George Zimmerman

WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

They, Martin family, have time--according to their attorney.

Best to wait and file after he has some $--I'd think.

I don't know about him but I would be rethinking many priorities. Working out at a gym--strength training--whatever it took to be in shape to defend myself w/o a weapon. The next time anyone saw me I would be a lean, mean fighting machine. I would be mortified to hear myself as described as weak, such poor athletic skills that I had no hope of surviving w/o using the gun.

He got his weapon back.
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

Apparently it is. When a 17 year old goes to a store to buy candy and an ice tea and doesn't come home alive there is something very wrong with the American Dream.
They have no choice now that the NAACP has demanded it...they can't risk not following through; to do so would cause OUTRAGE in the "black community". Afterall, trayvon looked like Hussein's imaginary son:


Do they have a legal leg to stand on? Nope. FBI can't find a shred of evidence that Zimmy was a racist. Does it matter? Nope. They'll get a trial in Orlando where they can seat a black jury. We all saw what that means in the OJ criminal doesn't matter what the evidence is because they'll seat a judge who follows orders.

Ever wonder what slavery in reverse would look like? You're about to. :doubt:

This whole thing with Holder going on tv is making me sick.

What about all the inter-racial violence in Chicago daily?
There is no evidence that Zimmerman killed Martin because Martin was black.

DOJ won't be filing any civil rights charges.
WTF are you talking about? :eusa_eh:

Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

Yeah, except that's not what happened.... [I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on scene and witnessed the entire episode] if trayvon scrams home, nothing happens. He circled back and jumped Zimmerman....tried to cave his head in....that's the facts, [that's the theory of the defense] that's what the jury decided were the facts, so that's it. Any civil trial will result in the little hoodlum's drugs, burglaries, fighting, racist attitude, and attempt to acquire an unregistered pistol to carry being brought into evidence. [None of that is relevant] His mother isn't going to throw her payday down that rathole.

I won't judge TM's mother and neither should you. If that cream buff had killed my unarmed 17 year old I would have been the one on trial, and GZ would have been in the ground.
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

Apparently it is. When a 17 year old goes to a store to buy candy and an ice tea and doesn't come home alive there is something very wrong with the American Dream.

Pssst! The American Dream has nothing to do with Purple Drank, pot, and illegal guns.
Simple. GZ sees a black person in a hoody and tells the dispatcher, "Fucking punks, these assholes always get away" and TM sees a portly man following him in the dusk and rain, and tells someone he is being followed by, "a creepy white assed cracka".

GZ was found not guilty, I doubt many believe he was innocent. His actions were one cause for the death of TM. They may not have been the proximate cause, nor met the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to be convicted of a crime. But the standard of proof in a civil trail is much different as we saw in the OJ civil trial and I do hope he - as did OJ - stands before a jury on a wrongful death suit.

Yeah, except that's not what happened.... [I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on scene and witnessed the entire episode] if trayvon scrams home, nothing happens. He circled back and jumped Zimmerman....tried to cave his head in....that's the facts, [that's the theory of the defense] that's what the jury decided were the facts, so that's it. Any civil trial will result in the little hoodlum's drugs, burglaries, fighting, racist attitude, and attempt to acquire an unregistered pistol to carry being brought into evidence. [None of that is relevant] His mother isn't going to throw her payday down that rathole.

I won't judge TM's mother and neither should you. If that cream buff had killed my unarmed 17 year old I would have been the one on trial, and GZ would have been in the ground.
And unlike Zimmerman, you would have been guilty of murder.
that is what is sad about this case. He has been found not guilty, and yet due to the threatened violence, he has to continue to fear for his life, as well as his family. This is not what the US is all about.

Apparently it is. When a 17 year old goes to a store to buy candy and an ice tea and doesn't come home alive there is something very wrong with the American Dream.

Look, there was problems with Zimmerman's behavior and Martins behavior that left M dead. I did not agree with the verdict, but I agree with our justice system. He was tried and acquitted. End of story.

There should be no more reaching to punish this man in court. His life will be hell where ever he goes, what ever job he gets, anyplace he wants to live, someone will be there pointing at him and he'll be watching his back. Let it go. Live your own life and let him be.
Letting your emotions rule your life is gay.

Anybody who supports civil charges against Zimmerman means either:

1) You're a complete moron.

2) You have pronounced/mental case levels of white guilt.

3) You are a racist.

