George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

No regrets.

That's not normal, when you've taken a life and in doing so, destroyed your own.

The actual statement:

Do you regret that you killed Trayvon Martin?”
George Zimmerman, Martin’s acquitted killer, had difficulty answering this in an interview CNN aired on Monday. “Unfortunately, the Department of Justice is conducting a civil rights investigation,” Zimmerman said. “Certainly, I think about that night and I think my life would be tremendously easier if I stayed home.”
This tread is like déjà vu. Do we really want to relive the 30,000 post Zimmerman thread that keeps repeating the same things over and over and over..........
No regrets.

That's not normal, when you've taken a life and in doing so, destroyed your own.

It's people like you that "destroyed" his life by falsely accusing him of murder
Trayvon Martin got exactly what he should have gotten considering his action that night!
It was not even an issue until radical black rabble rousers got involved where they had no business.


How dare he. Walking to the store WHILE BLACK?

Armed with Skittles AND Ice Tea?

Wearing a hoodie just like this one?

Going home to watch a game?

Running away from an armed stranger?

Yea, he got exactly what he deserved. Look at what he did.
This tread is like déjà vu. Do we really want to relive the 30,000 post Zimmerman thread that keeps repeating the same things over and over and over..........

No, we really don't, which is why I refuse to entertain those posts. My point, which Marty just countered beautifully, was that he should have regrets. And apparently, since he says both that he should have stayed home as well as saying he has no regrets, he is at least conflicted.
Trayvon Martin got exactly what he should have gotten considering his action that night!
It was not even an issue until radical black rabble rousers got involved where they had no business.


How dare he. Walking to the store WHILE BLACK?

Armed with Skittles AND Ice Tea?

Wearing a hoodie just like this one?

Going home to watch a game?

Running away from an armed stranger?

Yea, he got exactly what he deserved. Look at what he did.

Most people would try to run away from an armed stranger following us.

Most of us would fight back if that armed stranger caught us.

And, most people would hold the killer accountable for his actions.

Nutters don't think beyond their idiotic Might Mouse fantasy. All they see is how they'll be a big hero when they shoot the bad guy. Even if Trayvon had been a bad guy, even if the kid Dunn killed had been a bad guy, or the father texting in a theater had been a bad guy -

pulling the trigger changes one's life forever.

Being responsible for the death of another person changes your life.
No regrets.

That's not normal, when you've taken a life and in doing so, destroyed your own.

It's people like you that "destroyed" his life by falsely accusing him of murder

So gz is not responsible for his own actions.


What's typical is that dishonest lolberal argument from a hack like you, Muddly.

Zimmerman is of course responsible for his own actions. What he was NOT responsible for, legally, was "murder," since his actions were JUSTIFIED under the law by the misbehavior of his violent assailant, the now deceased Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman should NEVER have been charged with murder in the first damn place. And now, asshole lolberals are all upsetty-wetty that a miscarriage of justice was NOT the result.

Your version of modern American liberalism is a sickening thing to behold, Muddly.
This tread is like déjà vu. Do we really want to relive the 30,000 post Zimmerman thread that keeps repeating the same things over and over and over..........

No, we really don't, which is why I refuse to entertain those posts. My point, which Marty just countered beautifully, was that he should have regrets. And apparently, since he says both that he should have stayed home as well as saying he has no regrets, he is at least conflicted.

One can regret being forced to take a life, without regretting the follow-through. He also has to watch his ass not only for a DOJ investigation, but also for any civil suits against him. Saying you regret something can be seen as a guilt, not criminal guilt, but civil guilt.
Oh, that's just because he's got brain damage.

He's not very bright. That's for sure.

I don't think I realized just how unintelligent he is until this most recent interview.

And, he says he wants to be an attorney ......... ?
You know...on several occasions, I've seen posts here at USMB calling young black men feral, animals, etc. that are cowards and run in packs. Travon Martin was alone. Just a thought. He was alone.
You know...on several occasions, I've seen posts here at USMB calling young black men feral, animals, etc. that are cowards and run in packs. Travon Martin was alone. Just a thought. He was alone.
You are right. 'T' wasn't running in a pack like his fellow simians do.
And guess what happened? When he didn't have six of his 'crew' to back his play what happened? He 'got dead'.
Good lesson for all the other young black men: If you don't have a 'crew behind you' to help sucker-punch a fat hispanic and then attempt to murder him it's better to wait until your 'crew' can help you.
'T' too stupid. Now 'T' dead now 'T'.
If 'T' had a 'crew' that night George would have been dead and a bunch of simians would be eating/sleeping and watching TV for the rest of their lives in Federal prison paid for by the 'Makers'.
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

And moonbats like you have no regrets regarding the amount of time in their lives wasted obsessing over this guy ......... :thup:

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