George Zimmerman

I never heard of those photos or saw them.
The jury did not either and nothing to do with anything about these supposed photos was attempted to be introduced by the defense at trial.
Much ado about nothing. NO one anywhere knew anything about this and paid any attention to it.
But you dumb asses believed Zimmerman stalked Martin, he ran him down and shot him, Martin was in the 6th grade, Zimmerman was commanded and ordered to stand down by police, the DNA evidence concluded Zimmerman was guilty and the 911 tapes media played you were real.
And you ignorant fools were tricked by the media that all of that was true.
How stupid did you feel during the trial when all the witnesses testified exactly the opposite of what media told you and all of the evidence was not what media told you?
Quit running with the sheep you fools.
Everyone wants to forget the important little detail. Trayvon Martin made a choice to beat someone up. Someone he didn't know, because his machoness was being dissed. He didn't stop to think that the person he chose would be armed. The lesson to be learned is, don't go around beating up strangers because any one of them could be armed. That's the lesson, and no one is learning it, not one person. Which makes this incident certain to be repeated.

Or, contrarywise, GZ pulled a gun, and Trayvon decided to "stand his ground", which he had every right to do.

Two things for all the race baiting liberals that want to re-try this case:

1) It is inappropriate.

2) You're not qualified.
For all the people including the thug presidebt saying I am Trayvon, there are nine times more who know they could be George Zimmerman. Everyone, including black men and women know that they are one attack away from their own fate by some thug who doesn't like the way they walk.

It was just a few days ago that a thug stabbed a woman on the subway for looking at him.

I am George Zimmerman. If it had been me getting my head pounded into the pavement I would have shot Trayvon too and so would everyone else.

Zona won't answer. he knows what he would do. Protecting his ACLU membership is more important though.
And he does not wish to find himself suddenly uninvited to the neighborhood full of self hating white liberals block party.
You didn't read the article, did you. That picture that was supposedly of a 12-year old Martin was probably more like when he was 16 years old, taken about seven months before his death. Certainly, no one can verify that he was only 12 in that picture. Here's his 11th grade ID Photo. That's the face of a boy, not a man. And oh, by the way, he was only 5'11" and 158 lbs. at the time of his death.

You granola eating, Starbucks drinking liberals are totally clueless, wah wah he was only 17, he was a child! Pffftttt, i've seen 14 year old stone cold killers that would shoot your whole family then go around to the corner store and get a bag of Skittles like nothing ever happened.......

I just started a new post about a 6 year old boy that tried to take a cops gun.......and these idiots are trying to say Martin was a child???? Lol!

I never use the term "child" with kids in their middle to later teens. But other people sure do.

By the way, don't start whining about a "child" being molested when someone has sex with a 15-year-old girl. You can't have it both ways. Martin wasn't a child, neither are teen-aged girls who are having sex.

This deserves some kind of award for stupidity.

You are suggesting that Zimmerman pulled a gun and Martin then decided to punch him in the nose. Is that your theory? If so, Martin deserved killing as a Darwin award winner.

George Zimmerman was jumped and attacked by the self named No Limit Nigga. Unfortunately for Trayvon the man he attacked and assumed to be unable to fight back had a gun.

This happens every day. It was mere chance that some kind of chord was struck and this case chosen to be used to repeal self defense laws. It just isn't going to happen.

Oh..sorry, Katz. I didn't realize that you were there witnessing events....

You claim to have seen Zimmerman pull his gun and then the thug punched him. The evidence is the evidence and you can't change it.

All of these people on the protest for trayvon train have created their own reality.
Zimmerman's violation of Trayvons civilt rights is The evidence is clear, not disputed and beyond a reasonable doubt: Zimmerman, a white, followed Trayvon a black for 100 yards and shot him.
An incredibly poor prosecutor allowed himself to be led by the nose by a remarkably smart defense lawyer.

Enter the Feds.

Excuse me, no. Just stop it, drivebymedia. If you're not going to give credence to the evidence, the testimonies, and the jury, then you have no right to be taken seriously.

That is the ONLY undisputed evidence that counts toward civil rights violation.


