George Zimmerman

BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?

If true?

It was the absolutely wrong thing to do.

I hope the guys who committed the assault are apprehended and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This sort of nonsense should have no place in our society.

NOW it's getting a little too close to home! Except for that IDBY!

If you're going to use my name in vain, at least spell it right!
They DO represent you and your race. They made that abundantly clear.

LOL, that would be like saying that the skinheads and kkk represent the white race and all whites are responsible for the aforementioned group's actions! Thanks for the laugh!

For the record the violence in LA and this assault piss me off, I think that those criminals should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

Where have you been? That is exactly what is said all the time on this forum. The radical left accuses every Republican and/or gun owner on here of being in the KKK. Well, I remember the 60s well, and MLK's 'peaceful marches' ALWAYS turned violent. Sharpton is bucking to be the next MLK. You got what you wanted. Zimmerman was arrested and tried. But you and your black ilk will not accept the verdict. And before you even start your all white jury shit, the jury is supposed to be a jury of the DEFENDANT's peers, not that of his assailant.

Here is but one example

You, yourself, have just identified the 'radical left' as the ones that 'accuses every Republican and/or gun owner on here of being in the KKK.'.
Can't you isolate them from the bulk of liberals in your own mind?

Do you allow the radical anything to establish your thinking on any group of people?
Surely you're smarter than that.

As an example, someone earlier wondered if all white people should be judged on the example of Jeffrey Dharmer.
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A petition has been started--the goal is to gain 1,000,000 signatures to present to the DOJ.

true/not true --I don't know.
How would a KKK member describe GZ? Black grandfather, Hispanic mother, Jewish father and dated black girls; he would be public enemy number one for the KKK. Somehow GZ has managed to have the KKK and black panthers agree on something. Think about that for a second.
What happened to the "open mind" Juror 37B promised so she would be selected for the jury?

Like all Zimmerman defenders, Juror 37B was not concerned with the point where "George" caught up with Trayvon - 100 yards from "George's" car.

Did "George" grab this frightened kids arm? His hoodie? ... and cause Trayvon to defend himself under 'stand your ground'?

Juror 37B said she was not concerned with what led up to the fight, only the fight itself.

Open mind.

Sad .....


You're OUTRAGED the juror calls Zimmerman "George" yet you call Martin "Trayvon"...did you know him? :eusa_eh: The juror in question spent 2 weeks sitting within a few feet of Zimmerman....who's more entitled to address a person by their Christian name?
What happened to the "open mind" Juror 37B promised so she would be selected for the jury?

Like all Zimmerman defenders, Juror 37B was not concerned with the point where "George" caught up with Trayvon - 100 yards from "George's" car.

Did "George" grab this frightened kids arm? His hoodie? ... and cause Trayvon to defend himself under 'stand your ground'?

Juror 37B said she was not concerned with what led up to the fight, only the fight itself.

Open mind.

Sad .....


You're OUTRAGED the juror calls Zimmerman "George" yet you call Martin "Trayvon"...did you know him? :eusa_eh: The juror in question spent 2 weeks sitting within a few feet of Zimmerman....who's more entitled to address a person by their Christian name?

B37 said the first vote was 3-3, but the evidence was too disorganized and confusing to go over.

She also said the jurors "studied the law" and "stand your ground" gave George the right to defend himself - although the jurors were never given "stand your ground" to consider.

So they spent 18 hours on the 2 minute fight, and apparently convincing the "other" 3 to vote not guilty.

'George's' peers?

Certainly not Trayvon's

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A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.
That happened to a Canadian friend of mine who was foolish enough to venture into the lawless savagery south of the Canadian border.

He was visiting San Francisco on the night that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by the FBI.

A gang of black youths were coming down the street breaking windows, and set upon my friend. He kept shouting, "But I'm a Canadian, I'm a Canadian!!"

When the youths were convinced that he wasn't lying, and wasn't one of the American oppressors, they apologized to him, and continued down the street.
A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.
That happened to a Canadian friend of mine who was foolish enough to venture into the lawless savagery south of the Canadian border.

He was visiting San Francisco on the night that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by the FBI.

A gang of black youths were coming down the street breaking windows, and set upon my friend. He kept shouting, "But I'm a Canadian, I'm a Canadian!!"

When the youths were convinced that he wasn't lying, and wasn't one of the American oppressors, they apologized to him, and continued down the street.
I've always been told how polite Americans are...there's the proof...

You just need to become accustomed to the finer points of our etiquette. · · :D

There ya go. That says it all.

If it wasn't racism, then what was the reason for the call to the police? There certainly was no legitimate reason for it. Zimmerman witnessed Trayvon committing all of zero crimes while he was on the phone.

