George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!


And most on the right are his enablers, ‘victims’ just like Zimmerman.

I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

Zimmerman’s problem is he has zero imagination, he needs to get creative about finding work.

For example, he could likely land a sweet deal with Fox as a ‘contributor.’

Or he could become a paid speaker and tour the various TPM conventions and events, he’d be a big hit – just look how much the right loves him on USMB alone.

You could be his lawyer. Wait. You're not one. Scratch that.
I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

George Zimmerman is the only "hispanic", "Democrat" that can live off charity, and still be adored by the right-wing.....I wonder why? All he had to do was shoot a black kid.....hmmm.

Nothing like wing nuts playing the drama card.

You could look at it as the only minority welfare case Democrats hate and despise.

I'm sure you want to look at it that way, but even you would have a hard time believing it...what reason would we have? Conservatives are glad he killed a black kid....that there, is all the reason they need to defend him and idolize him.
I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

Zimmerman’s problem is he has zero imagination, he needs to get creative about finding work.

For example, he could likely land a sweet deal with Fox as a ‘contributor.’

Or he could become a paid speaker and tour the various TPM conventions and events, he’d be a big hit – just look how much the right loves him on USMB alone.

He needs an agent. Possibly a publicist.

Maybe Ann Coulter....they love her kind of vitriol.....:razz:
SANFORD - George Zimmerman this week countersued his estranged wife, Shellie, for divorce.

What they'll be fighting over: Their two dogs, who pays the divorce lawyers and who pays for the $2.5 million or more in debt they've racked up.

The overwhelming majority of that debt is what George Zimmerman owes criminal defense attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West.

Oh, my word. He's counter-suing for divorce (happy Valentine's Day!) because he thinks she should have to pay half the legal bills!

George Zimmerman divorce - Orlando Sentinel
What a guy ... in so many ways.
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George Zimmerman is the only "hispanic", "Democrat" that can live off charity, and still be adored by the right-wing.....I wonder why? All he had to do was shoot a black kid.....hmmm.

Nothing like wing nuts playing the drama card.

You could look at it as the only minority welfare case Democrats hate and despise.

I'm sure you want to look at it that way, but even you would have a hard time believing it...what reason would we have? Conservatives are glad he killed a black kid....that there, is all the reason they need to defend him and idolize him.

I'd be willing to be that liberals wished that Martin was killing other whites and blacks and then they would ignore it, just like they do in Chicago. See how easy this game is?

Sorry but to categorize conservatives as glad a black kid is dead is a gross misrepresentation of the opinion of conservatives. There are Neanderthals that believe that way, but the vast majority believe it was a tragic event and many have said so. But if it doesn't fit your reality, it doesn't matter.
Nothing like wing nuts playing the drama card.

You could look at it as the only minority welfare case Democrats hate and despise.

I'm sure you want to look at it that way, but even you would have a hard time believing it...what reason would we have? Conservatives are glad he killed a black kid....that there, is all the reason they need to defend him and idolize him.

I'd be willing to be that liberals wished that Martin was killing other whites and blacks and then they would ignore it, just like they do in Chicago. See how easy this game is?
Martin is would he be killing anyone? And, killing is no game, but I'm glad to find out you think so.

Sorry but to categorize conservatives as glad a black kid is dead is a gross misrepresentation of the opinion of conservatives. There are Neanderthals that believe that way, but the vast majority believe it was a tragic event and many have said so. But if it doesn't fit your reality, it doesn't matter.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean all conservatives, I just meant those that continue to defend and idolize GZ. It's like you've all adopted him and can't stand for anyone to criticize him, and he keeps messing up, and you all keep making excuses....what's the attraction?
I'm sure you want to look at it that way, but even you would have a hard time believing it...what reason would we have? Conservatives are glad he killed a black kid....that there, is all the reason they need to defend him and idolize him.

I'd be willing to be that liberals wished that Martin was killing other whites and blacks and then they would ignore it, just like they do in Chicago. See how easy this game is?
Martin is would he be killing anyone? And, killing is no game, but I'm glad to find out you think so.