What "civil right" does one have not to be followed?
As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is pudgy little douche bag who wanted to be a police officer but was ineligible for a number reasons.
However, the US Constitution under several Amendments insures us all certain rights ordained by God. Zimmerman's rights were protected under the Law He was tried and judged by a jury of his peers.
Do I think the system is flawed? Yes. It's also the best system in the world.
DO I think Zimmerman did something wrong? Yeah, I do. He should have stayed away from the kid and simply kept him in sight until the cops got there. That is what he did wrong.
I wish I had never heard the name George Zimmerman.
But the media saying over and over that Trevon was killed just for being black
and was just walking around with a bag of candy and a drink while doing nothing
is acceptable?

Yes, because it was true.

Ok for the pathetic moronic drivel that this person has posted. There is ZERO evidence that Zimmerman is or ever was a racist. There is zero evidence he shot Martin just cause he was black.

Zimmerman has black family members, dated a black girl in school mentored black kids in his neighborhood, and ran a campaign to free a black man incorrectly arrested.

All this proves is some people are just to stupid to know reality from fiction.
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

1. Fact, the jury obviously thinks you're full of crap

2. What Murderer are you talking about. Zimmerman was found not guilty so it can't be him

3. Imagine YOU are having your head beat against a concrete sidewalk, do you:

A. Lay back and let the attacker continue pounding your head on concrete


B. Pull the weapon you have and shoot to stop the attack

I am anticipating the sound of crickets chirping.

So you're saying that if I am out walking one night and I notice someone following me, and then later we come face to face and I ask him why he's following me and he makes a gesture I preceive as threatening, such as reaching for his gun, or coming toward me while asking me what the fuck I'm up to, and I defend myself by punching him in the face and he falls down but he's reaching for his gun, so I jump on him and try to stop him from getting his gun...

That it's okay for him to shoot me dead?

I'll remember that and just let the rapist or murderer or whoever it is following me in the night just have their way with me rather than defend myself.

Now you are just making shit up. NONE of that was fact. None of it was claimed by anyone in the trial. Martin's girlfriend DID testify that Martin was home, which means he chose to go back to confront Zimmerman.

As for Zimmerman making a threatening move again there is absolutely NO evidence that happened. You and a couple other morons made that up.

What there is evidence of is Martin on top of Zimmerman pounding him. Zimmerman calling for help. The wounds on his head prove he was pounded into the side walk. The broken nose and martin's bruised knuckles prove Martin struck Zimmerman. The absence of any marks bruising or broken skin on Zimmerman's hands proves he did not punch Martin at any time.

All consistent with Zimmerman's statement to the police. Zimmerman was given 2 lie detector tests, he passed both. Zimmerman was told there was a video of the attack, he was happy and relieved to know that.
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

Fact is that we will probably never know the full truth about what happened, for better or for worse.

Fact is that your specific use of the word "Cracker" is racist and derogatory, just like the use of the word "******" is. Neither are a part of my general vocabulary because of the hurt they cause. Frankly, I expect more out of you Luddly.

Fact is, getting out of your car to tail somebody, is not a crime. Stupid? Maybe, still, not a crime. Assault, however, is a crime. Had Travon been getting up and turning away to leave, when he was shot, you would have grounds to support your position, better. Nothing corroborates that, though.

There are things here that we will never know. There is no way to get a righteous conviction based on what we have. Further corruption of the Justice System to achieve your desired end, will not end well, for any of us.

This deserves some kind of award for stupidity.

You are suggesting that Zimmerman pulled a gun and Martin then decided to punch him in the nose. Is that your theory? If so, Martin deserved killing as a Darwin award winner.

George Zimmerman was jumped and attacked by the self named No Limit Nigga. Unfortunately for Trayvon the man he attacked and assumed to be unable to fight back had a gun.

This happens every day. It was mere chance that some kind of chord was struck and this case chosen to be used to repeal self defense laws. It just isn't going to happen.

Oh..sorry, Katz. I didn't realize that you were there witnessing events....

You claim to have seen Zimmerman pull his gun and then the thug punched him. The evidence is the evidence and you can't change it.

