George Zimmerman

Regardless, the incidents aren't nearly as bad as predicted. The hoped for "Helter Skelter" hasn't materialized and many of the board CONS seem to be getting really butthurt about it! :eusa_boohoo:
Everyone wants to forget the important little detail. Trayvon Martin made a choice to beat someone up. Someone he didn't know, because his machoness was being dissed. He didn't stop to think that the person he chose would be armed. The lesson to be learned is, don't go around beating up strangers because any one of them could be armed. That's the lesson, and no one is learning it, not one person. Which makes this incident certain to be repeated.
Instead, the left persists with a "Saint Trayvon" this and "Saint Tryavon" that. The beatification of a common criminal, no matter how young, is never a good idea. And the worst part about it is that American children will pay a price for it.

Before Saint Trayvon we had Saint Che, Saint Tookie and Saint Mumia. The beatification of Saint Jahar is just beginning.
Oh, ringy ding ding. <facepalm>
Or, contrarywise, GZ pulled a gun, and Trayvon decided to "stand his ground", which he had every right to do.

This deserves some kind of award for stupidity.

You are suggesting that Zimmerman pulled a gun and Martin then decided to punch him in the nose. Is that your theory? If so, Martin deserved killing as a Darwin award winner.

George Zimmerman was jumped and attacked by the self named No Limit Nigga. Unfortunately for Trayvon the man he attacked and assumed to be unable to fight back had a gun.

This happens every day. It was mere chance that some kind of chord was struck and this case chosen to be used to repeal self defense laws. It just isn't going to happen.

Oh..sorry, Katz. I didn't realize that you were there witnessing events....

You claim to have seen Zimmerman pull his gun and then the thug punched him. The evidence is the evidence and you can't change it.
Instead, the left persists with a "Saint Trayvon" this and "Saint Tryavon" that. The beatification of a common criminal, no matter how young, is never a good idea. And the worst part about it is that American children will pay a price for it.

How the hell is Martin a "criminal"? Who got in trouble with the police? Who had a restraining order because of his temper?

Zimmerman, but Martin is the "criminal"? Are THEY all criminals?
You didn't hear it on the grapevine, Zona? Trayvon's school expelled him for having stolen jewelry on school property in his locker and he told them all about it. They had no choice. It's the law. He had also in the past used the locker for other nefarious activities such as a cradle for his illegal possessions of mind-altering substances, two counts. On his cell phone the police found another picture made recently of more piles of jewelry they were not allowed to admit into court proceedings. The pictures had been taken after the school expropriated his earlier hauls of stuff.

You need to get out of your groupthink mode, Zona dear, and back into the real world, where all allowed evidence is not all the evidence that exists. Trayvon was shown to have engaged in an inappropriate threat to somebody else's life in addition to his other known and undeniable criminal behaviors. ;)

new information shows an assault on a teacher
The thug did the shoot here. Good call. An unarmed American Citizen was gunned down by a damn Thug wanna be cop.

So, put yourself in Zimmermans and shoes. Your having your head bashed against a concrete sidewalk. You have a gun.

Do you wait until the attacker decides he's bashed your head into the concrete enough, or pull the gun and stop the potentially deadly attack?

Be honest if you would please

I will be honest. Can you prove his head was being "bashed" on the concrete? You be honest.

Could it be he bumped his head after he attacked a kid and that kid could fight. That kid punched him in the nose, and down went that fat ass.

Who said his head was being bashed, ZIMMERMAN?

Be real here for a second. What the fuck else is he going to say? I profiled, followed and got out of my truck because "they always get away" so I was pumped. Took a swing and got my ass kicked. Then I killed him..Does ANY evidence say this version of the story didnt happen?

Sorry Zona, it really is not that tough of a question. Why fight answering it?

You are having YOUR head bashed on a concrete sidewalk. YOU have two choices:

A. Allow the bashing to continue resulting in possible death


B. Pull your gun and shoot the attacker

Which do you do?
but using a pic of a 12 y/o trayvon is ok.

fucking hypocritical fuck hole morons never ever gave a fuck about actual justice, they were told that Jorge was white and it was all these ******* heard.

You didn't read the article, did you. That picture that was supposedly of a 12-year old Martin was probably more like when he was 16 years old, taken about seven months before his death. Certainly, no one can verify that he was only 12 in that picture. Here's his 11th grade ID Photo. That's the face of a boy, not a man. And oh, by the way, he was only 5'11" and 158 lbs. at the time of his death.


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So, put yourself in Zimmermans and shoes. Your having your head bashed against a concrete sidewalk. You have a gun.

Do you wait until the attacker decides he's bashed your head into the concrete enough, or pull the gun and stop the potentially deadly attack?

Be honest if you would please

I will be honest. Can you prove his head was being "bashed" on the concrete? You be honest.

Could it be he bumped his head after he attacked a kid and that kid could fight. That kid punched him in the nose, and down went that fat ass.

Who said his head was being bashed, ZIMMERMAN?

Be real here for a second. What the fuck else is he going to say? I profiled, followed and got out of my truck because "they always get away" so I was pumped. Took a swing and got my ass kicked. Then I killed him..Does ANY evidence say this version of the story didnt happen?

