George Zimmerman

If I was in that situation, I might have thought that Zimmerman was reaching for a gun ...

BUT ...

Martin was on his cellphone with his girlfriend at the time and NEVER indicated that he suspected that was the case. So much for conjecture.
One more time, please tell us specifically what evidence you have to prove Zimmerman was a murderer and did not act in self defense.

Since when is self defense a 9mm gun?

The widely accepted date is September 17, 1789. BTW, a .45 works too.

Let's see I follow someone, get in a fight, start losing, so I kill them.

If you believe you are about to lose your life, yes. That's the law.

Following someone is perfectly legal. Being attacked for doing so is not.

Damn, my HS would have lost lots of us.

Your schoolmates attacked people, broke their noise, claimed they were going to kill them, and then proceeded to drive heads into the pavement?

Tough school.

Zimmerman is a coward plain and simple.

Are you suggesting that it is never acceptable for an armed person to defend themselves against an unarmed person? Does this apply to everyone? How about a young woman being raped? Can she shoot her attacker?

Stated differently, should Zimmerman simply have allowed himself to be killed? Is that what you're suggesting?

"The assumption underlying their ho-hum approach to the case was that Zimmerman had the right to self-defense but Martin — young, male, black — did not. The assumption was that Zimmerman would fear for his life in a hand-to-hand struggle but Martin — young, male, black — would not.

Bullshit. Martin absolutely had the right to defend himself. He did not have the right to attack Zimmerman. Big difference.

If anyone wonders why African Americans feel so passionately about this case, it’s because we know that our 17-year-old sons are boys, not men. It’s because we know their adolescent bravura is just that — an imitation of manhood, not the real thing.

So, Black 17 year olds are less mature than White 17 year olds? I don't buy that.

Rather racist of you to suggest so.

We know how frightened our sons would be, walking home alone on a rainy night and realizing they were being followed.

Frighten people do not attack and attempt to kill someone following them. They run away.

We know how torn they would be between a child’s fear and a child’s immature idea of manly behavior. We know how they would struggle to decide the right course of action, flight or fight.

So because YOUR son is immature, everyone's is? Again, bullshit.

But back to the original point: Can you tell us specifically what evidence you have to prove Zimmerman was a murderer and did not act in self defense?

So far, you've failed miserably.
If I was in that situation, I might have thought that Zimmerman was reaching for a gun ...

BUT ...

Martin was on his cellphone with his girlfriend at the time and NEVER indicated that he suspected that was the case. So much for conjecture.

Plus TM would have grabbed for the gun instead of pounding GZ'z head.

No witness saw a gun or heard that word.
When Zimmerman stated that he reached for his cell phone do you think he actually pulled out his gun? - Yahoo! Answers

George Zimmerman Shows No Visible Injuries in Video Taken After Killing
George Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin after a vicious, bloody attack. But a police video of him being taken in for questioning shows no evidence that such a struggle took place.
How Badly Was Zimmerman Injured? Video Raises Questions |
Not even the band aid that was later seen in a picture? Where and when did his injuries happen?

The jury did not hear all the evidence. Zimmerman’s own words was after asking Trayvon “what are you doing around here” he reached into his right pocket for his cell phone which he admitted was not even there. This was a deliberate action by Zimmerman to get Trayvon to attack him so he could shoot him and claim self defense. Trayvon feeling threaten by thinking Zimmerman was reaching for a weapon stood his ground and punched him and fought for his life. Why didn't the prosecution not produce all the evidence? It did not matter who was screaming and or who was on the top or bottom being hit but who started the confrontation? And that was Zimmerman. Trayvon may have been on the bottom at some time.
Prosecution screwed up big time and why?
I laugh at you. Out loud.
Zimmerman dated a black chick & took her to prom. Only stupid tools believe the race baiters.
Even white Hispanic males. If we're going to incorporate civil rights into our rules for living let's remember everyone gets them. A trial by a jury of your peers is one we have invented for ourselves. Included in that right is the right to be proclaimed "not guilty". Why are people who really really care about civil rights trying to take away a person's civil rights ? Can it be for any reason other than racism ?
When Zimmerman stated that he reached for his cell phone do you think he actually pulled out his gun? - Yahoo! Answers

George Zimmerman Shows No Visible Injuries in Video Taken After Killing
George Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin after a vicious, bloody attack. But a police video of him being taken in for questioning shows no evidence that such a struggle took place.
How Badly Was Zimmerman Injured? Video Raises Questions |
Not even the band aid that was later seen in a picture? Where and when did his injuries happen?

