George Zimmerman

BTW, I hope I clarified the statement:

Zimmerman's violation of Trayvon's civil rights is based on clear, undisputed evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt:

Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.

Enter the Feds.

Zimmerman is white, huh? This is just another lie from drivebymedia.
It just goes to show that this clown doesn't know squat about this trial.
No wonder he's getting his ass handed to him post after post.

You need to learn how to quote posters sonny.
Oh, and I'm a impressed that we can piss off the tea party Taliban so easily!

You: "Zimmerman, a white, followed..........."
Just where was the misquote? Please point it out for all to read.

I think people are just calling you on your continuous lies, DM....seriously.
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Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.
A dumb 17 year old thug picked a fight with a man with a gun.
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

You're a idiot

Zimmerman is a Hispanic that had every right to have a gun. The thug attacked him.

Go fuck off and go walk into the ghetto.


The term is "an" idiot. Why didn't you pay attention in second grade?


"who" had every right to have a gun. That was third grade.
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Obama's vow to continue the investigation into Trayvon's murder must be sweet music to the teaparty Taliban...


He knows it's not going to go anywhere, he has the FBI investigation on this already.
He just has to appease his base like he's doing something (anything), but at the end of the day, nothing will be done.

In regards to prosecution, Obama has no options. In regards to harassment, Obama has violated GZ's 2nd amendment rights by keeping his gun confiscated and he is putting GZ's life in more peril by inflaming people against him. I don't know if there's any precedent for this from the highest office in the land.
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

You're a idiot

Zimmerman is a Hispanic that had every right to have a gun. The thug attacked him.

Go fuck off and go walk into the ghetto.

Mathew, that gated community was not a ghetto. And the kid was not doing anything wrong at all. Zimmermann had a record of calling the cops on people of color he saw in that community, even though they had the right to be there.

As for what happened between Zimmermann and Martin, we have only Zimmermann's story, the kid is dead. Zimmermann may have started the fight. And he was told to stay in his vehicle.

From the kid's point of view, he was being stalked by an older man for no reason that he could see.

Simple facts, had Zimmermann not been packing, this would not have happened. Had he not got out of his vehicle, this would not have happened. The kid had a can of tea, and a small package of candy. Zimmermann had a gun.

You have no right to call the kid a thug. From what I see of his past, he was no worse than most of the kids I knew in my youth. And the police arrived on the scene in minutes after the shooting. Zimmermann could have waited as he was told to do. He did not, a young man is dead, and that cannot be changed.
I think we all know why Obama said what he did last year. He and those on the left can't use crazy people who shoot up schools or theaters to take guns away from law abbiding citizens. What crazy people and criminals do is reinforce that guns are needed by law abbiding citizens to protect themselves. But, if you get a law abbiding citizen, like George Zimmerman, convicted of Second Degree Murder or Manslaughter for defending himself, then you have a start to pass legislation to get guns out of the hands of the people.

Now, since a jury found George Zimmerman Not Guilty and he knows that the DOJ won't be able to bring charges against George Zimmerman for violating Trayvon Martins Civil Rights plus he knows that the Martins don't have a case to bring about a Wrongful Death Civil Suit, he needs to find another way. So, Obama is hoping that by stirring the pot about how Blacks are second class citizens or whatever, they Blacks will cause as much destruction as they can. Obama wants Blacks to go after Whites too, and when Whites defend themselves, Obama can scream "Injustice" and "Gun Violence" to sway the American people to allow him to go after our guns.

Conspiracy Theory? Yeah, it is, but it sure does sound good and is very plausible.
None of us have any idea of what happened. We have only Zimmermann's story, which is obviously self serving.

A 29 year old man was told to stay in his vehicle, but got out and confronted a 17 year old. The teen had a can of tea and a pack of Skittles. The 29 year old had a gun. A fight ensued, and the kid is dead. The 29 year old had been told to stay in his car by the police, and the police were on the scene minutes after the fatal shot was fired. There was never any reason for Zimmermann to force the confrontation.
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

You're a idiot

Zimmerman is a Hispanic that had every right to have a gun. The thug attacked him.

