George Zimmerman

So, what do y'all think he should have said? "Trayvon Martin was a punk who got what he deserved?"

What would satisfy you? Is there ANYTHING he could have said which you wouldn't criticize?

Yep... how is this:

That Trayvon Martin is no longer with us is a trajedy but we must abide and respect the verdict of the jury and move forward to make changes in our laws and system so that this will never occur again...

Plus, on Saturday we should all line up and give Al Sharpton an atomic wedgie.

Yes!! on the atomic wedgie! (the rest was good, too) :)
So, what do y'all think he should have said? "Trayvon Martin was a punk who got what he deserved?"

What would satisfy you? Is there ANYTHING he could have said which you wouldn't criticize?
How about calling for cooler heads to prevail and under LAW (which he could give a shit about) spoke loudly.

The man is fanning the flames of racist division period.

It's who he is. He brings dishonor to the office. His words scream for criticism.
Ah the classic JoeBlam pulling shit out of his ass. Lets review
1- I've never called you homophobic, and couldn't care less what disgusts you
2- I've not made on post expressing opinion on abortion
3- I've certainly not insulted vets, as I am one

You however were busted lying about your miliary creds, I saw it. There is nothing wrong with vets, but certainly ones like you who are compulsive liars and who's ego is so fragile they need to manufacture a past deserve to be called on it.

you're a useless boy living a useless life....demeaning those of us who have lived a superior life doesn't make you any less useless. So how much is bus fare back to where you're from?
I'm not demeaning "us' I'm demeaning you and exactly you. The angry compulsive liar who pops into threads with nothing but bullshit. I see what you are, bitter old guy.

:lol: Same ol deal....wait until I leave and go for "last word" like a gum chewing valley grrrrrl. Odd you won't link to what "you saw" because anybody who "saw" the little dustup I had with "Jake Starkey" knows what happened. .

JakeFakey is mentally impaired, but you are just a ridiculous old a-hole. Too bad. You'd catch more flies with honey than transparent bluster and tales of eye-pokes and kitty-kat stances.

Well, I guess you're too old to change your ways now.
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

the lament only of the PC whores.......and anyway, the trial is over and nobody cares...........

Perhaps you missed the headline last Friday night........

BTW, I hope I clarified the statement:

Zimmerman's violation of Trayvon's civil rights is based on clear, undisputed evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt:

Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.

Enter the Feds.

Zimmerman is white, huh? This is just another lie from drivebymedia.
It just goes to show that this clown doesn't know squat about this trial.
No wonder he's getting his ass handed to him post after post.

You need to learn how to quote posters sonny.
Oh, and I'm a impressed that we can piss off the tea party Taliban so easily!

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I hear ya. Hell,I'm only 48 and what I've seen happen to America in the last twenty years scares the crap out of me. And it's only getting worse.
When obama got elected the first time I was somewhat surprised and figured...all right lets give the guy a chance.
When he was elected the second time I knew we were in trouble.
The guy is a disaster and the fact that over half of Americans actually thought it a good idea to put him in office again......???
Yeah..some shits going to have to change.

nothing will change without a leader.

Your right about that. Unfortunately the two choices we now have ain't going to cut it.
And we dont have enough people who actually pay attention to whats happening in America.
All they care about is reality TV and whats on ET tonight.

I saw interviews on the street before and there's young people that don't even know who our Vice President is! Who doesn't know biden????? But yet they voted for Obama.....because they were told to!
Page one, a classic circle jerk of racists blaming Obama. Each of them can deny it, but their written words belie them.

The only germane fact is this: A white 29 year old man (cream puff) armed with a gun stalked a 17 year old for no reason other than the color of the minors skin and the clothing he wore. Some how mutual combat commenced and the adult shot and killed the minor.

You're a idiot

Zimmerman is a Hispanic that had every right to have a gun. The thug attacked him.

Go fuck off and go walk into the ghetto.

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