabbed zimmerman's gun and shot zimmerman, Martin would have been guilty of at least manslaughter, because he started a physical confrontation with NO REASON to do so.

As Martin would have been the only witness... why in the world would he say that HE started the altercation?

Lets see, all the other evidence indpendent of Zimmerman's testimony shows Martin losing zimmerman, and then engaging him AFTER he had reached the safety of his home. That evidence would still have been there, in addition to the injuries on zimmerman and the lack of injuries on Martin.
Self induced PTSD?

I wouldn't call it PTSD, I'd call it going crazy. And...............if either one is the case, Zimmerman shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

It is scary to think he is carrying one...
Just don't go up to him and 'sucker-punch' him and when he goes down climb aboard and begin banging his head against the concrete and tell him his "going to die tonight....." and you'll be fine.
If some one did that to me I'd shove my gun up his ass and pull the trigger till the gun went 'CLICK'.

Ah, another threads with gun nuts expressing their snuff fantasies.

Zimmerman was living your dream. Unfortunately, for him, it's turned into a nightmare.
I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.

Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.

Do you keep calling him a pussy because it's been so long since you've gotten any and this is an excuse to think about it?

Got laid once Friday afternoon, and twice on Saturday, so, no.

Valentine's day does have its perks.
Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.

Do you keep calling him a pussy because it's been so long since you've gotten any and this is an excuse to think about it?

Got laid once Friday afternoon, and twice on Saturday, so, no.

Valentine's day does have its perks.

That it does
Oh please. Let's not retry this yet again, everyone knows the only reason that fatass Zimmerman is walking free is because of yet another stupid Florida jury.

The same reason Casey Anthony is walking free.
He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.

Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.

Try and learn how to read instead of inferring meanings apart from the literal one unless i say I'm writing a legal brief or a poem pussy. Z started the confrontation because he wanted to shoot a teenager. He is a bitch just like you pussy.
Making fun of his PTSD? That's low. And here I go thinking you couldn't get any more despicable. Grow up.

Kind of an insult to soldiers who suffer real PTSD for this bully and loser to claim he has it.

Maybe he's got PMS, and he got confused.

W certainly think of returning soldiers, when we think of PTSD. However, anyone can suffer from it, and it can only take one incident where a persons life was threatened.

In Zimmermann's case, according to his testimony, once the gun was exposed, he felt he was in a life or death struggle with Martin.
In addition, he also dealt with the daily struggle for more than a year, wondering if his freedom would soon be lost.
That's how Leftytoons roll.

Kindly point out me making fun of his PTSD. Direct quote.

Your title, smart alec.

It is a fact that he has PTSD, so referencing it means making fun of it?

There are many links that show he has, in your opinion it shouldn't be mentioned bcause that is making fun of him? Please explain.

George Zimmerman Says He Lives in Constant Fear, Has PTSD - ABC News

George Zimmerman: Homeless, has PTSD, and still receiving threats

George Zimmerman says he is homeless and suffers from PTSD | theGrio
I've never understood why Zimmerman doesn't leave the shit hole of a country that America has turned out to be. His mother is Peruvian and would probably get citizenship there. Sure, it's another shit hole, but one he'd be safer in.
Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.


George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.

If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.
Oh please. Let's not retry this yet again, everyone knows the only reason that fatass Zimmerman is walking free is because of yet another stupid Florida jury.

The same reason Casey Anthony is walking free.

I watched the trial. Zimmerman is free because the prosecution failed to prove their case.
Oh please. Let's not retry this yet again, everyone knows the only reason that fatass Zimmerman is walking free is because of yet another stupid Florida jury.

The same reason Casey Anthony is walking free.

Exactly the same - the evidence didn't support the charge. In either case. And no matter how self righteous and superior you feel toward either party, this is America where you need evidence to convict someone of a crime.
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How can people NOT feel sorry for a guy who gives an interview to the media about how miserable he is because the media won't leave him alone?


He's a professional victim now. He said he wants to be a lawyer (LOL) but his own actions have made that impossible. (Is he so stupid that he does not know that?)

Instead, he just keeps doing things that are designed to get his name in the news again.

George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.

If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

Not quite ... This is part of what was suppressed.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

Be that as it may, gz was carrying a gun for only one reason - to be ready to shoot someone. He was told he was not 'needed to chase Travon' and he testifed that Travon tried to get away from him.

gz got away with murder.

Now he has no choice but to be another little rw media whore, a lot like $arah Palin but not nearly as successful.
How can people NOT feel sorry for a guy who gives an interview to the media about how miserable he is because the media won't leave him alone?


He's a professional victim now. He said he wants to be a lawyer (LOL) but his own actions have made that impossible. (Is he so stupid that he does not know that?)

Instead, he just keeps doing things that are designed to get his name in the news again.

So, he's learned from the left! Priceless.

What actions kept him from being a lawyer?
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

George Zimmerman is no more homeless than I am. No, I don't own a home. I rent my sister's lower level.

He's not living on the streets, or out of his vehicle. He is just not a homeowner at this point in time.

If he has no money to afford rent or a home, than he is considered homeless even if his family takes him in. Many people who do not own houses are not homeless, they just rent. The guys in our local shelter, they're homeless. My friend who has no money for rent and is living with her mom is technical homeless because her mother could kick her out at any moment.

No. He is not.

(of a person) without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets.
"the plight of young homeless people"
synonyms: of no fixed address, without a roof over one's head, on the streets, vagrant, displaced, dispossessed, destitute, down-and-out
"homeless people"
people of no fixed address, vagrants, down-and-outs, street people, tramps, vagabonds, itinerants, transients, migrants, derelicts, drifters, hoboes;
informalbag ladies, bums
"charities for the homeless"
If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

Not quite ... This is part of what was suppressed.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

Be that as it may, gz was carrying a gun for only one reason - to be ready to shoot someone. He was told he was not 'needed to chase Travon' and he testifed that Travon tried to get away from him.

gz got away with murder.

Now he has no choice but to be another little rw media whore, a lot like $arah Palin but not nearly as successful.

He got away with murder in your opinion.

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