George Zimmerman


The fact is that there were hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil

among this group there were bad apples.

On Monday, a group of unruly young people broke off from hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil and rushed into a Wal-Mart on Crenshaw Boulevard, where they tossed merchandise and tried to break into a jewelry display case.​

There's really nothing to relate this to the George Zimmerman Verdict, except that police said it MIGHT be. It MIGHT also have something to do with Hollywood Boulevard being a shitty part of LA where the cops are doing a crappy job.

In Hollywood on Tuesday night, a flash mob of thieves rushed down Hollywood Boulevard, stealing phones, knocking over tourists and vandalizing shops, according to police, who said it may have been related to the George Zimmerman verdict. Twelve people — 11 juveniles and one 18-year-old -- were arrested on suspicion of robbery.​
Everyone wants to forget the important little detail. Trayvon Martin made a choice to beat someone up. Someone he didn't know, because his machoness was being dissed. He didn't stop to think that the person he chose would be armed. The lesson to be learned is, don't go around beating up strangers because any one of them could be armed. That's the lesson, and no one is learning it, not one person. Which makes this incident certain to be repeated.
It wouldn't have happened if Trayvon had not gone back and punched Zimmerman in the face either.

The altercation began with Zimmerman. That is an undeniable fact - Zimmerman admits to following the boy.

So, every time you walk down the street, anyone walking behind you is in an "altercation" with you? You'd best stay away from busy cities in that case.
Everyone wants to forget the important little detail. Trayvon Martin made a choice to beat someone up. Someone he didn't know, because his machoness was being dissed. He didn't stop to think that the person he chose would be armed. The lesson to be learned is, don't go around beating up strangers because any one of them could be armed. That's the lesson, and no one is learning it, not one person. Which makes this incident certain to be repeated.

Or, contrarywise, GZ pulled a gun, and Trayvon decided to "stand his ground", which he had every right to do.
You Goddamn people are making me embarrassed to be White. And I'm not necessarily the most diversity-tolerant person in the world. But some of you are frightening. Truly, truly frightening.

Who the hell cares if you're 'white,' and what the hell would it have to do with this anyway? A jury heard both sides, examined all available evidence, and reached a verdict. That's it.
That's the thing, Joe, in Florida that doesn't matter. They've lowered the bar so much on self defense it's difficult to actually refute the claim. Following people with a loaded gun and playing cop isn't illegal. And the person with the gun has no responsibility, whatsoever, to assure that person won't use that gun irresponsibly.

All one has to do is point, shoot, make sure the person you shot is dead and claim self defense.

The rest is completely up to the discretion of law enforcement. If they like you? It's a pass. If not? You are going to jail.

Nothing in the law protects you against that.

I'm glad that you finally have accepted that fact ! :clap2::clap2:

Took awhile.

Florida is fucking insane to allow that sort of behavior. I gave them too much credit. I thought they were a an American State, not acting like they are part of Somalia or Afghanistan.

And American Citizens are not fodder to be mowed down by wannabe cops and vigilantes.

American Citizans are only to be mowed down by thugs. Da!
I'm glad that you finally have accepted that fact ! :clap2::clap2:

Took awhile.

Florida is fucking insane to allow that sort of behavior. I gave them too much credit. I thought they were a an American State, not acting like they are part of Somalia or Afghanistan.

And American Citizens are not fodder to be mowed down by wannabe cops and vigilantes.

American Citizans are only to be mowed down by thugs. Da!

The thug did the shoot here. Good call. An unarmed American Citizen was gunned down by a damn Thug wanna be cop.
Youth 'Bash Mobs' Sweep Through American Cities - YouTube

By Ari Bloomekatz July 19, 2013, 11:59 a.m.

Organized "bash mob" crime rampages of roving groups attacking innocent people and businesses have been striking cities around the United States. Law enforcement agencies in Southern California have reported few similar problems -- until now.

In the last several days, there have been several reports of such group crime waves in South L.A., Hollywood, San Bernardino and Victorville. Long Beach police are bracing for another one Friday.

These so-called bash mobs of "flash mob" crime waves are organized through social media and have been a problem in Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington. In April, 28 Chicago youths were arrested on suspicion of attacking pedestrians along the city's famed Magnificent Mile. Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation in May enacting stiffer penalties for people who text or use social media to organize mob attacks.

Long Beach police warned in a statement that participants could face severe penalties.

"The mere participation in such an event can result in felony charges including conspiracy, and are punishable by imprisonment in the state prison," according to the statement.

Police said they feared bash mob organizers planned to hit Long Beach at 2 p.m.

Long Beach experienced such a gathering July 9, when more than 100 people descended on stretches of downtown in an organized, sudden crime rampage.

On Monday, a group of unruly young people broke off from hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil and rushed into a Wal-Mart on Crenshaw Boulevard, where they tossed merchandise and tried to break into a jewelry display case.

In Hollywood on Tuesday night, a flash mob of thieves rushed down Hollywood Boulevard, stealing phones, knocking over tourists and vandalizing shops, according to police, who said it may have been related to the George Zimmerman verdict. Twelve people — 11 juveniles and one 18-year-old -- were arrested on suspicion of robbery.

'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California -

Don't expect Obama to announce "Looters will be shot on sight!!"

These are supposedly "His People".

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos - From White Girl Bleed a Lot.
A couple of dudes with a few AR,s could have dispersed that mob quickly.

Don't forget the duty to retreat first, if reasonable.

California doe snot have a duty to retreat.

Self defense laws in California | KGET TV 17

California does not have the Stand Your Ground law. Instead, it has something called a Castle Law and No Duty to Retreat. While some interpret the law to be very close to Stand Your Ground, if not the same, others say Stand Your Ground is far more dangerous.
Everyone wants to forget the important little detail. Trayvon Martin made a choice to beat someone up. Someone he didn't know, because his machoness was being dissed. He didn't stop to think that the person he chose would be armed. The lesson to be learned is, don't go around beating up strangers because any one of them could be armed. That's the lesson, and no one is learning it, not one person. Which makes this incident certain to be repeated.

Or, contrarywise, GZ pulled a gun, and Trayvon decided to "stand his ground", which he had every right to do.

This deserves some kind of award for stupidity.

You are suggesting that Zimmerman pulled a gun and Martin then decided to punch him in the nose. Is that your theory? If so, Martin deserved killing as a Darwin award winner.

George Zimmerman was jumped and attacked by the self named No Limit Nigga. Unfortunately for Trayvon the man he attacked and assumed to be unable to fight back had a gun.

This happens every day. It was mere chance that some kind of chord was struck and this case chosen to be used to repeal self defense laws. It just isn't going to happen. Trayvon Martin Photos


Is there nothing the creepy ass cracker racists won't lie about?
FACT is, Trayvon did nothing wrong and was murdered.

The murderer got away with it.

And the creepy ass cracker racists just keep adding more and more lies.

What you fools don't seem to GET is that even if that had been Trayvon, flipping the bird is not a capital offense. Doesn't matter whether he was going to grow up to be a criminal or a neurosurgeon. Just as it didn't matter that GZ is a skinhead racist.

That was not the question then, nor is it now.

Trayvon had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. He should not have been stalked and gunned down.


All the racist lies won't change that one fact.

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