Lets turn the table, if a bunch of crackers "as u people cal us" was robbing houses right and left. What would you do? I mean if you were elected to watch your nieghbor hood? Would you just shoot him or would you call 911 and give him a chance? If zimmerman wanted to just kill him, why did he call 911? Then let his head get beat into the asphalt first?

You buffoon. Zimmerman did not call 911. He just called the police's regular number. That's one thing that fatso got right that night. There was no emergency, so 911 wasn't called. In fact, there was no crime taking place at all. The regular police phone number should not have been called either.

And no, burglaries committed by young black males at other times doesn't justify a call to the cops. You call the cops when a crime is committed.

You just need to become accustomed to the finer points of our etiquette. · · :D


Yes, well, I can't help but be impressed when the rules of etiquette extend to proper conduct while rioting.
You just need to become accustomed to the finer points of our etiquette. · · :D
Yes, well, I can't help but be impressed when the rules of etiquette extend to proper conduct while rioting.
That is just a small indication of the vast superiority of Americans over everybody in the world in all things.

That is bullshit coming from YOU! Martin assaulted Zimmerman and you wanted Zimmerman lynched. You all are crawling out of the woodwork. Just can't pass for white any longer can you.

#1. No one here knows who assaulted who.

#2. I have never ever called for Zimmerman to be lynched. If you have to lie to make your point, not much of a it?

The jury didn't seem to have a problem figuring out who assaulted who. Neither did I when I heard the prosecution. Every prosecution witness validated Zimmerman's story. You have used all the euphemisms. Who leads you to the kitchen every morning.

I agree, and I hope you don't mind if I add the following:

Martin's body was carefully examined and except for a split knuckle (which he no doubt got from hitting Zimmerman), he showed no signs of the slightest trauma prior to the fatal shot. Plus, there were no marks on Zimmerman's hands. I remember when the Zimmerman haters showed pictures of Zimmerman's "pristine" hands. They argued that this proved Zimmerman never hit Martin, never tried to fight back because all he wanted to do was shoot him. Here's an example:

“Zimmerman had his hands free to reach for his gun, release it and pull it out and put it into Trayvon’s chest and pull the trigger but he could not throw a punch or push Trayvon off? ? It do not appear that Zimmerman was fighting for his life but Trayvon was. At no time did he punch or push Trayvon?

First degree premeditated murder with special circumstances because Trayvon had just turned 17. Incident did not warrant deadly force because physical force was never tried.”
(See perma links #1, #14)

It seems that Zimmerman's critics are giving conflicting accounts; (1) that Zimmerman started the fight by punching Martin, and (2) Zimmerman never even tried to punch although he should have..

Until someone can show me some evidence - any kind of evidence - that Martin was punched I will conclude that the one who threw the first punch and all punches after that was Martin. It's all about the evidence.
Guy shoots unarmed black kid.

Police do not make an arrest.

Black family members ask black community leaders and lawyers to look into it. To some, there is a racial element to the case.

The media gets hold of the story. They give those who feel that there is a racial element to the case a forum.

Conservative Americans, overly sensitive about being called racists, go on the defensive with full force....impulsively taking Zimmerman's side and digging in their fucking idiotic trench.

Whether or not Zimmerman is racist.....and whether or not those who think he did wrong THINK he is racist.....the nutter echo chamber successfully makes this a race only issue.

As the verdict draws near, the right goes on a tear...predicting widespread riots should Zimmerman be acquitted. The animals will go nuts, they said.

The man is acquitted....and the riots never occur.

Now.......the Zimmerman supporters are left to live with themselves and the fact that they have rigorously defended a dude who shot an unarmed 17 year old kid to death.

The only way to ease the shame is to keep harping about how unfair we were to Zimmerman. What a great guy he is! He even dated a black chick! What a guy!
In an interview with his lawyers it was revealed that he not only took a young black lady to the prom but he was mentoring two black boys just prior to this incident.

Secondly why is he considered white when he has as much white in his blood as obama yet obama is considered black?

All the focus on race is irritating to say the least. Black children are killed EVERY DAMN DAY at the hand of another black so why the fuck is this situation special.

George Zimmerman's Police Call History

A new 47-page document, quietly dumped online by the city of Sanford, details some of the phone calls George Zimmerman made to emergency dispatchers

The newly released police calls paint Zimmerman as a man obsessed with law and order, with the minutiae of suburban life, and with black males.


I think it's hilarious that right wingers would pretend, even for a moment, to CARE about black children. Remember, these are people who believe American helping American is Socialism, let him die, disaster victims should pay to be rescued, cut education, feed the poor and they will breed. Just because right wingers are so stupid they fall for all that bullshit from Fox doesn't mean all Americans are equally stupid. We know what the right stands for. They tell us.

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