George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

No one told him to stay in the car. In fact, the guy on the phone asked him "what's he doing now?" which is what prompted George to get out of the car and go see.

Yes the dispatcher did tell Z to stay in his car.

911 Dispatcher: "Are you following him?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah"

911 Dispatcher: "Ok, we don't need you to do that.

Zimmerman: "Ok."
The dispatcher wasn't telling Zimmerman to stay in his car as he was already out of his car and the sudden increase in wind noise likely made that apparent to the dispatcher which prompted him to ask Zimmerman if he was following. What the dispatcher did insinuate was that he stop following Martin -- which Zimmerman summarily ignored.

Still not an act justifying Martin's assault on Zimmerman.

I wouldn't venture to call a deadbeat millions of dollars in debt, unmarried facing divorce, jobless, ugly, fat, bald, racist, barely decipherable, and with a history of violence against women and teenage boys a "Winner".

If that's a "winner" what does it make you?
Yes the dispatcher did tell Z to stay in his car.
The dispatcher wasn't telling Zimmerman to stay in his car as he was already out of his car and the sudden increase in wind noise likely made that apparent to the dispatcher which prompted him to ask Zimmerman if he was following. What the dispatcher did insinuate was that he stop following Martin -- which Zimmerman summarily ignored.

Still not an act justifying Martin's assault on Zimmerman.
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.
SANFORD - George Zimmerman this week countersued his estranged wife, Shellie, for divorce.

What they'll be fighting over: Their two dogs, who pays the divorce lawyers and who pays for the $2.5 million or more in debt they've racked up.

The overwhelming majority of that debt is what George Zimmerman owes criminal defense attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West.

Oh, my word. He's counter-suing for divorce (happy Valentine's Day!) because he thinks she should have to pay half the legal bills!

George Zimmerman divorce - Orlando Sentinel

From the article:

What they'll be fighting over: Their two dogs, who pays the divorce lawyers and who pays for the $2.5 million or more in debt they've racked up.

The overwhelming majority of that debt is what George Zimmerman owes criminal defense attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West.

Zimmerman's divorce countersuit, filed Monday, says that Shellie should be required "to pay all debts incurred by the parties prior to the dissolution of marriage."

It also alleges that Zimmerman doesn't have enough money to pay his divorce lawyer, Erin Duncan of Orlando, but that Shellie does, so she should have to.

This guy is a real piece of work. Beats her up, breaks up the furniture and then wants her to pay for it.

Is there anything he's responsible for? When will be become an adult and have to take responsibility for his own actions?

He's the ex from hell.

George was allowed to "follow" Trayvon. Indeed, Trayvon was "allowed" to walk up to Zimmerman and argue in his face about why Zimmerman was acting as he was.

What Trayvon was NOT lawfully allowed to do was pummel Zimmerman and pound Zimmerman's skull into the concrete. Sadly, that is what the evidence clearly shows Trayvon DID.

Under those circumstances, it is OF COURSE true that Zimmerman was legally JUSTIFIED in using physical force (even deadly force) to prevent the threat of grievous bodily injury or death to himself.

Since Zimmerman did not visit any physical violence upon Trayvon (until he fought back in self defense with the gun shot), Trayvon would NOT have been justified in making a confrontation with Zimmerman a physical one. There could be no possibility of "self defense" or "justification" being "necessary" where Trayvon was not even being physically attacked or threatened with an imminent physical attack.

The result is beyond valid debate: Zimmerman deserved his acquittal and there is zero "hypocrisy" in noting the obvious differences.

If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

And Zimmerman said the screams, which he claimed were his, didn't sound like him either. Clearly, whomever it was that was screaming, was not recognizable.
The dispatcher wasn't telling Zimmerman to stay in his car as he was already out of his car and the sudden increase in wind noise likely made that apparent to the dispatcher which prompted him to ask Zimmerman if he was following. What the dispatcher did insinuate was that he stop following Martin -- which Zimmerman summarily ignored.

Still not an act justifying Martin's assault on Zimmerman.
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.

Why would a guy heading back to his car start a confrontation?

It seems more likely a guy who was ALREADY HOME and had to go out seeking the guy following him would be the one to start the confrontation.
If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

And Zimmerman said the screams, which he claimed were his, didn't sound like him either. Clearly, whomever it was that was screaming, was not recognizable.
George was seen by an eye witness who testified he saw George laying face up on the ground with a ...... on top of George. The ........ was banging George's head against the concrete.
Of course the screams could have been coming from one of our 'T' Boners' on this form who claims she was screaming b/c one of Obama's White unicorns was stepping on her foot.
If Trayvon had taken the gun he'd be the only witness. "He pulled a gun on me your honor and I did all I could to take it to protect myself."

What in the world is so hard to follow about that? Martin would've gotten off on the SAME reasoning that GZ did.

Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

And Zimmerman said the screams, which he claimed were his, didn't sound like him either. Clearly, whomever it was that was screaming, was not recognizable.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

Where was their testimony?
Still not an act justifying Martin's assault on Zimmerman.
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.

Why would a guy heading back to his car start a confrontation?

It seems more likely a guy who was ALREADY HOME and had to go out seeking the guy following him would be the one to start the confrontation.

For all anyone knows, Zimmerman attempted to apprehend Martin until police arrived. For all anyone knows, Zimmerman brandished his firearm to intimidate Martin. The point is, no one knows except for Zimmerman, so we actually don't know if Martin's actions were justified or not, just like we don't know if Zimmerman's actions were justified or not.
Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

And Zimmerman said the screams, which he claimed were his, didn't sound like him either. Clearly, whomever it was that was screaming, was not recognizable.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

Where was their testimony?

