George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Your right...Simpson was likely a crime of passion. GZ had plenty of time to think about it while he stalked his prey.

Not going to end well for him.


He wasn't stalking Martin, he was following. He had no verified intent to shoot ANYONE until he was on the ground being assaulted.

The amount of crap you people make up to attempt to justify your "position" would be comical if it wasn't so dangerous to our society.

If GZ had been stalking Martin, in whatever definition you use for stalking, what would have been different?

stalk [stawk]

verb (used without object)

1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily.

2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye.

3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation.

4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along.

verb (used with object)

5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game.

7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land.


8. an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk.

9. a slow, stiff stride or gait.

GZ was doing none of those.
He wasn't stalking Martin, he was following. He had no verified intent to shoot ANYONE until he was on the ground being assaulted.

The amount of crap you people make up to attempt to justify your "position" would be comical if it wasn't so dangerous to our society.

If GZ had been stalking Martin, in whatever definition you use for stalking, what would have been different?

stalk [stawk]

verb (used without object)

1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily.

2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye.

3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation.

4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along.

verb (used with object)

5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game.

7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land.


8. an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk.

9. a slow, stiff stride or gait.

GZ was doing none of those.
I didn't ask for a definition. Read it again.
It's the pathological mourning of a dead thug.

We get it. Black kids scare the crap out of you.

They are about as scary as any rabid dog would be. Here's the only way to deal with them.

[ame=]Mom fights back against home invaders on Detroit's west side - YouTube[/ame]

Thats weird. I only saw 3 kids in that video. I know my child was here in another state. I never heard of all Black kids in the US attempting to rob the same house at the same time.
There is a way to deal with rabid dogs, and young black thugs. It is the same way. Unfortunately, if someone comes upon a stray dog, having no way of knowing whether the dog is rabid, it will be avoided as if it were rabid. Which is the way young black men and women are being treated. Is it unjustifiable? Sure. Certainly it is. It is also necessary.
He wasn't stalking Martin, he was following. He had no verified intent to shoot ANYONE until he was on the ground being assaulted.

The amount of crap you people make up to attempt to justify your "position" would be comical if it wasn't so dangerous to our society.

He pursued him on foot....with a gun.

I win.

No, you lose. You have demonstrated your fear of guns, that you have nothing more than circumstantial factors, and ignore the fact that Martin doubled back on GZ and cold cocked him.

And you are a liar.

He pursued him on foot after being told not to by police no less with a weapon....basically the definition of stalking. Hopefully the downward spiral is a short one.
There is a way to deal with rabid dogs, and young black thugs. It is the same way. Unfortunately, if someone comes upon a stray dog, having no way of knowing whether the dog is rabid, it will be avoided as if it were rabid. Which is the way young black men and women are being treated. Is it unjustifiable? Sure. Certainly it is. It is also necessary.

Its only necessary if you live in a world controlled by fear. There are ways you can tell if a dog is rabid by the way. You may not have that knowledge but that just means you are ignorant of the facts. The other shocker I will illuminate for you is that Black kids are not stray dogs. They are humans.
There is a way to deal with rabid dogs, and young black thugs. It is the same way. Unfortunately, if someone comes upon a stray dog, having no way of knowing whether the dog is rabid, it will be avoided as if it were rabid. Which is the way young black men and women are being treated. Is it unjustifiable? Sure. Certainly it is. It is also necessary.

Wow. Does it get warm under that sheet and hood?
It's going to be great.

I would trade places with him.

You wishing big for GZ, but his record doesn't hold up to your dreams....just sayin.....and the way you defend him, are you sure you're not him?

See that's the problem with you liberals; you think everyone thinks like you and those that flagrantly disagree are a small minority of mental cases.

But no, I am not GZ, though I admire the man's tenacity.

Don't be inane....if libs thought cons thought the same as libs, libs wouldn't be trying so hard to point out the nonsense of con's ideas/policies.

You admire his tenacity? He's suffering from PTSD, can't get a job and keeps popping up in the news for some violation or other, your sights aren't set too high, don't you think?
Because the lies you libtards keep spreading about GZ are all based on TM being an innocent child. He was a criminal and a thug.
Don't be an idiot. The fact that GZ attacked his girlfriend and was in the news has nothing to do with his killing TM....this latest story has nothing to do with the GZ/TM incident, it's something new....but, you're obsessed with GZ, and I wonder why.....what has he done for you?