Go fuck off and go walk into the ghetto.

Mathew, that gated community was not a ghetto. And the kid was not doing anything wrong at all. Zimmermann had a record of calling the cops on people of color he saw in that community, even though they had the right to be there.

As for what happened between Zimmermann and Martin, we have only Zimmermann's story, the kid is dead. Zimmermann may have started the fight. And he was told to stay in his vehicle.

From the kid's point of view, he was being stalked by an older man for no reason that he could see.

Simple facts, had Zimmermann not been packing, this would not have happened. Had he not got out of his vehicle, this would not have happened. The kid had a can of tea, and a small package of candy. Zimmermann had a gun.

You have no right to call the kid a thug. From what I see of his past, he was no worse than most of the kids I knew in my youth. And the police arrived on the scene in minutes after the shooting. Zimmermann could have waited as he was told to do. He did not, a young man is dead, and that cannot be changed.

Yeah Ray....but all of your speculation is nothing but speculation. You don't know the kid was not a thug. You don't know that if Zman had a bat instead of a gun, it might have still happened. What., thugs avoid Skittels and iced tea?:D

Some people want to look at this as if the law is some kind of makey-uppey thing. The law is the might not like it, but it is what it is. The only circumstances that really matter is that the kid was using lethal force on Zman. The law is, if that is happening, you can use deadly force to defend yourself. Case closed.......because its the law. You cant just pick the laws you like and ignore the laws you don't like. That's why all of this debate is so silly. Plus, we know with 100% certainty that race had nothing to do with this tragedy. ( unless you are ruled by your emotions)
Really [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION],

Do you even think about things? Take a look at these photo's.
1. Is of the broken nose and scars on Zimmerman
2. Is the real Trayvon

There's nothing illegal about calling the police, walking down the street or carrying a gun. Why shouldn't he of been packing in a legal sense?

I don't know how you can make sense one moment and so wrong the next. :eusa_hand:

Be sure to enlarge the photo's...
The second one on the right shows Pot, Guns and middle fingers.


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Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

You're a idiot

Zimmerman is a Hispanic that had every right to have a gun. The thug attacked him.

Go fuck off and go walk into the ghetto.

Mathew, that gated community was not a ghetto. And the kid was not doing anything wrong at all. Zimmermann had a record of calling the cops on people of color he saw in that community, even though they had the right to be there.

As for what happened between Zimmermann and Martin, we have only Zimmermann's story, the kid is dead. Zimmermann may have started the fight. And he was told to stay in his vehicle.

From the kid's point of view, he was being stalked by an older man for no reason that he could see.

Simple facts, had Zimmermann not been packing, this would not have happened. Had he not got out of his vehicle, this would not have happened. The kid had a can of tea, and a small package of candy. Zimmermann had a gun.

You have no right to call the kid a thug. From what I see of his past, he was no worse than most of the kids I knew in my youth. And the police arrived on the scene in minutes after the shooting. Zimmermann could have waited as he was told to do. He did not, a young man is dead, and that cannot be changed.
It wouldn't have happened if Trayvon had not gone back and punched Zimmerman in the face either.
The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.
The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.

The far left? This is a third of the country sitting on our faces and asking us how it tastes.
None of us have any idea of what happened. We have only Zimmermann's story, which is obviously self serving.

A 29 year old man was told to stay in his vehicle, but got out and confronted a 17 year old. The teen had a can of tea and a pack of Skittles. The 29 year old had a gun. A fight ensued, and the kid is dead. The 29 year old had been told to stay in his car by the police, and the police were on the scene minutes after the fatal shot was fired. There was never any reason for Zimmermann to force the confrontation.

He didn't force it, TM hit him.
No evidence he hit TM.
The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.

The far left? This is a third of the country sitting on our faces and asking us how it tastes.

I don't like to paint people with a broad brush we will get a good idea about how big this group is with so called 100 city rallies this weekend it will be interesting to see how many cities have them and how big the crowds are.

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