Some of the witnesses' testimony changed over time. And if Zimmerman was screaming like a little girl, I can see where a witness thought they heard a boy screaming.
Except that he was seen beating the crap out of Zimmerman while Zimmerman screamed for help like a little girl. Even Trayvon's dad, the first time he heard the 911 call said those scream weren't coming from his son.

And Zimmerman said the screams, which he claimed were his, didn't sound like him either. Clearly, whomever it was that was screaming, was not recognizable.

What Everyone Should Know About Trayvon Martin (1995-2012) | ThinkProgress

Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

Where was their testimony?
One 'witness' was so obviously mentally ill the Prosecution got her off the stand ASAP and she was never heard of agin. The entire court room was embarrassed having to watch her basically tell the court she saw things that were physically impossible. The Prosecution agreed.
The Prosecution experts refuted the other two testimonies as being basically impossible to verify.
That was about the time good old Bernie started his new tactic of screaming at the all woman jury while he tried to become airborne by flapping his arms. He was as crazy as the crazy lady.
Now that AC and her merry band of morons has again over charged and failed I wonder how many people are lining up for her services?
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I see the degenerates are kicking the innocent man around again.

You people are the scum of the earth, and no shocker, most of you are liberals.

nothing but racist pigs.
Zimmerman is not innocent. He's not guilty.
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.

Why would a guy heading back to his car start a confrontation?

It seems more likely a guy who was ALREADY HOME and had to go out seeking the guy following him would be the one to start the confrontation.

For all anyone knows, Zimmerman attempted to apprehend Martin until police arrived. For all anyone knows, Zimmerman brandished his firearm to intimidate Martin. The point is, no one knows except for Zimmerman, so we actually don't know if Martin's actions were justified or not, just like we don't know if Zimmerman's actions were justified or not.

And if thats all you got, then basically you are hoping and praying that some of this may be true, when ALL of the other evidence, even without zimmerman's testimony points to Martin going back toward zimmerman AFTER zimmerman had lost him, and AFTER he was safely home, and starting a confrontation that ended with martin pummelling zimmerman, and zimmerman shooting martin in self defense.
I bet being homeless and jobless haven't stopped him from being fat. I thought he'd be a millionaire by now, at least that is what many on here claimed, due to his lawsuit with NBC.
Still retrying this case in the court of imagination.

Zimmerman himself finally figured it out. He was a useful tool for the anti non black government and the attorney general.

Zimmerman: I Was a ?Scapegoat? for the Government, President, Attorney General | Truth Revolt
Despite virulent pushback in the Twittersphere, CNN aired Chris Cuomo’s interview with George Zimmerman Monday morning on "New Day." During the interview Zimmerman called himself a scapegoat for the political purposes of the "government, the president, the attorney general."

This explains the rise in violence from the sons of obama since the trial.
I see the degenerates are kicking the innocent man around again.

You people are the scum of the earth, and no shocker, most of you are liberals.

nothing but racist pigs.
Zimmerman is not innocent. He's not guilty.
Call him whatever you want.
The piece of shit simian would be alive today if he hadn't had a full blown case of HPD and 'Blue-Balls' from 'phone-fucking' a hippopotamus all day if he had just turned the door knob and gone inside instead of going to find George then walking up to George and sucker-punching' him then climbing aboard and, as an eye witness testified was banging George's head onto the side walk and attempting get hold of George's gun.
Still not an act justifying Martin's assault on Zimmerman.
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.

Why would a guy heading back to his car start a confrontation?

It seems more likely a guy who was ALREADY HOME and had to go out seeking the guy following him would be the one to start the confrontation.

The only persons word we have on that is Z's. I dont believe shit he says, especially that he was suddenly heading back to his car. TM may have already been home but wanted to safe guard that home against some retard stalking him.
I see the degenerates are kicking the innocent man around again.

You people are the scum of the earth, and no shocker, most of you are liberals.

nothing but racist pigs.
Zimmerman is not innocent. He's not guilty.
Call him whatever you want.
The piece of shit simian would be alive today if he hadn't had a full blown case of HPD and 'Blue-Balls' from 'phone-fucking' a hippopotamus all day if he had just turned the door knob and gone inside instead of going to find George then walking up to George and sucker-punching' him then climbing aboard and, as an eye witness testified was banging George's head onto the side walk and attempting get hold of George's gun.
And I would imagine Martin would have regrets about that day. What this thread is about is ... why doesn't Zimmerman?

And speaking of a purported attempt to get Zimmerman's gun .... Zimmerman claims Martin never touched it, yet a friend of his testified that Zimmerman told him he had to wrestle the gun from Martin. Which one of them was lying?
Since we don't know who actually initiated the physical confrontation nor do we know if Martin was provoked, we'll never know if that's true or not.

Why would a guy heading back to his car start a confrontation?

It seems more likely a guy who was ALREADY HOME and had to go out seeking the guy following him would be the one to start the confrontation.

The only persons word we have on that is Z's. I dont believe shit he says, especially that he was suddenly heading back to his car. TM may have already been home but wanted to safe guard that home against some retard stalking him.

That is so much of a stretch its comical. The location of the altercation, as well as the time of zimmerman's call to the police and the statements of zimmerman's girlfriend give the timeline.

But just keep making crap up. its comical and sad at the same time.

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