Fuck him, the little bastard.
You're pathetic....going after a dead said you would trade places with GZ....well, wait until he kills again...he may need you to trade places with him sound dumb enough to do something like that.

GZ did not attack his girlfriend, in neither case was he charged or convicted.
What do you mean he didn't attack his girlfriend? Are you in denial? Just because he wsn't charged or convicted doesn't mean it didn't happen. I guess by those standards, OJ didn't kill his wife, right?

And financially, he is very much looking like a great investment.
Go ahead and buy stock on him....I'm sure it'll pay off big....there's also an ad for a bridge being sold in sure to bid on that too.
Lol, I know I am not exempt, idiot.

But I do know that I am forgiven, and I doubt you have a clue what that means.

You're the one that doesn't have a clue what that means. Being forgiven doesn't give you license to continue sinning and continue "hating". You have so much hate in your heart, there's hardly room for the Holy Spirit to work in there....think about that instead of acting so "holier than thou" - you have no idea what being forgiven means.

I only have hate for people that are violently exploiting innocent and/or defenseless people, the rich that twist the system to their favor and ideologues that lie, lie, lie and lie more for the hell of it.
Oh, I'm sure you have a scripture that tells you it's okay to "hate" certain sure and post it, cause I can't find it.

And that would cover just about all paid Democratic Party members and most of the GOP in DC.
So, almost anyone you don't agree with....well, you must have a special Bible, that allows you to hate certain people....because the "real" Bible doesn't say that.
Whether he is homeless or rich, he will always have to live with the knowledge he killed another person, and that is a fucked up thing to have to live with, no matter who you are.

But all the same, I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt than be feeding the worms.

Everyone is going to be feeding the worms one day....and for someone that claims to be with guilt is not what one that is forgiven lives with. You claim to be forgiven, but you're only fooling yourself.

Lol, you say you understand what it means to be forgiven then demonstrate that you do not.
How did I demonstrate that I do not know what it means, you're the one that said "I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt" - look up above, it's right there, you said it....and if you have truly been forgiven, you wouldn't be feeling any guilt. That's what Christ does for you, He rids you of your guilt. So, you're the one that doesn't understand. If you still have guilt, you haven't accepted the forgiveness.

Being forgiven by God does not mean the consequences of your guilt vanish nor that you will get the forgiveness of human beings, especially of oneself if ones moral standards are solid.

You having reading problems, too? Where did I say that you didn't have to live with the consequences? You made that're the one that said "guilt" not consequences....there's a difference, so obviously, you're the one that doesn't understand. And, when you truly believe, you accept his forgiveness and you are able to forgive yourself. You sound as if carrying the guilt is a demonstration of your repentance, but it's not, it's a demonstration that you haven't accepted the forgiveness, or that you don't believe you've been forgiven. Doesn't sound like you read the Bible much.
I'm sure it does. However, I seldom have bad days. Conservatives seem perpetually angry at everything, everyone, everyday. It must be hard to cheer for those who murder kids, state we don't have gun problem with 10,000+ gun deaths a year, cheer when companies fail since we have a democrat president, pray for civil war, and scape goat any non white, non-christian, non-male, non-heterosexual group as to what is wrong.

Yes, that's's hard to believe they follow Christ and yet have such disdain for others...even if people don't agree politically, those that claim to be Christian are under mandate to love others....but, you can't tell by their sheer hate-filled vitriol that they do. And, to denigrate a person that is already dead is lower than curb scum.

History is leaving you guys behind. It can't happen soon enough.
Not all Christians fall under that category, thank goodness, and yes, they are behind the times.

That Christians in the West have lost their hatred of the worst behaviors, like liars, thieves, murderers and pedophiles is why we have so many of them today and why our nation has become a hollow empire.
Our nation has always had people that hate....go read our history. And, they are not just in the West, they are in the East, North and South. And Jesus didn't tell you to go and win them by hating them, did He? So, you're just as bad as the people you despise.

