George Zimmerman

considering Martin called Zimmerman a creepy white assed cracka, don't think it will get far, just as the FBI found.

Link? And then explain why he might make such a comment.

Then explain why GZ made his comment.

See a difference?

if you actually listen to Jeantel's testimony she originally said that Martin called Zimmerman creepy white cracka. When asked to repeat it she then changed it to creepy assed cracka.
start at 7:45 and listen
[ame=]Rachel Jeantel FULL Testimony. George Zimmerman Trial - YouTube[/ame]
and what comment? The one about those casing his neigborhood getting away with it?
considering Martin called Zimmerman a creepy white assed cracka, don't think it will get far, just as the FBI found.

Link? And then explain why he might make such a comment.

Then explain why GZ made his comment.

See a difference?

WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.
Link? And then explain why he might make such a comment.

Then explain why GZ made his comment.

See a difference?

WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

They, Martin family, have time--according to their attorney.

Best to wait and file after he has some $--I'd think.

I don't know about him but I would be rethinking many priorities. Working out at a gym--strength training--whatever it took to be in shape to defend myself w/o a weapon. The next time anyone saw me I would be a lean, mean fighting machine. I would be mortified to hear myself as described as weak, such poor athletic skills that I had no hope of surviving w/o using the gun.
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

This ceased being America quite some time ago.
Zimmerman probably will never use his gun in self-defense again. Killing someone changes things. Ask any real combat veteran.

Zimmerman is basically screwed. If he were ever involved in another self-defense encounter, the police might cast even more suspicion on him regardless of how clear-cut the circumstances. That is if he shoots. It's more likely that he will hesitate, and that hesitation will probably get him killed.

The police can do what they want, but no judge would allow the Trayvon Martin case into evidence. As for the psychological component, you could be right under normal circumstance. But given, the overwhelming threat of violence against him, I think he's made peace with the fact that he could have to use his gun again.
Link? And then explain why he might make such a comment.

Then explain why GZ made his comment.

See a difference?

WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

Yeah, except that's not what happened....if trayvon scrams home, nothing happens. He circled back and jumped Zimmerman....tried to cave his head in....that's the facts, that's what the jury decided were the facts, so that's it. Any civil trial will result in the little hoodlum's drugs, burglaries, fighting, racist attitude, and attempt to acquire an unregistered pistol to carry being brought into evidence. His mother isn't going to throw her payday down that rathole.
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that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

The only thing that can stop Holder from continuing this charade is for HIM to be indicted for perjury/lying to Congress. If the GOP leadership has a hair on it's ass, they'll land on Holder with both feet, right now, today.:eusa_eh:
So far the obama legacy is one of being the big loser. He can't afford another loss. That's why Holder is walking back the prospect of a federal prosecution saying the grounds to bring one are limited.

The big loser? He won two elections, didn't he?
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

So you were outraged when Casey Anthony had to go into hiding after being found not guilty, right?
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

So you were outraged when Casey Anthony had to go into hiding after being found not guilty, right?

I was thinking about her today. She's in much less danger than Zimmerman I'd think because blacks will actually try to kill him while she'll just get screamed at. :eusa_eh:
Not a word from that wooden indian about the crimes of the Bush Administration or the crooked bankers and hedge-fund operatives who nearly collapsed our Economy. But mention the word racism and this worthless half-breed Wall Street puppet pops up like a wack-a-mole head.

If Obama and this Attorney-General-in-name-only, whom he appointed, thinks that demonstrating the priorities of minority community organizers above those of national importance, such as prosecuting real criminals, is the way to retain the respect and confidence of the millions of White Americans who elected you as their President, you are quite mistaken.

Speaking for myself and, I'm quite sure, many other White former Obama-supporters I can assuure you your revealed priories have worked in contrast with their intended objective. Even if the Trayvon Martin shooting was indeed a racist action -- where were you and the wooden indian in the matters of the illegal invasion of Iraq, the torturing at Abu Ghraib, the criminal actions of Wall Street and the banks? Were these crimes, which collectively have severely damaged and nearly ruined our Nation, not worthy of your Executive attention, investigation, and prosecution?
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

So you were outraged when Casey Anthony had to go into hiding after being found not guilty, right?

I did not follow that case.
Not a word from that wooden indian about the crimes of the Bush Administration or the crooked bankers and hedge-fund operatives who nearly collapsed our Economy. But mention the word racism and this worthless half-breed Wall Street puppet pops up like a wack-a-mole head.

If Obama and this Attorney-General-in-name-only, whom he appointed, thinks that demonstrating the priorities of minority community organizers above those of national importance, such as prosecuting real criminals, is the way to retain the respect and confidence of the millions of White Americans who elected you as their President, you are quite mistaken.

Speaking for myself and, I'm quite sure, many other White former Obama-supporters I can assuure you your revealed priories have worked in contrast with their intended objective. Even if the Trayvon Martin shooting was indeed a racist action -- where were you and the wooden indian in the matters of the illegal invasion of Iraq, the torturing at Abu Ghraib, the criminal actions of Wall Street and the banks? Were these crimes, which collectively have severely damaged and nearly ruined our Nation, not worthy of your Executive attention, investigation, and prosecution?

I'll take a shot at your points....

First the invasion of Iraq was not only "legal" in terms of Congressional approval, but it also had UN approval...surely you haven't forgotten can quibble about the fine print but the invasion was legal.

The "torture at Abu Ghraib" was terror suspects being humilitated, not tortured. If you were schooled in UCMJ protocols, you'd know that a subject must suffer physical injury to be classified as a victim of torture. Nobody at that prison was injured by design, one may have suffocated on his own vomit, but that's to be expected in such a setting on occasion. Were there fights with guards? Yep. Were inmates injured from those fights? Yep. But there was no systematic torture, nor was it endemic of the other Iraq holding cells for these killers. If a male general had been in charge of that prison it never would have happened. The female general was physically afraid to venture down into the tombs.

As to the Wall Street ripoffs....I agree completely...Certain bankers should have been perp-walked into paddy wagons. Certain mortgage giants and investment firms CEOs such as Goldman and Morgan Stanley should have been indicted and their companies closed. AIG should have been divided into 3 different companies. Why didn't Obama do anything to any of them? That's the question you have to ask yourself....he said he would, then after the big summit in the WH, they walked out laughing and gave him campaign funds. Is that what you voted for?
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Link? And then explain why he might make such a comment.

Then explain why GZ made his comment.

See a difference?

WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

Already been cited several times in other threads under Florida law Zimmerman can not be charged in civil court. He was found not guilty of murder in a self defense case, Florida law specifically states under those circumstances no civil case can follow.

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