The jury did not hear all the evidence. Zimmerman’s own words was after asking Trayvon “what are you doing around here” he reached into his right pocket for his cell phone which he admitted was not even there. This was a deliberate action by Zimmerman to get Trayvon to attack him so he could shoot him and claim self defense. Trayvon feeling threaten by thinking Zimmerman was reaching for a weapon stood his ground and punched him and fought for his life. Why didn't the prosecution not produce all the evidence? It did not matter who was screaming and or who was on the top or bottom being hit but who started the confrontation? And that was Zimmerman. Trayvon may have been on the bottom at some time.
Prosecution screwed up big time and why?

nobody cares honey........verdict is in days ago now........

In case you missed it..........

Many news outlets and talking heads are grossly distorting the facts in the Trayvon Martin shooting, and in the process they are needlessly stoking the flames of racial tension in this country. So let's get a few facts straight about the case--facts that are documented in the record and/or that were established during the trial:

* The prosecution's one witness who got the best look at the fight itself, John Good, said that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, that Martin was rapidly throwing punches at Zimmerman, and that Zimmerman was screaming for help.

* Zimmerman called the police because he saw Martin "looking at all the houses" and "walking around, looking about." The defense noted during the trial that Martin was walking close to the backs of homes when Zimmerman saw him. Now, by any rational standard, walking close to the backs of homes, looking around, and looking at the homes is not normal behavior, and Zimmerman's conclusion that Martin may have been "up to no good" was perfectly rational and reasonable.

* Zimmerman's non-emergency call to the police clearly seems to prove that he stopped following Martin after the dispatcher told him he didn't need to follow him anymore. If you listen to the tape, a couple seconds after Zimmerman says "Ok" in reply to the dispatcher, he stops breathing hard and his voice returns to a normal cadence, clearly indicating that he stopped trying to pursue Martin. Zimmerman then told the dispatcher that Martin had run away.

* AFTER Zimmerman had lost sight of Martin, Martin had over 4 minutes to continue to his alleged destination. But, instead, Martin chose to hang around the "T" area (where the fight occurred). WHY did he do that? Rachel Jeantel, the prosecution's star witness, said Martin called Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker" shortly before the fight. Obviously, Martin was determined to teach Zimmerman a lesson, but he didn't count on Zimmerman being armed.

* During the trial, the prosecution could not offer one shred of evidence to contradict Zimmerman's claim that he was walking back to his truck when Martin approached him just before the fight started. Zimmerman's keys and flashlight were found in the immediate area of the fight.

* The lead detective, Chris Serino, testified during the trial that he believed Zimmerman was telling the truth about the shooting. The next day the prosecution got the judge to strike the comment from the record, but we now know that this statement impacted the jurors, as well it should have.

* When Detective Serino did his "challenge interview" with Zimmerman, he led Zimmerman to believe that a video surveillance camera had recorded his fight with Martin. Zimmerman was "very elated" to hear this, Serino testified. A guilty man would not have been visibly thrilled at the prospect that the fight had been captured on video. Not surprisingly, Serino, as mentioned, testified that he came away believing that Zimmerman was telling the truth.

* Zimmerman passed two lie detector tests, one of which was administered without his knowledge. This fact was not presented at trial.

* The judge would not allow into evidence any of Martin's sickening, troubling social media activity in which Martin talked about fighting, talked about killing people, talked about slapping girls, used the N word repeatedly, and was congratulated by a "friend" for trying to punch a school bus driver. Nor would the judge allow the jury to learn that Martin was repeatedly suspended from school and that on one occasion he was caught at school with women's jewelry and a favorite burglars tool in his backpack.

* In the run-up to the trial, the FBI conducted an extensive investigation into Zimmerman's racial views. They interviewed over 30 of Zimmerman's friends, neighbors, and associates. They did not find one shred of evidence that Zimmerman held any racist sentiments. Even black neighbors/associates of Zimmerman's said they never saw any indication of racism with Zimmerman. One of Zimmerman's neighbors noted that Zimmerman sometimes had African Americans over to his house. Based on this investigation, the FBI concluded that Zimmerman's actions were not based on any racist feelings or motives.
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There are degrees to people. Some white people are white trash and rednecks. Some Indians are drunk old Indians and some black people, like Trayvon Martin, are *******. Ditto for the ones breaking and stealing shit. Z man was doing a pretty good job acting down to his lowest stereotype too when he acted on this. Nobody is clean here.

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