George Zimmerman

Sorry girls, the jacket was presented without the presence of the jury.
And was never placed in evidence.

B37 says she never saw it.

BTW, can the tea cops spot grass stains? Tears from concrete?

Not easy eh kids?


Idiot. Did you not see the picture? Guess where that was? In front of the jury.

Drivebymedia doesn't produce any sources for what he's saying, I've asked him to produce some source to what he is saying and he just ignores the requests. I think the guy is just a lying ass troll. There WAS blood found on Z's jacket, so it would have been entered as evidence.

Lastly, the jury not only has to figure out why the crime scene evidence collectors in this case neglected to take as many swabs of the gun, holster and victim's fingernails (as they should have), they've got to try an make sense of the A-through-Z stain analysis conducted on each of four pieces of clothing: George Zimmerman's jacket and his shirt, as well as Trayvon Martin's hoodie and his sweatshirt.
Zimmerman trial jury has to be confused about DNA evidence--all attorneys were - Atlanta Top News |

This is why I'm calling drivebymedia a liar
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Trayvon had a right to stand his ground and fight back the same as Zimmerman. Trayvon did not have to retreat and run home possible showing a CAC where he lived. Most of the jury believed Zimmerman's story even with the evidence saying otherwise. Florida should be wiped off the map because it is a shit hole.

Ummmm......apparently nobody ever told this one about that old phrase, "Opinions are like assholes..........."

In America.......the law is the law. If you think that sucks, probably time to move to a banana republic.
You're OUTRAGED the juror calls Zimmerman "George" yet you call Martin "Trayvon"...did you know him? :eusa_eh: The juror in question spent 2 weeks sitting within a few feet of Zimmerman....who's more entitled to address a person by their Christian name?

B37 said the first vote was 3-3, but the evidence was too disorganized and confusing to go over.

She also said the jurors "studied the law" and "stand your ground" gave George the right to defend himself - although the jurors were never given "stand your ground" to consider.

So they spent 18 hours on the 2 minute fight, and apparently convincing the "other" 3 to vote not guilty.

'George's' peers?

Certainly not Trayvon's

Why won't you link your source as to what was said and what wasn't said?

From what I've been reading, the juror said they went over the law on 2nd degree murder, then to manslaughter. I didn't read where anything was said about "stand your ground".

A third request for sources relating to what you're claiming in your posts.

I doubt you can produce any.
For that disagree with the verdict in The Zimmerman Murder case I would like to propose a new law.

The Self Defense of Being Followed Due to Racial Profiling Law: It is unlawful to determine that a person may “be up to no good” if a person is black regardless of other actions or characteristics about the black person as long as that person is not currently breaking any laws.

A white person (or any person who appears to be white) who profiles a black person as possibly “being up to no good” will be considered in a safe zone as long as that person stays in an automobile and follows all traffic laws.

If a white person (or any person who appears to be white) profiles a black person as possibly “being up to no good” outdoors and or in public areas and overtly watches, follows or initiates conversation with the person being profiled, then the person being profiled as possibly “being up to no good” has the right to “beat the snot out of the person” doing the profiling. Furthermore, white people forfeit all rights to self defense when profiling a black person.

End of Law

I think that this law will fix the system for those that disagree with the verdict in the Zimmerman case. What do you think?
Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


I saw my father today. He has been a lifelong Democrat and is a very reasonable person. While I have been a bit more conservative most of my life, I switched to the Democratic Party just three years ago. We discussed this case today, since I hadn't seen him in a while. Like myself, he can't believe how the media has screwed this thing up from the beginning and how anyone could believe that Zimmerman was guilty. The fact is that race was not an issue, and the proof is out there in many forms. All one need do is look at the evidence and it is clear that this had nothing to do with race. On top of that, this depiction of Trayvon Martin being this sweet little kid incapable of harming a fly is the biggest misconception out there, and that too is mostly due to the media's lack of honesty.

Bottom line is that the verdict was correct without question, and the only reason we have a situation where so many people think the decision was a bad one is because the media and some politicians tried to depict Zimmerman as being something he was not, a racist. Anyone who thinks Zimmerman is guilty and got away with murder needs to have their head examined to make certain there is something between their ears besides hot air.
Wheather God is white or not depends on whitch movie he is in. In one movie he was white like George Burns. However, more recently he became a black man.
So in other words, you to make it as hard as possible to catch criminals. Yeah, great idea!
For that disagree with the verdict in The Zimmerman Murder case I would like to propose a new law.

The Self Defense of Being Followed Due to Racial Profiling Law: It is unlawful to determine that a person may “be up to no good” if a person is black regardless of other actions or characteristics about the black person as long as that person is not currently breaking any laws.

A white person (or any person who appears to be white) who profiles a black person as possibly “being up to no good” will be considered in a safe zone as long as that person stays in an automobile and follows all traffic laws.

If a white person (or any person who appears to be white) profiles a black person as possibly “being up to no good” outdoors and or in public areas and overtly watches, follows or initiates conversation with the person being profiled, then the person being profiled as possibly “being up to no good” has the right to “beat the snot out of the person” doing the profiling. Furthermore, white people forfeit all rights to self defense when profiling a black person.

End of Law

I think that this law will fix the system for those that disagree with the verdict in the Zimmerman case. What do you think?

I think you're a fucking idiot failure as a comedian and need to find something better to do with your time.
Juror 37, who refused to have her image appear on Anerson Cooper's show, continually referred to Zimmerman as "George"

"I felt George was innocent the first day of the trial".

She is from Sanford, has 2 children, and her husband carries a gun.

"Race was not an issue, it's just that Trayvon Martin looked suspicious.

A jury of your peers.

God help us.


Yes, a jury of the DEFENDANT'S peers. NOT a jury of the deceased's peers. Not sure why you can't get that.

Actually, what is called for is an unbiased jury. Clearly, that's not what they had here.

Zimmerman trial juror B37: Why did prosecutors let her on the Trayvon Martin jury? - Slate Magazine

Start with the general observations already raised in Gawker: B37 consumes no media beyond the Today show—no radio, no Internet news, and no newspapers used for anything but lining her parrot's cage. Perhaps because she does not consume any media, she was under the false belief that there were “riots” after the Martin shooting. She also described the Martin killing as "an unfortunate incident that happened."...

Gail Brashers-Krug, a former federal prosecutor and law professor, is currently a criminal defense attorney in Iowa. She also jumped back when B37 said, ”You never get all the information.“ “That's exactly what a defense attorney loves to hear,” says Brashers-Krug. “That's reasonable doubt, right there. If I were a prosecutor, that would make me extremely nervous about her.” She adds that B37’s devotion to animals might raise flags for her as well. “The animal thing is weird. She doesn't know how many animals she has, and she mentions her animals far, far more than her two daughters. She strikes me as eccentric and unpredictable. I never, ever want eccentric, unpredictable people on a jury.”
More on Juror B37

- She dislikes the media in general and considers it worthless. "You never get all the information... it's skewed one way or the other."

- "I don't listen to the radio" or read the internet, she said. Her only news about the case came from the Today show. "Newspapers are used in the parrot's cage. Not even read," she said. "It's been so long since I even read one. The only time I see em is when I'm putting them down on the floor."

- During questioning, she referred multiple times to "riots" in Sanford after Trayvon Martin was killed. "I knew there was rioting, but I guess [the authorities] had it pretty well organized," she says at one point. In fact, despite a great deal of salivating anticipation by the media both before and after the trial, there were no riots in Sanford, Florida.

- She referred to the killing of Trayvon Martin as "an unfortunate incident that happened."

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