Sorry but to categorize conservatives as glad a black kid is dead is a gross misrepresentation of the opinion of conservatives. There are Neanderthals that believe that way, but the vast majority believe it was a tragic event and many have said so. But if it doesn't fit your reality, it doesn't matter.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean all conservatives, I just meant those that continue to defend and idolize GZ. It's like you've all adopted him and can't stand for anyone to criticize him, and he keeps messing up, and you all keep making excuses....what's the attraction?

First comment is more English comprehension issues that I can't fix for you.

The second comment is more blatant ignorance and summation.

I went by the evidence, the evidence tells a story of two people that made very poor decisions and it turned tragic. The evidence shows self defense, it also showed poor judgement. The evidence shows that Zimmerman was not to bright. I suppose Zimmerman could be a racist, I know many liberals that are racist, however are nice to minorities, to their face, I would not know, however the evidence suggested he was not a racist. Martin's story is tragic, however it isn't any less tragic than the hundreds that are killed by senseless violence. The idea is it is some how worse than others death is puzzling. I see death as tragic as it is in Chicago and people seem to ignore it. It seems accepted, we had youths in my town kill an elderly war veteran, it was a terrible tragedy, is was senseless, and unwarranted, however it failed to get her the momentum that this case did.

So, when I defend Zimmerman, it is still a tragic story, where two people made dumb mistakes. Where one probably should not of followed, but broke no law doing so, where a 17 year old should of kept walking, I see two sides, I see a man in fear for his life with a young strong kid beating him, going for a gun. I see two parents that are now living in a terrible nightmare that won't end until they die. I don't think there was fore thought, that is was a stupid culmination of two people making bad choices.

It is certainly a story with two differing opinions.
Making fun of his PTSD? That's low. And here I go thinking you couldn't get any more despicable. Grow up.

Hey stupid.............mentioning the condition that someone has isn't making fun of them.

Here's what she actually said.......................

George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

She was simply stating his status, as well as how he feels. I challenge you to prove how this is making fun of his PTSD.

Try again stupid.

Hey stupid, merely calling attention to a condition for the admonishment of others is indeed making fun of them. Socially inept, aren't we? I know for a fact liberals like you loathed him with a passion, so what better way to appease your rage than to take potshots at his condition. What better way to do that than to draw attention to it. The way you folks critique Zimmerman's life is cruel.

Try again, stupid.
I'm talking stalked as in a literal term. Like a lion stalks its prey. Typing in all caps for your hero does nothing to disprove what I typed.

Try to be precise pussy. It makes it easier to understand the crap point you are trying to make pussy. And he didn't start the confrontation, Martin did pussy.

Try and learn how to read instead of inferring meanings apart from the literal one unless i say I'm writing a legal brief or a poem pussy. Z started the confrontation because he wanted to shoot a teenager. He is a bitch just like you pussy.

You have ZERO evidence of that, you fucking liar. Considering he had to go to his gun AFTER he was already on the ground, your attempted point is moot to begin with.

Cries of "Zimmerman was a racist" have already been refuted numerous times.

Its amazing the amount of lying you assholes have to do to shore up your tired, pathetic position.
I'm laughing......the far left on here is convinced that if they slander ZMan enough, its gonna change the outcome of the trial.

So.....just to keep the discussion real.........

Lets face it.....guy has like 100 million big fans.
I'm laughing......the far left on here is convinced that if they slander ZMan enough, its gonna change the outcome of the trial.

So.....just to keep the discussion real.........

Lets face it.....guy has like 100 million big fans.

And no job, no home and a lot of debt.

He didn't win. He has the mind of a child. But, ALEC won and that was all that mattered. You see, he became a liability after he had some five contacts with the police after the trial. His paintings are over simplistic and he has no real talent. It was more of a get rich scheme that went horribly wrong.

I'm sure that his true fans would love to help pay that debt off.
I'm finding it difficult to feel too sorry for a man who got away with murder.

It wasn't murder. It never was. There was no prior intent that 1st degree murder covers, no heat of the moment desire to kill a person for no reason that 2nd degree murder covers.