The FBI had 17 months to come up with something on this guy and got......fucking ZERO.

What I want to know is, how do progressives live for decades and never have it dawn on them that shit happens in this world. There is no such thing in this world as a solution for everything! How the fuck do you somehow get through life and not get this memo somewhere along the way? If nothing else, its fascinating.

Oh ps.....the law is the law. Thats why they call it the law. If you hate the laws of the land.......move. You have the blessings of myself and scores of millions of others who do get it.:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance:
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Yeah, except that's not what happened.... [I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on scene and witnessed the entire episode] if trayvon scrams home, nothing happens. He circled back and jumped Zimmerman....tried to cave his head in....that's the facts, [that's the theory of the defense] that's what the jury decided were the facts, so that's it. Any civil trial will result in the little hoodlum's drugs, burglaries, fighting, racist attitude, and attempt to acquire an unregistered pistol to carry being brought into evidence. [None of that is relevant] His mother isn't going to throw her payday down that rathole.

I won't judge TM's mother and neither should you. If that cream buff had killed my unarmed 17 year old I would have been the one on trial, and GZ would have been in the ground.
And unlike Zimmerman, you would have been guilty of murder.

And unlike Zimmerman I wouldn't claim self defense. I'd stand before a jury and admit what I did and why.
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As I drove from my neighborhood -- a gentrified enclave encapsulated by "the hood" -- to the airport to get to DC, I didn't see any dead white people lying in the streets. Nor did I see any burned out Lexus' or Mercedes, as I approached what Joe Biden would describe as "the white sections of my town."

The failing media dinosaurs will have to survive off the ginned up news cycle of the not guilty verdict. Give it another week and this story will end up where it should have been all along...on page 16 of the local section. But you have to hand it to the media; they did get a lot of mileage out of a non-story.

When I arrived in DC, I learned of a riot in Oakland, and have seen videos of young blacks, men mostly threatening to "do something," amazed at their enthusiasm for vandalism and mayhem, but not to get a job or take care of their out-of-wedlock children.

I can only imagine what they and Obama are dreaming up next to keep American's minds off our real problems, and black Liberals from owning up to theirs? Will we discover that Kanye West has another love-child? Will Jay-Z come out with a Trayvon fashion line...or gay!?

Well now we have it. Obama's Department of Injustice is being asked to step into this case by the race-baiting NAACP, because as was proven by a jury of Zimmerman's peers: This shooting was not about race.

I do know that the Left will inevitably find a way to capitalize on all of this. It's hard to believe that those who claim to detest capitalism are so freakishly great at it. Will they report on the ridiculous notion of taking this case to the Department of Justice, a waste of even more taxpayer dollars? Of course not.

The media no longer waits for the news, it manufactures it. And why not, when you have the Obama administration, a beast that needs its minions. Why showcase the real, non-racial America, when there is so much potential to foment racial tension.

Read more: Blog: Zimmerman's Civil Rights
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I won't judge TM's mother and neither should you. If that cream buff had killed my unarmed 17 year old I would have been the one on trial, and GZ would have been in the ground.
And unlike Zimmerman, you would have been guilty of murder.

And unlike Zimmerman I wouldn't claim self defense. I'd stand before a jury and admit what I did and why.

Well now......we're all real proud of ya s0n!!!

I went and ordered me a couple of these t-shirts today.........

If anybody else who is not ruled by their emotions is interested, you can get them at cafepress......
Holder can file charged and get a conviction if he gets out of disguise and fabricates a whole new case. Hire witnesses to say they heard Zimmerman brag about killing black kids. Pay another to say that he heard Z make a racial slur right before he pulled the trigger. With a hand picked judge and a specifically screened jury, sure he can het a conviction.

On the real facts, no. He shouldn't bother bringing this case. I think he will find a way to wiggle out.

He will wait until people fix on a new outrage and put the press release in small type on page 18.
I won't judge TM's mother and neither should you. If that cream buff had killed my unarmed 17 year old I would have been the one on trial, and GZ would have been in the ground.
And unlike Zimmerman, you would have been guilty of murder.

And unlike Zimmerman I wouldn't claim self defense. I'd stand before a jury and admit what I did and why.
Despite your leftist programming, a jury of his peers determined Zimmerman DID defend himself.

Your endless bitching, moaning, butthurt, and internet tough guy bullshit will do absolutely nothing to change that basic fact.
Of course he will. he has to stay in the media's eye.

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:
Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]

NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

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