George Zimmerman

and it was tainted, how?

With a juror who had her mind made up from the beginning. She obviously lied to get on the jury, they did ask her questions about whether she already had an opinion. Remember the knock knock joke by one of the biggest jokes in the courtroom?

Don't attempt to retry the case, there is nothing anyone can do but they can make his life miserable. Sort of like OJ. Zimmerman won't get a moment's peace.

That same atty appeared in a really nasty photo with his daughters.

That trial was decided long before the jury was empaneled.

I've said from the beginning that GZ's life is over and he brought it on himself. He's just a low life skinhead and his day will come.

First it was "got away with murder"

Now he's a Skinhead?

You're off your rocker
I think we should do an experiment. Have the president put on a hoodie and walk through a gated community at night in the rain with skittles and tea. Be sure and put the hoodie up and see if a NW man follows him. Let's see what happens.

No SS allowed.

He says that could have been him. I want to see what would happen when he assaults the NW guy. I bet Al Sharpton and J. Jackson come out from the bushes and yell "I saw it all! The white guy assaulted the president!" Eric Holder would be there screaming "ME TOO! Civil Rights Case!
I would say that Obama is a horses ass but I wouldn't want to insult horses.

I have been advised to acquire perspective--on many days I can. Today I really wanted to hear--'The matter has been adjudicated.'

A 'tipline'--after the FBI investigated--I cannot think they weren't thorough. Go door to door, find anyone who has ever known George Zimmerman and really 'find out' what kind of person he is. To think of this happening to me--it is just more than I can stand.

I posted a link from Charles Barkley--he said a few things that made sense.

Fine--again--talk about the inequities and this time really listen. All I will do is what I have been doing--be respectful of others, cope with life's inequities as best I can and support those who share my ideas.
BTW, I hope I clarified the statement:

Zimmerman's violation of Trayvon's civil rights is based on clear, undisputed evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt:

Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.

Enter the Feds.

Zimmerman is white, huh? This is just another lie from drivebymedia.
It just goes to show that this clown doesn't know squat about this trial.
No wonder he's getting his ass handed to him post after post. :eusa_whistle:

drivebymedia's day job:
Another Cindy Sheehan, milk her childs death for all it's worth..these people are disgusting
I understand that people are upset over the verdict. I believe that Zimmerman is guilty of at least negligent homicide. But that's not the way it worked out. He was tried by a jury of his peers. According to the law he is innocent of the charges brought against him. The system worked.

Instead of protesting the verdict, protest the Stand Your Ground law that inflated Zimmerman's ego enough that he thought he was the sheriff of the neighborhood. Without that law, he may not have been walking around trying to be a tough guy; he may not have put himself in a situation where he thought he had to shoot a teenager in order to save his own ass from a situation that he got himself into.

Protesting the verdict will not bring Trayvon back. Prosecuting him for violating Trayvon's civil rights will not bring Trayvon back. But raising awareness of these laws may get people to push back against state legislatures that allow ALEC to write their laws.

Stand your ground had nothing to do with it dumbass. Zimmerman had every right to question Martin and projecting your idiotic theory on Zimmerman is just plain stupid.

You guys will lose. Freedom, the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment will bitch slap you stupid gun grabbers yet again.

No, Zimmerman had no right to question Trayvon. Zimmerman is not a cop and had no business playing one.

He didn't speak to TM until spoken to first. Then, pow… the attack on George began
No one will care in a month.

Get over it.

Stand your ground had nothing to do with it dumbass. Zimmerman had every right to question Martin and projecting your idiotic theory on Zimmerman is just plain stupid.

You guys will lose. Freedom, the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment will bitch slap you stupid gun grabbers yet again.

No, Zimmerman had no right to question Trayvon. Zimmerman is not a cop and had no business playing one.

He didn't speak to TM until spoken to first. Then, pow… the attack on George began

Jed has his own version of events dont disturb his dream
So, what do y'all think he should have said? "Trayvon Martin was a punk who got what he deserved?"

What would satisfy you? Is there ANYTHING he could have said which you wouldn't criticize?

Yep... how is this:

That Trayvon Martin is no longer with us is a trajedy but we must abide and respect the verdict of the jury and move forward to make changes in our laws and system so that this will never occur again...

Plus, on Saturday we should all line up and give Al Sharpton an atomic wedgie.
Did you read your links? Especially the second one?

Didn't think so.
I do, and it has been proven that there are criminal civil rights prosecutions. The U.S. is attempting to build criminal civil rights case against Zimmerman.

You're welcome, dumbass.

Yes, and if you had actually read your second link you would have seen that many "criminal civil rights violations" are actually civil cases filed by private actors. Then you have "civil rights violations under color of authority," which are actually government agents violating civil rights, and criminal acts, which include assault and arson, that are brought by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. They are not, however, charging non government agents with violating civil rights, they are charging them with federal crimes.

If you want more evidence consider the fact that the DoJ Organized Crime division routinely prosecutes people who get charged with possession of drugs even when the government admits up front that they are not involved in organized crime.
And how about this race baiting goofball president of our today? You cant make this shit up......he'll forever be remembered for his painting in the white house years from now......wearing a hoodie!!!:up:

Race baiting we know for sure he was born in Kenya!!!:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance:

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