Even manslaughter is a stretch as he was committing no crime prior to the shooting, and he was able to show a definite fear of his life due to the actions of Martin.
I'm sure you want to look at it that way, but even you would have a hard time believing it...what reason would we have? Conservatives are glad he killed a black kid....that there, is all the reason they need to defend him and idolize him.

I'd be willing to be that liberals wished that Martin was killing other whites and blacks and then they would ignore it, just like they do in Chicago. See how easy this game is?
Martin is would he be killing anyone? And, killing is no game, but I'm glad to find out you think so.

Sorry but to categorize conservatives as glad a black kid is dead is a gross misrepresentation of the opinion of conservatives. There are Neanderthals that believe that way, but the vast majority believe it was a tragic event and many have said so. But if it doesn't fit your reality, it doesn't matter.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean all conservatives, I just meant those that continue to defend and idolize GZ. It's like you've all adopted him and can't stand for anyone to criticize him, and he keeps messing up, and you all keep making excuses....what's the attraction?
Sorry. Got my threads mixed up. I was sure you were referring to Obama's 'Jonestowner Sycophants'.
Look again yourself....
You said, "The only people who call him a "hero of the right" are leftists who realize they have no valid arguments with regards to this topic, and have to resort to smearing," and I answered both ...

I answered your denial that the right holds him up as a hero, which they claim tacitly with their deeds.

And I answered your denial that the left have any valid arguments given his refusal to have any regrets for that evening even with the benefit of hindsight, despite how horrible it ended for all parties involved.

Find me one right leaning person that calls him a hero.

Find one.
Ok, so you don't know the definition of, "tacitly."
You said, "The only people who call him a "hero of the right" are leftists who realize they have no valid arguments with regards to this topic, and have to resort to smearing," and I answered both ...

I answered your denial that the right holds him up as a hero, which they claim tacitly with their deeds.

And I answered your denial that the left have any valid arguments given his refusal to have any regrets for that evening even with the benefit of hindsight, despite how horrible it ended for all parties involved.

Find me one right leaning person that calls him a hero.

Find one.
Ok, so you don't know the definition of, "tacitly."

No, I'm calling you out for a bullshit statement that is at best a false generalization, and at worst an outright lie.

Had Zimmerman only done as instructed by the police, remaining at his car or returning home, he’d be living a quite, private existence today.

And again, this is not hindsight being 20/20, as Zimmerman made the decision to disregard the authorities and place himself in a dangerous situation – consequently he has only himself to blame, and must indeed take personal responsibility, something he clearly refuses to do.

No one told him to stay in the car. In fact, the guy on the phone asked him "what's he doing now?" which is what prompted George to get out of the car and go see.

Yes the dispatcher did tell Z to stay in his car.

911 Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah"

911 Dispatcher: "Ok, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: "Ok."
The dispatcher wasn't telling Zimmerman to stay in his car as he was already out of his car and the sudden increase in wind noise likely made that apparent to the dispatcher which prompted him to ask Zimmerman if he was following. What the dispatcher did insinuate was that he stop following Martin -- which Zimmerman summarily ignored.
I have to give him credit.

He knows his enablers, his "base". He will never be free from what he did. He'll never be out of debt, never pay his own way. The best he can hope for is to stay in the public eye and keeps selling his "paintings".

I wonder if his debtors will one day get sick of seeing his self-serving, "poor-little-me" act and move to attach his income. They'll never see a cent of what he owes unless they force him to pay up.

And, I repeat - gz brought this on himself.

Zimmerman’s problem is he has zero imagination, he needs to get creative about finding work.

For example, he could likely land a sweet deal with Fox as a ‘contributor.’

Or he could become a paid speaker and tour the various TPM conventions and events, he’d be a big hit – just look how much the right loves him on USMB alone.

He needs an agent. Possibly a publicist.

Not a bad idea at all but since he does not pay his bills, who would be dumb enough to take him on as a client?

Yeah, he needs to get a gig on fux. Or, maybe free lance with a traitor like Alex Jones.

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