George Zimmerman

Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying

Stuff like this is really hilarious. G.W. Bush was a draft dodger, drug addict and alcoholic. Obama doing a little pot in college is hardly a comparison. YOUR president was a useless piece of shit who never would have been a governor or a president had it not been for his daddy and his millions.

Obviously you've been brain washed like all libtards. stay the course child. someone else will think for you

Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying

Stuff like this is really hilarious. G.W. Bush was a draft dodger, drug addict and alcoholic. Obama doing a little pot in college is hardly a comparison. YOUR president was a useless piece of shit who never would have been a governor or a president had it not been for his daddy and his millions.

Obviously you've been brain washed like all libtards. stay the course child. someone else will think for you


dude.....that gif in your sig is classic. Fucking classic.........:D:D:up:
My justification is that George Zimmerman is a murderer. Most people do not grow up to become murderers. Not even black men, though so many whites in America would like to think so. Statistically, it is not likely Trayvon, had he been allowed to grow up and live his life, would have killed anyone.

how about making the great leap to the truth. GZ is NOT a murderer. You're lying to make your point. Is this something you are aware of or is your delusion so over whelming that you are not even aware of it.

He is indeed a murderer. Just because a misguided jury did not find him guilty, that does not make him innocent. He is a killer, a murderer. When someone shoots your unarmed, innocent child, get back to me on this.

You wouldn't know a fact if it cracked you over the head with a crowbar.
Pointing out some problems and ignoring other, bigger problems is a big issue. The president should have stayed out if this like he does all other issues that don't pit one group against another. This man is horrible at bringing people together. It's getting really old.

Which issue did he stay out of?

Seriously? Point it out?

Health Care?
The Financial Calamity?
Off shoring?
Assault Rifles?

And the only groups being "pitted" against each other are those that feel private citizens can stalk and shoot innocent kids because they are "suspicious" and those that feel the opposite.

you're lying again----no one feels that private citizens can stalk and kill anyone. Is lying all you've got ?

Of course not! He also has ad hominem, obfuscation, tap-dancing, and flaming!
Which issue did he stay out of?

Seriously? Point it out?

Health Care?
The Financial Calamity?
Off shoring?
Assault Rifles?

And the only groups being "pitted" against each other are those that feel private citizens can stalk and shoot innocent kids because they are "suspicious" and those that feel the opposite.

you're lying again----no one feels that private citizens can stalk and kill anyone. Is lying all you've got ?

So you agree that Zimmerman was in the wrong and is a murderer, because that is exactly what he did: he stalked and killed somone. An innocent, unarmed person. Yes, exactly what he did.

Are you LYING or are you just STUPID?
I hope this murdering bastards life is ruined forever since i think he is guilty.

I hope he gets in a cell next to OJ eventually. We can all just sit back and watch.

Oh and OP, classy, very very classy.

What you think is your business, in America you still have that luxury and others have to respect that it's your opinion and leave it at that. Counter to your opinion the fact remains, a jury of his peers found him innocent.

Just like OJ.

God Bless America.

You had to thank yourself? Are you that fucking pathetic

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[ame=]Youth 'Bash Mobs' Sweep Through American Cities - YouTube[/ame]

By Ari Bloomekatz July 19, 2013, 11:59 a.m.

Organized "bash mob" crime rampages of roving groups attacking innocent people and businesses have been striking cities around the United States. Law enforcement agencies in Southern California have reported few similar problems -- until now.

In the last several days, there have been several reports of such group crime waves in South L.A., Hollywood, San Bernardino and Victorville. Long Beach police are bracing for another one Friday.

These so-called bash mobs of "flash mob" crime waves are organized through social media and have been a problem in Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington. In April, 28 Chicago youths were arrested on suspicion of attacking pedestrians along the city's famed Magnificent Mile. Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed legislation in May enacting stiffer penalties for people who text or use social media to organize mob attacks.

Long Beach police warned in a statement that participants could face severe penalties.

"The mere participation in such an event can result in felony charges including conspiracy, and are punishable by imprisonment in the state prison," according to the statement.

Police said they feared bash mob organizers planned to hit Long Beach at 2 p.m.

Long Beach experienced such a gathering July 9, when more than 100 people descended on stretches of downtown in an organized, sudden crime rampage.

On Monday, a group of unruly young people broke off from hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil and rushed into a Wal-Mart on Crenshaw Boulevard, where they tossed merchandise and tried to break into a jewelry display case.

In Hollywood on Tuesday night, a flash mob of thieves rushed down Hollywood Boulevard, stealing phones, knocking over tourists and vandalizing shops, according to police, who said it may have been related to the George Zimmerman verdict. Twelve people — 11 juveniles and one 18-year-old -- were arrested on suspicion of robbery.

'Bash mobs' sweep through Southern California -

Don't expect Obama to announce "Looters will be shot on sight!!"

These are supposedly "His People".
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Hey, they attacked a Wal-Mart, so this serves Two Two Two grievance monger objectives in one!
Obama will go down in the annals of history as the first race-pimp President of the United States.
When you shop, don't forget your AK-47, right, Mr. President? Maybe there will be a jingle, "When shopping at 7-11, don't forget your AK-47..." Brought to you by Obama's America
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Actually 50 state illegal green laser would take most of them down without a fight. Would be a few kids walking around Crenshaw with dark glasses and a service dog, bow wow wow yippie yippie yo.
To All You Bleeding Heart Libs Out there, There’s Another Term for ‘Racial Profiling’…..It’s Called Having Good Judgment!

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