George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

And yet, Zimmerman has a longer rap sheet. :doubt:
Not true, Trayvon is a convicted felon

CNN: Trayvon Martin Was Found GUILTY OF Aggravated Assault... |

Do you know what "implied" means? God you're dumb. Does that take practice or is it naturally from inbreeding?

Grade one logic. If some one is being burnt b/c there is something burning them. If the person being burnt stops whatever is burning them and the person is then no longer being burnt some thing was present that was causing the burning that is now no longer causing the burning.
Apart from some seriously mentally ill 'T-Boner's who still claim George's injuries were self-inflicted to hide the 'fact' that he went out that night looking to murder a 'Black child all sane people understand that some one was inflicting the injuries on George. The only person who could have been doing that was the simian the eye witness saw was on top of George beating George's head against the concrete.
That person was in the act of committing felony assault on George. Had the cops arrived a few seconds earlier they would have dragged 'T' off George and 'T' would have been charged and convicted of felony assault.
Hence 'T' is a convicted felon. Only dead. 'In absentia' as it were. HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!
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Grade one logic. If some one is being burnt b/c there is something burning them. If the person being burnt stops whatever is burning them and the person is then no longer being burnt some thing was present that was causing the burning that is now no longer causing the burning.
Apart from some seriously mentally ill 'T-Boner's who still claim George's injuries were self-inflicted to hide the 'fact' that he went out that night looking to murder a 'Black child all sane people understand that some one was inflicting the injuries on George. The only person who could have been doing that was the simian the eye witness saw was on top of George beating George's head against the concrete.
That person was in the act of committing felony assault on George. Had the cops arrived a few seconds earlier they would have dragged 'T' off George and 'T' would have been charged and convicted of felony assault.
Hence 'T' is a convicted felon. Only dead. 'In absentia' as it were. HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!

Is English your first language?
Grade one logic. If some one is being burnt b/c there is something burning them. If the person being burnt stops whatever is burning them and the person is then no longer being burnt some thing was present that was causing the burning that is now no longer causing the burning.
Apart from some seriously mentally ill 'T-Boner's who still claim George's injuries were self-inflicted to hide the 'fact' that he went out that night looking to murder a 'Black child all sane people understand that some one was inflicting the injuries on George. The only person who could have been doing that was the simian the eye witness saw was on top of George beating George's head against the concrete.
That person was in the act of committing felony assault on George. Had the cops arrived a few seconds earlier they would have dragged 'T' off George and 'T' would have been charged and convicted of felony assault.
Hence 'T' is a convicted felon. Only dead. 'In absentia' as it were. HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!

Is English your first language?

Well we all know that cock sucking is your first language, dipshit.
Do you know what "implied" means? God you're dumb. Does that take practice or is it naturally from inbreeding?


The question needed to be asked. There has to be a reason.

Martin SHOULD have been a convicted felon were it not for the corrupt Demofascists in the police department and his school providing him cover when caught with illegal drugs and burglary tools with stolen goods.
Grade one logic. If some one is being burnt b/c there is something burning them. If the person being burnt stops whatever is burning them and the person is then no longer being burnt some thing was present that was causing the burning that is now no longer causing the burning.
Apart from some seriously mentally ill 'T-Boner's who still claim George's injuries were self-inflicted to hide the 'fact' that he went out that night looking to murder a 'Black child all sane people understand that some one was inflicting the injuries on George. The only person who could have been doing that was the simian the eye witness saw was on top of George beating George's head against the concrete.
That person was in the act of committing felony assault on George. Had the cops arrived a few seconds earlier they would have dragged 'T' off George and 'T' would have been charged and convicted of felony assault.
Hence 'T' is a convicted felon. Only dead. 'In absentia' as it were. HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!
Almost. Worth repeating Trayvon Martin guilty of aggravated assault & battery with intent to kill or maim.
Grade one logic. If some one is being burnt b/c there is something burning them. If the person being burnt stops whatever is burning them and the person is then no longer being burnt some thing was present that was causing the burning that is now no longer causing the burning.
Apart from some seriously mentally ill 'T-Boner's who still claim George's injuries were self-inflicted to hide the 'fact' that he went out that night looking to murder a 'Black child all sane people understand that some one was inflicting the injuries on George. The only person who could have been doing that was the simian the eye witness saw was on top of George beating George's head against the concrete.
That person was in the act of committing felony assault on George. Had the cops arrived a few seconds earlier they would have dragged 'T' off George and 'T' would have been charged and convicted of felony assault.
Hence 'T' is a convicted felon. Only dead. 'In absentia' as it were. HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!

