George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon wasn't in fear of his life? Because according to the court he should be considered perfectly justified in attacking GZ!

Well, according to his girlfriend, he'd already made it next to his dad's house and lost Zimmerman. So apparently he went back to attack him, doesn't sound like someone in fear of his life to me, does it to you?

Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.
Martin had a cell phone. He was standing right next to his dad's house, all he had to do was go inside or call the police, he did neither. Instead he backtracked and attacked Zimmerman.

All Zimmerman had to do was stay in his car and call the police. Instead he caused Martin to fear an armed pursuer, and luckily Martin was able to grab the gun from him and fire before he was killed!

Oh if the tables were turned...

That implies Zimmerman starting the physical altercation, which is found nowhere in any testimony.

Well duh the most important witness was dead to GZ's great benefit. If the roles were reversed Martin would've had the benefit of not having to defend against the most important witness too.
Well, according to his girlfriend, he'd already made it next to his dad's house and lost Zimmerman. So apparently he went back to attack him, doesn't sound like someone in fear of his life to me, does it to you?

Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.
Well, according to his girlfriend, he'd already made it next to his dad's house and lost Zimmerman. So apparently he went back to attack him, doesn't sound like someone in fear of his life to me, does it to you?

Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Sheila and I already went over that.
CaféAuLait;8636682 said:
In the same interview he says he lives in fear of his life, probably why he does not have a job. Lawsuits seem to take sometime and given MSNBC inferred before the trial ended that "if Zimmerman was found guilty" he would have no case against them, its probably given Zimmerman more fuel. An article I found dated December 2013 says the lawsuit is still 'ongoing'.

Lawsuits take forever, I think he lives in his own prison.

Why the attorneys would represent him and expect a $2.5 million payday, is pretty stupid on the attorney's part. But whoever said attorney's were smart.

They'll get their money, when the lawsuit with NBC/MSNBC is settled. You don't really think they would have defended Zimmerman if they weren't confident of getting paid, do you?

How would you think you'd get paid? They got publicity. Zimmerman had nothing, no money, no lawsuit, no nothing. Now, with the lawsuit...they have a chance.
Well, according to his girlfriend, he'd already made it next to his dad's house and lost Zimmerman. So apparently he went back to attack him, doesn't sound like someone in fear of his life to me, does it to you?

Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Trayvon Martin was nothing but a street thug. His mother couldn't control him, and it appears that no one else tried.
Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Trayvon Martin was nothing but a street thug. His mother couldn't control him, and it appears that no one else tried.

Z was a police reject, abuser, and sociopath. His parents got him out of everything due to his father being a judge.
Maybe Martin feared that GZ was going to keep looking for him? You can't prove he wasn't in fear of his life. Just as the court couldn't prove that GZ wasn't in fear of his life.

He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.
All Zimmerman had to do was stay in his car and call the police. Instead he caused Martin to fear an armed pursuer, and luckily Martin was able to grab the gun from him and fire before he was killed!

Oh if the tables were turned...

That implies Zimmerman starting the physical altercation, which is found nowhere in any testimony.

Well duh the most important witness was dead to GZ's great benefit. If the roles were reversed Martin would've had the benefit of not having to defend against the most important witness too.

All the evidence points to martin attacking zimmerman as zimmerman was returning to his vehicle, and after Martin was back at his house. Keep trying to spin though, its comical.
He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.
Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.

Not if Martin started the physical altercation. You don't get it. Following someone is not a crime. there has to be an additional action, such as a threat, or menacing. If Martin started the physical confrontation, and grabbed zimmerman's gun and shot zimmerman, Martin would have been guilty of at least manslaughter, because he started a physical confrontation with NO REASON to do so.
He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.

Not if Martin started the physical altercation. You don't get it. Following someone is not a crime. there has to be an additional action, such as a threat, or menacing. If Martin started the physical confrontation, and grabbed zimmerman's gun and shot zimmerman, Martin would have been guilty of at least manslaughter, because he started a physical confrontation with NO REASON to do so.

As Martin would have been the only witness... why in the world would he say that HE started the altercation?
He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Trayvon Martin was nothing but a street thug. His mother couldn't control him, and it appears that no one else tried.

Z was a police reject, abuser, and sociopath. His parents got him out of everything due to his father being a judge.

He was smart enough to protect himself from a street thug! Bravo!
George Zimmerman is supposed to say he's sorry he didn't let a black thug murder him.
Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.


George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.
He was at his house. He could have just gone inside, called the police (which zimmerman actually did) and would have been over. he doubled back to confront zimmerman, and tried to assault him.

Z could have just stayed in his car and waited for the cops. He stalked TM and started a confrontation.

He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.
He did not stalk. Stalking as a crime implies a long term obsession with someone, someone you know. He FOLLOWED martin. He did not confront martin, martin confronted him.

The fact you have to lie just shows the weakness of your position, you pussy.

Again the most important witness was dead which is why it was framed as "followed" rather than "pursued."

If conservatives truly believe that GZ was innocent because he was in fear of his life then they're hypocritical if they say they would've thought Martin was guilty if he'd killed Zimmerman.


George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.

If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.
This is not going to look good on his resume that he submiits to the poilice department....

Oh no....Zimmy said he wants to be a lawyer so that he can "stop the miscarriage of justice that happened to me from happening to somebody else".

Yes, he really said that.

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