I claim no such thing. I said that it could have happened differently than GZ claimed. Yet, you claim that the evidence is solid that GV's version is true. I say that GZ may very well have lied about everthing that was not witnessed as testified in court, and the only witness was an unarmed kid that GZ killed. That tends to put GZ testmony in short credibility, in my opinion. Of course, if GZ had initiated the encounter, then drew down on the kid and killed him, apparantly you assume that he would freely have admitted that in court. There is a word for that. "naive".
So a broken nose
Scars on the back of his head
grass stains on the back of his coat
A eye witness

=not enough for you idiots?

So we just send this guy to prison for 30 years? WTF.

The bastard want back in attacked Zimmerman and we're suppose to feel sorry for this thug?
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FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

1. Fact, the jury obviously thinks you're full of crap

2. What Murderer are you talking about. Zimmerman was found not guilty so it can't be him

3. Imagine YOU are having your head beat against a concrete sidewalk, do you:

A. Lay back and let the attacker continue pounding your head on concrete


B. Pull the weapon you have and shoot to stop the attack

I am anticipating the sound of crickets chirping.

So you're saying that if I am out walking one night and I notice someone following me, and then later we come face to face and I ask him why he's following me and he makes a gesture I preceive as threatening, such as reaching for his gun, or coming toward me while asking me what the fuck I'm up to, and I defend myself by punching him in the face and he falls down but he's reaching for his gun, so I jump on him and try to stop him from getting his gun...

That it's okay for him to shoot me dead?

I'll remember that and just let the rapist or murderer or whoever it is following me in the night just have their way with me rather than defend myself.

Funny, but that is only one of the possibilities of what happened that night. Another is that Trayvon took offense at being profiled and decided to kick Zimmerman's ass. Since neither one of us were there and there were no other eye witnesses, Mr. Zimmerman is afforded the benefit of the doubt which is exactly how it should be regardless of the race of either the victim or the defendant.

And once again from the article Luddly posted, which you apparently didn't read all the way through, or perhaps aren't capable of reading, here is a picture of Trayvon nine days before Zimmerman shot and killed him. (That's him on the far right in the group photo...celebrating his mother's birthday...what a thug.)

So, you are saying that a picture says a thousand words?

Sorry, I can't tell what kind of a person Trayvon was from those pictures.


A picture can, indeed, sometimes say a thousand words. And I'll bet you could tell all kinds of things about Trayvon when you saw THIS picture. Which isn't even him but was passed around and said to be him on the right, there.

Yeah, I can tell that the man in the picture is still immature and thinks flipping someone off is funny. Beyond that, not a damned thing.

FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

you have no idea what tm did.

you have no idea what gz did.
You granola eating, Starbucks drinking liberals are totally clueless, wah wah he was only 17, he was a child! Pffftttt, i've seen 14 year old stone cold killers that would shoot your whole family then go around to the corner store and get a bag of Skittles like nothing ever happened.......

I'm not a liberal. I don't eat granola. I don't waste money on Starbucks. And that's not what happened here, a 14-year-old didn't kill a whole family, a man killed a boy. That's what happened.

A man killed a young man that attacked him, in self defense, that's what happened.........

Trayvon was 17 and old enough to kill a man with his bare hands. That is all that needs to be said. I don't know if Trayvon would have, but neither did George Zimmerman.

FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

1. Fact, the jury obviously thinks you're full of crap

2. What Murderer are you talking about. Zimmerman was found not guilty so it can't be him

3. Imagine YOU are having your head beat against a concrete sidewalk, do you:

A. Lay back and let the attacker continue pounding your head on concrete


B. Pull the weapon you have and shoot to stop the attack

I am anticipating the sound of crickets chirping.

So you're saying that if I am out walking one night and I notice someone following me, and then later we come face to face and I ask him why he's following me and he makes a gesture I preceive as threatening, such as reaching for his gun, or coming toward me while asking me what the fuck I'm up to, and I defend myself by punching him in the face and he falls down but he's reaching for his gun, so I jump on him and try to stop him from getting his gun...

That it's okay for him to shoot me dead?

I'll remember that and just let the rapist or murderer or whoever it is following me in the night just have their way with me rather than defend myself.

Another no answer

YOU are having your head bashed against the concrete. You have options. They are:

A. Allow the assault to continue hoping you don't die in the process


B. shoot the attacker with the gun you have

Why is this question so hard to answer

Must be a reason

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