George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

The fact that he learned NOTHING means he is a special kind of stupid. He could have saved himself all this. ALL this. The media circus, the loss of a normal life, everything. All he had to do is call 911 and walk away.

It takes a special kind of stupid to say "I wouldn't change a thing about the worst thing I did in my life."

Right. Had Travon won the fight
And all Martin had to do was continue back to his house, instead of doubling back to go after the guy "chasing" him.

Martin is not here to have regrets, or not have regrets. This thread is about Zimmerman, who is 'homeless,' has no job but does have PTSD - and no regrets.

He didn't learn from the biggest mistake of his life.

That makes him stupid.

So he basically should have let Martin pound his head into the ground. Got it.

Or he should have just let crime riddle his neighborhood and not cared, because it wasn't his stuff being robbed. Got it.

He should have stayed in the car and not profiled TM.
Martin is not here to have regrets, or not have regrets. This thread is about Zimmerman, who is 'homeless,' has no job but does have PTSD - and no regrets.

He didn't learn from the biggest mistake of his life.

That makes him stupid.

So he basically should have let Martin pound his head into the ground. Got it.

Or he should have just let crime riddle his neighborhood and not cared, because it wasn't his stuff being robbed. Got it.

He should have stayed in the car and not profiled TM.

So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

The people robbing the neighborhood were described as young black men. so we can't describe suspects anymore?

and i forgot to add, go away you rep turned off pussy. Go wear your pink tutu.
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So he basically should have let Martin pound his head into the ground. Got it.

Or he should have just let crime riddle his neighborhood and not cared, because it wasn't his stuff being robbed. Got it.

He should have stayed in the car and not profiled TM.

So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

The people robbing the neighborhood were described as young black men. so we can't describe suspects anymore?

and i forgot to add, go away you rep turned off pussy. Go wear your pink tutu.

If some weird dude was following me I would physically impress on him to stop especially as a teenager. Z was told to stay in the car and let the police handle it. How do you know he did not confront TM? Is it because he said so? Oh I forgot to add. Make me go away. I turned off my rep because I dont care to give pussies like you the ability to relieve your stress by negging me. Pisses you off doesnt it?
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

You, apparently don't know what PTSD really is.

NBC/MSNBC is a big corporation. They can hold off on that lawsuit for decades.
SANFORD - George Zimmerman this week countersued his estranged wife, Shellie, for divorce.

What they'll be fighting over: Their two dogs, who pays the divorce lawyers and who pays for the $2.5 million or more in debt they've racked up.

The overwhelming majority of that debt is what George Zimmerman owes criminal defense attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West.

Oh, my word. He's counter-suing for divorce (happy Valentine's Day!) because he thinks she should have to pay half the legal bills!

George Zimmerman divorce - Orlando Sentinel

My friend ended up responsible for her husband's debts, even after she divorced him. I guess there's some law that makes your spouse equally as responsible for your debts. Maybe she should have divorced him before the trial?
He should have stayed in the car and not profiled TM.

So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

The people robbing the neighborhood were described as young black men. so we can't describe suspects anymore?

and i forgot to add, go away you rep turned off pussy. Go wear your pink tutu.

If some weird dude was following me I would physically impress on him to stop especially as a teenager. Z was told to stay in the car and let the police handle it. How do you know he did not confront TM? Is it because he said so? Oh I forgot to add. Make me go away. I turned off my rep because I dont care to give pussies like you the ability to relieve your stress by negging me. Pisses you off doesnt it?

It makes you look like a giant pussy, unable to back up what you post. If it bothers you being called on it, man up and turn your rep on.

All the evidence points to zimmerman losing Martin, heading back to his car when Martin accosted him.
So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon wasn't in fear of his life? Because according to the court he should be considered perfectly justified in attacking GZ!

Except Martin was heading AWAY from Martin before the altercation took place.
Making fun of his PTSD? That's low. And here I go thinking you couldn't get any more despicable. Grow up.

Kind of an insult to soldiers who suffer real PTSD for this bully and loser to claim he has it.

Maybe he's got PMS, and he got confused.

I don't know, you get your head pounded into the cement a few times and see if it doesn't make you a little goofy.
So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon wasn't in fear of his life? Because according to the court he should be considered perfectly justified in attacking GZ!

Except Martin was heading AWAY from Martin before the altercation took place.

Can you prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt? I wonder if Martin had been able to grab that gun off of his pursuer and fired it if he'd be free right now and doing interviews whining that people aren't sending him enough money.
PTSD can be self induced sometimes.

Self induced PTSD?

