George Zimmerman

The only fact that matters now...........

Everything else at this point is.......ummmm.......quite irrelevant!!

Anyway.....only racists or morons cant see there should never even have been a trial. THATS as plain as the big old smile on Zmans face up there ^^^
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We know what Midcan wants..

When Zimmerman stated that he reached for his cell phone do you think he actually pulled out his gun? - Yahoo! Answers

George Zimmerman Shows No Visible Injuries in Video Taken After Killing
George Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin after a vicious, bloody attack. But a police video of him being taken in for questioning shows no evidence that such a struggle took place.
How Badly Was Zimmerman Injured? Video Raises Questions |
Not even the band aid that was later seen in a picture? Where and when did his injuries happen?

The jury did not hear all the evidence. Zimmerman’s own words was after asking Trayvon “what are you doing around here” he reached into his right pocket for his cell phone which he admitted was not even there. This was a deliberate action by Zimmerman to get Trayvon to attack him so he could shoot him and claim self defense. Trayvon feeling threaten by thinking Zimmerman was reaching for a weapon stood his ground and punched him and fought for his life. Why didn't the prosecution not produce all the evidence? It did not matter who was screaming and or who was on the top or bottom being hit but who started the confrontation? And that was Zimmerman. Trayvon may have been on the bottom at some time.
Prosecution screwed up big time and why?

nobody cares honey........verdict is in days ago now........

In case you missed it..........

There are millions that care and they are protesting, investigating further and filing other charges. In case you missed that.
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When Zimmerman stated that he reached for his cell phone do you think he actually pulled out his gun? - Yahoo! Answers

George Zimmerman Shows No Visible Injuries in Video Taken After Killing
George Zimmerman told police he shot Trayvon Martin after a vicious, bloody attack. But a police video of him being taken in for questioning shows no evidence that such a struggle took place.
How Badly Was Zimmerman Injured? Video Raises Questions |
Not even the band aid that was later seen in a picture? Where and when did his injuries happen?

The jury did not hear all the evidence. Zimmerman’s own words was after asking Trayvon “what are you doing around here” he reached into his right pocket for his cell phone which he admitted was not even there. This was a deliberate action by Zimmerman to get Trayvon to attack him so he could shoot him and claim self defense. Trayvon feeling threaten by thinking Zimmerman was reaching for a weapon stood his ground and punched him and fought for his life. Why didn't the prosecution not produce all the evidence? It did not matter who was screaming and or who was on the top or bottom being hit but who started the confrontation? And that was Zimmerman. Trayvon may have been on the bottom at some time.
Prosecution screwed up big time and why?

nobody cares honey........verdict is in days ago now........

In case you missed it..........
There are millions that care and they are protesting and filing other charges. In case you missed that.
I laugh at you again.
No one is filing charges. No one has, and no one will.
You, clearly, have no idea why that is.
Oh for god sake, who the fuck cares? Enough already.

Evidently you were not the only one who did not give a damn?

My point is simply that there are way too many threads about this. Further, all this crap is a Media induced circus used to keep the masses entertained and divided so that the real the evil in this world can continue on with it's schemes. The longer people stay focused on this crap then the better it is for the status quo and their storm troopers.
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If I was in that situation, I might have thought that Zimmerman was reaching for a gun ...

BUT ...

Martin was on his cellphone with his girlfriend at the time and NEVER indicated that he suspected that was the case. So much for conjecture.

He reached for his cell phone while he was being confronted by Trayvon. I did not say he was on the phone while confronting Trayvon.
That's pretty much it.

I don't know what the alternate theory is supposed to be--GZ assaulted Trayvon and started the fight?

I didn't know last week and don't know today what either of them said did or intended.

I do know what I would be telling my kids--and that whatever I said there might be a circumstance when that wasn't enough.

I have to think about things myself that shouldn't be an issue.

There is a case in GA a woman was walking, as she usually did, in a rather safe rural area--she was on her cell phone with her fiancee. Either he heard sounds of a scuffle or it went dead. Never seen or heard from again. Many cases like that.

eta: Her brother found her remains.
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There are millions that care and they are protesting, investigating further and filing other charges. In case you missed that.

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.
Even white Hispanic males. If we're going to incorporate civil rights into our rules for living let's remember everyone gets them. A trial by a jury of your peers is one we have invented for ourselves. Included in that right is the right to be proclaimed "not guilty". Why are people who really really care about civil rights trying to take away a person's civil rights ? Can it be for any reason other than racism ?

Well...stupidity, revenge, hate and playing the race card for income and political power seems to motivate far too many.

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