Is English your first language?

Well we all know that cock sucking is your first language, dipshit.
Did we
touch a nerve' sweet heart?
Need a mint? Sometimes in life when the truth is spoken some people who refuse to accept the truth lash out at the truth speakers. I dare say this is what is occurring in your case darling.
You can pick some up on your way to your 'good paying green job' right? You and the other 5 million employees Bobo promised right?
'Monkey-boy dead now?" That's right DD 'monkey-boy dead now. "Me DD now?" That's right DD you are you now.

The GZ/TM trial is over and done with....the life of GZ is not. Why is it that the rw gets so upset anytime anything is brought up about GZ? Do you own him? He's a public figure now, no different than any other public figure, so quit whining when GZ does something stupid and it is brought up again.....this thread is not about his're the ones that have brought that up again.

Because the lies you libtards keep spreading about GZ are all based on TM being an innocent child. He was a criminal and a thug.
Don't be an idiot. The fact that GZ attacked his girlfriend and was in the news has nothing to do with his killing TM....this latest story has nothing to do with the GZ/TM incident, it's something new....but, you're obsessed with GZ, and I wonder why.....what has he done for you?

Fuck him, the little bastard.
You're pathetic....going after a dead said you would trade places with GZ....well, wait until he kills again...he may need you to trade places with him sound dumb enough to do something like that.
Since you area a sadistic fascist, I have no doubt that you love personal misfortune befalling people, as you are evil.

But God is just and no one escapes what they deserve in the end.

That goes for you case you think you are exempt.....:)

Lol, I know I am not exempt, idiot.

But I do know that I am forgiven, and I doubt you have a clue what that means.

You're the one that doesn't have a clue what that means. Being forgiven doesn't give you license to continue sinning and continue "hating". You have so much hate in your heart, there's hardly room for the Holy Spirit to work in there....think about that instead of acting so "holier than thou" - you have no idea what being forgiven means.

1 John 4:20 ESV
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
That is a good possibility, I didn't think about that one. I said before, it looks like Karma has decided to have a little chat with Zimmerman.

I hope he makes it through.

True. As the old saying goes "There is no expiration date on Karma".

Whether he is homeless or rich, he will always have to live with the knowledge he killed another person, and that is a fucked up thing to have to live with, no matter who you are.

But all the same, I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt than be feeding the worms.

Everyone is going to be feeding the worms one day....and for someone that claims to be with guilt is not what one that is forgiven lives with. You claim to be forgiven, but you're only fooling yourself.
Zimmerman deserves all of the bad fortune that is coming his way. I love it.


Same goes for you.

Since you area a sadistic fascist, I have no doubt that you love personal misfortune befalling people, as you are evil.

But God is just and no one escapes what they deserve in the end.

That goes for you case you think you are exempt.....:)

I'm sure it does. However, I seldom have bad days. Conservatives seem perpetually angry at everything, everyone, everyday. It must be hard to cheer for those who murder kids, state we don't have gun problem with 10,000+ gun deaths a year, cheer when companies fail since we have a democrat president, pray for civil war, and scape goat any non white, non-christian, non-male, non-heterosexual group as to what is wrong.

History is leaving you guys behind. It can't happen soon enough.
Since you area a sadistic fascist, I have no doubt that you love personal misfortune befalling people, as you are evil.

But God is just and no one escapes what they deserve in the end.

That goes for you case you think you are exempt.....:)

I'm sure it does. However, I seldom have bad days. Conservatives seem perpetually angry at everything, everyone, everyday. It must be hard to cheer for those who murder kids, state we don't have gun problem with 10,000+ gun deaths a year, cheer when companies fail since we have a democrat president, pray for civil war, and scape goat any non white, non-christian, non-male, non-heterosexual group as to what is wrong.

Yes, that's's hard to believe they follow Christ and yet have such disdain for others...even if people don't agree politically, those that claim to be Christian are under mandate to love others....but, you can't tell by their sheer hate-filled vitriol that they do. And, to denigrate a person that is already dead is lower than curb scum.

History is leaving you guys behind. It can't happen soon enough.
Not all Christians fall under that category, thank goodness, and yes, they are behind the times.
Its like OJ. He got away with murder too and yet, he really didn't. He screwed up his own life, just like gz did.

No sympathy from me for either of them.

Great analysis

Comparing Simpson's pre-meditated murder of his wife and that guy with Zimmerman's self defense is about as stupid as you can get.

Your right...Simpson was likely a crime of passion. GZ had plenty of time to think about it while he stalked his prey.

Not going to end well for him.


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