I wouldn't call it PTSD, I'd call it going crazy. And...............if either one is the case, Zimmerman shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.

I have mixed feelings on that. I really don't think anyone with PTSD should have a gun, but then again, I have a problem with taking guns away from our returning vets, many of whom have PTSD.
George Zimmerman is no more homeless than I am. No, I don't own a home. I rent my sister's lower level.

He's not living on the streets, or out of his vehicle. He is just not a homeowner at this point in time.

If he has no money to afford rent or a home, than he is considered homeless even if his family takes him in. Many people who do not own houses are not homeless, they just rent. The guys in our local shelter, they're homeless. My friend who has no money for rent and is living with her mom is technical homeless because her mother could kick her out at any moment.
This tread is like déjà vu. Do we really want to relive the 30,000 post Zimmerman thread that keeps repeating the same things over and over and over..........

No, we really don't, which is why I refuse to entertain those posts. My point, which Marty just countered beautifully, was that he should have regrets. And apparently, since he says both that he should have stayed home as well as saying he has no regrets, he is at least conflicted.

I agree with you that he should have regrets. If asked if he could do things over (like a Groundhog Day) you would think he might decide to spend the entire day in bed. Even though I believe the jury got the verdict right, I would characterize ZM as an idiot not a hero.
Conservatives don’t believe in ‘PTSD,’ it’s a cop-out, a dodge, a sign of mental weakness and refusal to take ‘personal responsibility.’

Bullshit. What I don't believe in is the watering down of the term to cover any form of life stress. It used to be called combat fatigue and shell shock to show the level of stress required to trigger it.

Zimmerman shot someone, so it does reach the level of the above.

He has no problem with THAT. The PTSD must be coming from somewhere else.

He'd do it again.

It was self defense. Are you saying that having defending himself, he has no right to defend himself again?
Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon wasn't in fear of his life? Because according to the court he should be considered perfectly justified in attacking GZ!

Except Martin was heading AWAY from Martin before the altercation took place.

Can you prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt? I wonder if Martin had been able to grab that gun off of his pursuer and fired it if he'd be free right now and doing interviews whining that people aren't sending him enough money.

So the burden of proof for me is I have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, but you are allowed to basically throw things in the air without backup?

What we have is the trial, and that is what the trial brought to life. Zimmerman was heading away from Martin when Martin confronted him.
This is not going to look good on his resume that he submiits to the poilice department....

He doesn't need a resume. All me needs is a good ghost writer to help him write about the trial then his book will sell millions.
So he basically should have let Martin pound his head into the ground. Got it.

Or he should have just let crime riddle his neighborhood and not cared, because it wasn't his stuff being robbed. Got it.

Marty? Have you ever heard of the concept "Personal responsibility." I'm only going to make this point one more time, and then I'll have to lower my perceptions of your IQ several points.

GZ has no regrets. That means he learned nothing. That's not a healthy, sane way to go through life.

What happened that night was undoubtedly the worst thing that happened in his life. Far and away, the worst.

And he is so narrow-minded, that he honestly can't see that he could have done it any better or different.

This isn't Monday morning quarterbacking of what happened that night. This is him looking back and saying "I could have avoided imminent death had I made some different choices - but meh! I'd do it all again."

That's either stupid or psychotic, or both.


Had Zimmerman only done as instructed by the police, remaining at his car or returning home, he’d be living a quite, private existence today.

And again, this is not hindsight being 20/20, as Zimmerman made the decision to disregard the authorities and place himself in a dangerous situation – consequently he has only himself to blame, and must indeed take personal responsibility, something he clearly refuses to do.

No one told him to stay in the car. In fact, the guy on the phone asked him "what's he doing now?" which is what prompted George to get out of the car and go see.
So getting out of your car and following (not confronting) someone gives the other person carte blanche to beat the crap out of him.

The people robbing the neighborhood were described as young black men. so we can't describe suspects anymore?

and i forgot to add, go away you rep turned off pussy. Go wear your pink tutu.

If some weird dude was following me I would physically impress on him to stop especially as a teenager. Z was told to stay in the car and let the police handle it. How do you know he did not confront TM? Is it because he said so? Oh I forgot to add. Make me go away. I turned off my rep because I dont care to give pussies like you the ability to relieve your stress by negging me. Pisses you off doesnt it?

It makes you look like a giant pussy, unable to back up what you post. If it bothers you being called on it, man up and turn your rep on.

All the evidence points to zimmerman losing Martin, heading back to his car when Martin accosted him.

How am I unable to back up what I post? Do you think I care what it looks like to you? What evidence points to Z heading back to his car? His word?

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