George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Umm... Travon Martin had only been in Sanford about a week. Just a couple of years short (at least) of the crime spree in the Retreat. Which, coincidentally, is about how far away your brain is from reality. :cuckoo:

Great example of libtard inability to think.

I didn't say that Martin was responsible for all the robberies, idiot, but only that it appeared he might have been scouting for them when he was at his fathers.

But his death signaled the robbers needed to move on and apparently did.

Your desire to believe your partisan talking points interferes with your ability to think, analyze and think outside the box you have voluntarily put yourself in.

In short, you are a libtard.

I don't know about the country you live in but here in the US, we don't kill people because of what they might be thinking about doing.

Again, your inability to actually read and think blinds you.

I did not say that Martin's apparent snooping for another robbery made him eligible to be shot dead. I said it was reason for GZ to exit his vehicle and observe what Martin was doing, you stupid ass.

See, its that pesky Constitution that you rw's hate so much. Always getting in your way, huh.

Lol, talk about projection!

Come one people, admit it. If Zimmerman had chased down and shot an unarmed white teen, he would be sitting on death row. Even if the teen looked like this:


GZ did not chase down anyone, you fucking liar.
Zimmerman deserves all of the bad fortune that is coming his way. I love it.


Same goes for you.

Since you area a sadistic fascist, I have no doubt that you love personal misfortune befalling people, as you are evil.

But God is just and no one escapes what they deserve in the end.

Love it when good things happen to good people and when bad things happen to bad people...

And one day you will find out that karma is a real bitch, bitch.
Its like OJ. He got away with murder too and yet, he really didn't. He screwed up his own life, just like gz did.

No sympathy from me for either of them.

No, its not like OJ as we know what happened with GZ and knowing the full facts the jury decided he was innocent, you fucking idiot.

No outrage unless the victims are republican

No self-righteous indignation unless you can lie about what people say..... how fascist.
I did not say that Martin's apparent snooping for another robbery made him eligible to be shot dead. I said it was reason for GZ to exit his vehicle and observe what Martin was doing, you stupid ass.

Now martin was apparently snooping for [another] robbery??
Umm... Travon Martin had only been in Sanford about a week. Just a couple of years short (at least) of the crime spree in the Retreat. Which, coincidentally, is about how far away your brain is from reality. :cuckoo:

Great example of libtard inability to think.

I didn't say that Martin was responsible for all the robberies, idiot, but only that it appeared he might have been scouting for them when he was at his fathers.

But his death signaled the robbers needed to move on and apparently did.

Your desire to believe your partisan talking points interferes with your ability to think, analyze and think outside the box you have voluntarily put yourself in.

In short, you are a libtard.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Talk about brain-dead righties ... moron, I didn't say you attributed all of the robberies to him. I pointed out the flaw in your logic by falsely claiming that Martin, who had been there for just about a week, was [apparently] part of a gang of robbers hitting the retreat for years.

The biggest problem you have there is that you completely made that up from your brain-diseased rightarded imagination. In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, you have not a shred of evidence of any of that. You have no evidence the robberies were committed by a "gang of robbers." You have no evidence Martin "worked" for your imaginary gang. You have no evidence Martin was scouting apartments. You have no evidence the robberies stopped with his death. In fact, there have been 3 robberies plus 5 others arrested for various crimes there since September and that's not even the entire neighborhood. You also [falsely] claimed he was at his father's. He wasn't, he was at his father's girlfriend's. You also [falsely] claimed his records were sealed, they weren't.

Basically, nothing you said was accurate. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: In other words, typical rightarded post.

Lol, you seem to have an obsession with making straw man arguments.

There is plenty of evidence to show that Martin's father was in a gang and the gang had something to do with the robberies, either fencing or trading for drugs, who knows what.

But none of that matters to you if it gets in the way of you hating on GZ for the crime of defending himself from a punk.

Trayvons high school records were sealed. The evidence of his involvement in robberies was sealed. He had a history of gang violence use of illegal narcotics and the world is a better place without him here.

GZ should be given a medal for helping to keep this planet cleaner by filtering out some libtard trash.
And yet, Zimmerman has a longer rap sheet. :doubt:
Not true, Trayvon is a convicted felon

CNN: Trayvon Martin Was Found GUILTY OF Aggravated Assault... |
Yes, it is true. Zimmerman was arrested twice and convicted of a crime once.

Martin had never been arrested, no less convicted, of any crimes.

The article you linked from some rightwing site, while amusing, does not actually mean Martin had a record. First and foremost, it's based on the premise that Martin struck Zimmerman first. That has never been proven. So there goes the false assertion that he was "found guilty" of any crime. It's also amusing that claims there is a video, which they presumably would have had to have a copy of since they were able to produce a transcript -- yet they now claim they can't locate the video. It's entirely possible that dialog, which they ascribed to CNN legal analysts, was actual a product of their own making. Who knows? But since they can't produce a video, they can't prove such a show ever aired.


Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended three times and caught with 'burglary tool' | Mail Online

Trayvon suspended THREE times for 'drugs, truancy, graffiti and carrying burglary tool' and did he attack bus driver too? New picture emerges of victim as parents claim it's all a smear
The teen was suspended from school three times
He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness
Tearful parents say their son is now the victim of a smear campaign

Fuck that little shit, I hope he is burning in hell.
George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

The GZ/TM trial is over and done with....the life of GZ is not. Why is it that the rw gets so upset anytime anything is brought up about GZ? Do you own him? He's a public figure now, no different than any other public figure, so quit whining when GZ does something stupid and it is brought up again.....this thread is not about his're the ones that have brought that up again.

Because the lies you libtards keep spreading about GZ are all based on TM being an innocent child. He was a criminal and a thug.

Fuck him, the little bastard.
Karma? Trayvon learned that karma is a bitch after he got shot for attacking someone.
Zimmerman deserves all of the bad fortune that is coming his way. I love it.


Same goes for you.

Since you area a sadistic fascist, I have no doubt that you love personal misfortune befalling people, as you are evil.

But God is just and no one escapes what they deserve in the end.

That goes for you case you think you are exempt.....:)

Lol, I know I am not exempt, idiot.

But I do know that I am forgiven, and I doubt you have a clue what that means.
ABikerSailor....maybe he is not working as a cook because nobody will hire him. It would be a circus for any employer even contemplating hiring him.
He could be flipping burgers in the back but how fast would word spread he was there doing his job and the circus comes to town to take a look?

That is a good possibility, I didn't think about that one. I said before, it looks like Karma has decided to have a little chat with Zimmerman.

I hope he makes it through.

True. As the old saying goes "There is no expiration date on Karma".

Whether he is homeless or rich, he will always have to live with the knowledge he killed another person, and that is a fucked up thing to have to live with, no matter who you are.

But all the same, I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt than be feeding the worms.
That is a good possibility, I didn't think about that one. I said before, it looks like Karma has decided to have a little chat with Zimmerman.

I hope he makes it through.

True. As the old saying goes "There is no expiration date on Karma".

Nope. Poor Georgie Z is going to be haunted for as long as he plays the victim card.

Bullshit, he is a victim of the ideological fanaticism of libtards like you, bitch.
Karma? Trayvon learned that karma is a bitch after he got shot for attacking someone.

True, but the lying libtards are determined to keep the public record stacked against GZ and in favor of TM.

In twenty years little kids in US public schools will be taught that GZ hunted down, tortured and killed St Skittles in cold blood.
Police buried Trayvon?s criminal history

Some deaths are more politically useful than others.

Twenty years ago this week, the Clinton administration ordered a tank assault on the Mount Carmel community, killing 39 racial minorities, 26 of them black. The Clintons and the media suppressed the racial data so rigorously that I doubt even Al Sharpton knows about the black dead at Waco.

A year ago Feb. 26, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla., and within a month every sentient person on the planet knew “Trayvon” by name.

What they did not know was Martin’s background. Sanford Police Department (SPD) investigator Chris Serino, for instance, said publicly of Martin, “This child has no criminal record whatsoever.” He called Martin “a good kid, a mild-mannered kid.” The media almost universally sustained this tragically false narrative.

Martin had the seeming good fortune of attending school in the Miami-Dade School District, the fourth-largest district in the country and one of the few with its own police department.

For a variety of reasons, none of them good, elements within the SPD and the Miami-Dade School District Police Department, or M-DSPD, conspired to keep Martin’s criminal history buried.

As part of its mission the M-DSPD was allegedly trying to divert offending students, especially black males, from the criminal justice system. As the Martin death would prove, the M-DSPD diverted offending students to nothing beyond its own statistical glory.

The exposure of M-DSPD practices began inadvertently on March 26, 2012, when the Miami Herald, the one mainstream outlet to do real reporting on the case, ran a story on Martin’s background.

The Herald’s headline, “Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin,” should have caused the other media to seek the truth about the very nearly sanctified Martin.

It did not. What it did do was to cause M-DSPD Police Chief Charles Hurley to launch a major Internal Affairs (IA) investigation into the possible leak of this information to the Herald.

At the end of the day, Hurley rather wished he had not. The detectives questioned told the truth about Martin and about the policies that kept him out of the justice system. Hurley would be demoted and forced out of the department within a year.

We now know what the detectives revealed thanks to a recently fulfilled Freedom of Information Act request filed by the dogged researchers at a blogging collective known as The Conservative Treehouse. The “Treepers” have literally done more good work on the Martin case than all the newsrooms in America combined.