Sorry Zona, it really is not that tough of a question. Why fight answering it?

You are having YOUR head bashed on a concrete sidewalk. YOU have two choices:

A. Allow the bashing to continue resulting in possible death


B. Pull your gun and shoot the attacker

Which do you do?

still no answer

And once again from the article Luddly posted, which you apparently didn't read all the way through, or perhaps aren't capable of reading, here is a picture of Trayvon nine days before Zimmerman shot and killed him. (That's him on the far right in the group photo...celebrating his mother's birthday...what a thug.)


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This is not going to go away. I am getting more and more pissed about this. And I am a 60-year-old white woman. And there are a lot of us out here that feel the same. The killing of this boy was an atrocity.

I hope any black people reading my words will realize that most white people aren't like the bigots you see posting on this forum. We are just as appalled as you are at what happened to this kid.

It's amusing to watch the racists on this board become more and more emboldened. Now just outright using the word "******." They cling together and feel empowered in their numbers. What they don't realize is they are not the majority. They are old fossils, narrow-minded and obsolete, and the world will be a better place when they just die out.

I have been guilty of racist comments and even racist viewpoints in my life, because I grew up hearing it. But I knew I was wrong. Deep, down inside my heart I knew I was wrong, so I was able to evolve to a higher standard.

My Dad was a racist. I remember a story he told about back in the 50s when a group of fellow educators met for a lunch at a local restaurant. And this was in Juneau, Alaska, not the south. One of them was black. They had just gotten themselves seated when the restaurant owner came out from the back and told them they did not serve negroes. I guess deep in my Dad's heart he wasn't truly racist, because he was the first to stand up and say, "Well, fuck you. Come on everybody, let's go somewhere else!" And eight white men got up and left the restaurant in support of the one black man who was being discriminated against.

I've always loved that story because I think it divulged my Dad's TRUE nature.
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And once again from the article Luddly posted, which you apparently didn't read all the way through, or perhaps aren't capable of reading, here is a picture of Trayvon nine days before Zimmerman shot and killed him. (That's him on the far right in the group photo...celebrating his mother's birthday...what a thug.)

So, you are saying that a picture says a thousand words?

Sorry, I can't tell what kind of a person Trayvon was from those pictures.

But the media saying over and over that Trevon was killed just for being black
and was just walking around with a bag of candy and a drink while doing nothing
is acceptable?

Never mind the time line that shows he was either crawling home on all 4's or doing something else. Never mind the burglary tool found about where Trayvon came at Zimmerman. Never mind that his girlfriend TESTIFIED that martin was home, meaning he chose to go back. Never mind that Martin initiated the confrontation as evidenced by his own phone log.

And of course ignore the fact that all but one witness places Martin on top of Zimmerman pounding him. Don't pay any attention to the broken nose the bruised knuckles or the bashed head. And for God's sake don't pay any attention to the fact Zimmerman repeatedly called for help before using his weapon.

How many facts do you get wrong here.

The "Burglary tool" was a screwdriver found in his locker at school. (For which he was suspended, but kids get suspended for drawing guns.)

Most of your other facts are supported by evidence.
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

1. Fact, the jury obviously thinks you're full of crap

2. What Murderer are you talking about. Zimmerman was found not guilty so it can't be him

3. Imagine YOU are having your head beat against a concrete sidewalk, do you:

A. Lay back and let the attacker continue pounding your head on concrete


B. Pull the weapon you have and shoot to stop the attack

I am anticipating the sound of crickets chirping.
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[Luddly Lemming]Trayvon Martin is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life. [/Luddly Lemming]

Can we give it a rest?

May Trayvon rest in peace.

Leave him alone.
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

your constant lying that he was murdered is getting old.

justice says he wasn't

truth hurts, but it's time to suck it up, be a fucking man, and admit you're a moron.
For all the people including the thug presidebt saying I am Trayvon, there are nine times more who know they could be George Zimmerman. Everyone, including black men and women know that they are one attack away from their own fate by some thug who doesn't like the way they walk.

It was just a few days ago that a thug stabbed a woman on the subway for looking at him.

I am George Zimmerman. If it had been me getting my head pounded into the pavement I would have shot Trayvon too and so would everyone else.
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

1. Fact, the jury obviously thinks you're full of crap

2. What Murderer are you talking about. Zimmerman was found not guilty so it can't be him

3. Imagine YOU are having your head beat against a concrete sidewalk, do you:

A. Lay back and let the attacker continue pounding your head on concrete


B. Pull the weapon you have and shoot to stop the attack

I am anticipating the sound of crickets chirping.

So you're saying that if I am out walking one night and I notice someone following me, and then later we come face to face and I ask him why he's following me and he makes a gesture I preceive as threatening, such as reaching for his gun, or coming toward me while asking me what the fuck I'm up to, and I defend myself by punching him in the face and he falls down but he's reaching for his gun, so I jump on him and try to stop him from getting his gun...

That it's okay for him to shoot me dead?

I'll remember that and just let the rapist or murderer or whoever it is following me in the night just have their way with me rather than defend myself.

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