George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

My dad told me "If someone is following you call the police.

To bad Trayvon's dad didn't teach him the same
I see the degenerates are kicking the innocent man around again.

You people are the scum of the earth, and no shocker, most of you are liberals.

nothing but racist pigs.

He wasn't a man. He was a boy.

And, you can't kick around someone who is already dead.


you filth are kicking Jorge around, again, and he is a man.

an innocent man that was set up by a racist bag of shit from MSNBC.

scum like you just can't admit you jumped on the hatewagon of racism and beat an innocent man down.

you 'people' are pure evil
Making fun of his PTSD? That's low. And here I go thinking you couldn't get any more despicable. Grow up.

Hey stupid.............mentioning the condition that someone has isn't making fun of them.

Here's what she actually said.......................

George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

She was simply stating his status, as well as how he feels. I challenge you to prove how this is making fun of his PTSD.

Try again stupid.

Ever heard of sarcasm? No, I don't think you have. Let karma bite you in the butt and never let go.
ABikerSailor....maybe he is not working as a cook because nobody will hire him. It would be a circus for any employer even contemplating hiring him.
He could be flipping burgers in the back but how fast would word spread he was there doing his job and the circus comes to town to take a look?

I wouldn't hire him for anything...I don't want my business picketed (or torched).
In our economic system its about personal choices at least that's what some claim. Its all about personal responsibility. Zimmerman made a choice. He made his decision. Now he lives with the consequences that come with that choice. No gray area here. I will not defend him ever. Nor do I root against him. He made his choice. One ends up how they are destined to end up probably.
A quick look at Zimmerman's life basically shows that he's where he wants to be.

While he probably would have been happier if he'd become a cop? He wouldn't have lasted.

He likes what he does. And he loves the spotlight.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own show on Fox yet.
Making fun of his PTSD? That's low. And here I go thinking you couldn't get any more despicable. Grow up.

Hey stupid.............mentioning the condition that someone has isn't making fun of them.

Here's what she actually said.......................

George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

She was simply stating his status, as well as how he feels. I challenge you to prove how this is making fun of his PTSD.

Try again stupid.

Ever heard of sarcasm? No, I don't think you have. Let karma bite you in the butt and never let go.

uh-oh ...

When templar starts these sideways wiggles, its just a matter of time before he posts one of his sobbing and whining threads about how wrong he was.

Templar, you were not being sarcastic. Why not just own up to making a mistake? It will save you a lot of posting later.
No no no. YOU liberoid idiots don't grasp the actual meaning of words.

It is simply NOT the case that a comment "you don't have to" is a directive NOT to do something.

For example, if I offer a nice old lady my seat on a subway train and she, being polite, tells me "Oh, you don't have to do that." She's right. I don't HAVE to. But I am free to do so anyway. Her comment is NOT a directive.

A cop telling Zimmerman that he doesn't HAVE to do something is simply NOT a directive to cease and desist. In fact, the cop on the phone had no authority to direct Zimmerman NOT to do what the law permitted Zimmerman to do.

No matter how many times you spin and peddle your obvious plodding hack lie, it remains just your lie.

All those silly verbal gymnastics. Give it a rest pussy. He was told to stay put and let the cops handle it.

To you laughably hackish dishonest liberal twats, it is "silly verbal gymnastics" to refer to the actual meaning of words and sentences.

No, you obviously willful lying sack of menstrual flow, he was ABSOLUTELY NOT told any such thing.

That you need to resort to such a whopping and massive unpersuasive lie reveals how weak you are in logic, debate, honesty and probably almost everything else in life.

You needle dick fly fucking vermin should really consider saying nothing at all rather than attempting to speak for your "side" since you only prove beyond doubt that your side has no interest in honesty. You are hostile to it.

Now, hurry back to your avocation, you rancid ****. Go suck a bag of dicks. :thup:

Why do your responses always sound like a whopping load of butt hurt?


He's a professional victim now. He said he wants to be a lawyer (LOL) but his own actions have made that impossible. (Is he so stupid that he does not know that?)

Instead, he just keeps doing things that are designed to get his name in the news again.


And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

George Zimmerman is the only "hispanic", "Democrat" that can live off charity, and still be adored by the right-wing.....I wonder why? All he had to do was shoot a black kid.....hmmm.

And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

George Zimmerman is the only "hispanic", "Democrat" that can live off charity, and still be adored by the right-wing.....I wonder why? All he had to do was shoot a black kid.....hmmm.

Nothing like wing nuts playing the drama card.

You could look at it as the only minority welfare case Democrats hate and despise.

He's a professional victim now. He said he wants to be a lawyer (LOL) but his own actions have made that impossible. (Is he so stupid that he does not know that?)

Instead, he just keeps doing things that are designed to get his name in the news again.


And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

Zimmerman’s problem is he has zero imagination, he needs to get creative about finding work.

For example, he could likely land a sweet deal with Fox as a ‘contributor.’

Or he could become a paid speaker and tour the various TPM conventions and events, he’d be a big hit – just look how much the right loves him on USMB alone.

And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

Zimmerman’s problem is he has zero imagination, he needs to get creative about finding work.

For example, he could likely land a sweet deal with Fox as a ‘contributor.’

Or he could become a paid speaker and tour the various TPM conventions and events, he’d be a big hit – just look how much the right loves him on USMB alone.

He needs an agent. Possibly a publicist.
He still should have called the police

Then the police may have shot him and claimed he attacked them.

Highly unlikely, however, some have to believe the conspiracy, to do otherwise destroys a concept they are unable to acknowledge.

Sometimes you people are clueless. Why do you think Black people don't like calling the cops or cooperating with them? Your reality is much different than ours.

Florida sheriff's deputies shoot unarmed black man in his own driveway - NY Daily News

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