On Feb. 15, 2012, 11 days before Martin’s death, the Miami-Dade County Public Schools put out a press release boasting of a 60 percent decline in school-based arrests, the largest decline by far in the state.

“While our work is not completed, we are making tremendous progress in moving toward a pure prevention model,” Hurley told the Tampa Bay Times, “with enforcement as a last resort and an emphasis on education.”

Hurley’s detectives, all of them veterans with excellent records, told a different story under oath when questioned by Internal Affairs. They knew the shell game was about to be exposed upon first learning that Martin was one of their students and outside agencies would be requesting his records.

“Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley.

Libtards lie, lie, and lie more as often as they can. Don't ever believe a god damned thing that comes out of a libtards mouth as they would lie about the color of shit for no gain or reason.

They are just liars who love to lie for its own sake.

They pretend to be nice and friendly but they will turn on you in a heartbeat and turn on themselves as well. All the liars that lied to get people executed, from the French Revolution, to the Paris Commune, to Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, all of them eventually started lying about each other.

And then started killing each other in purge after purge.

Lying, thieving, murderous bastards each and every one of them.

They could not care less that GZ killed TM in self defense. That is immaterial. It is the over all narrative that they want to keep going, and that says that people have no right to defend themselves. That if a young man larger than you starts to beat your head into the pavement, you cannot use deadly force to defend yourself if that man is black.

And they don't give a shit if that means that you and your family die as they have in the past killed hundreds of millions of people or dismissed the proof of it.

As long as they keep their lies spinning, they do not care how it affects anyone else.
That is a good possibility, I didn't think about that one. I said before, it looks like Karma has decided to have a little chat with Zimmerman.

I hope he makes it through.

True. As the old saying goes "There is no expiration date on Karma".

Whether he is homeless or rich, he will always have to live with the knowledge he killed another person, and that is a fucked up thing to have to live with, no matter who you are.

But all the same, I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt than be feeding the worms.

Some people can live with guilt of any kind. I had a very good friend once who had a car accident when he fell asleep at the wheel, after being told by his wife to stop at a place to sleep over. The accident killed his wife and their 8 year old son, and he survived..barely.

He lived with the guilt until it ate him alive 5 years later when he committed suicide. The way I recall him before the accident versus how he was from being riddled with guilt, it is difficult to determine how much better he would have been had he lived on.

Of course if Zimmerman is a sociopath with no conscience, he should be just fine. Time will tell.
True. As the old saying goes "There is no expiration date on Karma".

Whether he is homeless or rich, he will always have to live with the knowledge he killed another person, and that is a fucked up thing to have to live with, no matter who you are.

But all the same, I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt than be feeding the worms.

Some people can live with guilt of any kind. I had a very good friend once who had a car accident when he fell asleep at the wheel, after being told by his wife to stop at a place to sleep over. The accident killed his wife and their 8 year old son, and he survived..barely.

He lived with the guilt until it ate him alive 5 years later when he committed suicide. The way I recall him before the accident versus how he was from being riddled with guilt, it is difficult to determine how much better he would have been had he lived on.

Of course if Zimmerman is a sociopath with no conscience, he should be just fine. Time will tell.

Yeah, with the exception of the mentally ill, killing another person is hard to live with.

I have the firm impression that GZ is having a hard time with his past in this regard, ignoring the fascist jack-boots.

That his killing was covered by law makes it easier to deal with, I guess, but it is still a burden.

While I said I would trade places with GZ earlier, I was talking about financially.

I wouldn't want the guilt he feels at all.

But then again, I don't know how guilty I would feel about shooting a young punk like TM while the dude was about to go for my gun.
It isn't going to end well for Georgie.


No, it's not ...

George Zimmerman chased by angry mob in Miami

George Zimmerman was reportedly forced to leave Miami early after an angry crowd harassed him and his girlfriend at a local beach, TMZ is reporting.

Zimmerman was in South Florida last week filming TV interviews with Univision and Fusion. During his downtime, Zimmerman went to the beach with his girlfriend, her child and her brother.

While there, a group of beachgoers noticed Zimmerman and his entourage and began harassing him, apparently mentioning a $10,000 bounty on his head.

Seems Zimmerman isn't as loved out in public as much as he is by his acolytes in this forum. :ack-1:

Good news.

How about you man up and go take care of it yourself?


Fucking Pussy.
Zimmerman deserves all of the bad fortune that is coming his way. I love it.


Same goes for you.

Its like OJ. He got away with murder too and yet, he really didn't. He screwed up his own life, just like gz did.

No sympathy from me for either of them.

Great analysis

Comparing Simpson's pre-meditated murder of his wife and that guy with Zimmerman's self defense is about as stupid as you can get.

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