For everything there is a season, a time to love and a time to hate.
Yes, you're supposed to hate sin. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you are okay to hate others....You can't cherry pick verses out of the Bible and use them to accomodate your behavior.... I don't know what religion you practice, but it's not Christian.

Love for Enemies
Luke 6:27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
He pursued him on foot....with a gun.

I win.

No, you lose. You have demonstrated your fear of guns, that you have nothing more than circumstantial factors, and ignore the fact that Martin doubled back on GZ and cold cocked him.

And you are a liar.

He pursued him on foot after being told not to by police no less with a weapon....basically the definition of stalking. Hopefully the downward spiral is a short one.

1) police have no such authority, and
2) he immediately complied and
3) none of that is stalking.
If GZ had been stalking Martin, in whatever definition you use for stalking, what would have been different?

stalk [stawk]

verb (used without object)

1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily.

2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye.

3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation.

4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along.

verb (used with object)

5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game.

7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land.


8. an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk.

9. a slow, stiff stride or gait.

GZ was doing none of those.
I didn't ask for a definition. Read it again.

None of them fit what happened, Einstein.

GZ wasn't being stealthy, etc.

Which of them do you think apply to what GZ did?
Everyone is going to be feeding the worms one day....and for someone that claims to be with guilt is not what one that is forgiven lives with. You claim to be forgiven, but you're only fooling yourself.

Lol, you say you understand what it means to be forgiven then demonstrate that you do not.
How did I demonstrate that I do not know what it means, you're the one that said "I'd rather live in a feeling of guilt" - look up above, it's right there, you said it....and if you have truly been forgiven, you wouldn't be feeling any guilt. That's what Christ does for you, He rids you of your guilt. So, you're the one that doesn't understand. If you still have guilt, you haven't accepted the forgiveness.

Not true at all. I have accepted God's forgiveness but have yet to forgive myself. I can do the former without doing the latter, obviously.

Being forgiven by God does not mean the consequences of your guilt vanish nor that you will get the forgiveness of human beings, especially of oneself if ones moral standards are solid.

You having reading problems, too? Where did I say that you didn't have to live with the consequences? You made that're the one that said "guilt" not consequences....there's a difference, so obviously, you're the one that doesn't understand. And, when you truly believe, you accept his forgiveness and you are able to forgive yourself. You sound as if carrying the guilt is a demonstration of your repentance, but it's not, it's a demonstration that you haven't accepted the forgiveness, or that you don't believe you've been forgiven. Doesn't sound like you read the Bible much.

I didn't said you said that, lol, talk about making shit up!

stalk [stawk]

verb (used without object)

1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily.

2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye.

3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation.

4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along.

verb (used with object)

5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily.

6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game.

7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land.


8. an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk.

9. a slow, stiff stride or gait.

GZ was doing none of those.
I didn't ask for a definition. Read it again.

None of them fit what happened, Einstein.

GZ wasn't being stealthy, etc.

Which of them do you think apply to what GZ did?
^^^ Unable to answer my simple question.

And it looks like Templar has run from my other question, also.

Conservatives fear me. And rightfully so.
You wishing big for GZ, but his record doesn't hold up to your dreams....just sayin.....and the way you defend him, are you sure you're not him?

See that's the problem with you liberals; you think everyone thinks like you and those that flagrantly disagree are a small minority of mental cases.

But no, I am not GZ, though I admire the man's tenacity.

Don't be inane....if libs thought cons thought the same as libs, libs wouldn't be trying so hard to point out the nonsense of con's ideas/policies.

Bah, you think of conservative and you think of RINOs like McCain. Everyone to the right of him is a loon in most liberal's view.
Don't be an idiot. The fact that GZ attacked his girlfriend and was in the news has nothing to do with his killing TM....this latest story has nothing to do with the GZ/TM incident, it's something new....but, you're obsessed with GZ, and I wonder why.....what has he done for you?

You're pathetic....going after a dead said you would trade places with GZ....well, wait until he kills again...he may need you to trade places with him sound dumb enough to do something like that.

GZ did not attack his girlfriend, in neither case was he charged or convicted.
What do you mean he didn't attack his girlfriend? Are you in denial? Just because he wsn't charged or convicted doesn't mean it didn't happen. .

And just because he was accused doesn't mean he did do it either.

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