George Zimmerman

The left is pushing the narrative that Trevon was walking on the sidewalk munching some skittles
and George Zimmerman walked up to him and shot him....and the media supported that theory
by constantly showing pictures of Trevon when he was 10 years old.Anyone watching the TV when this first started thought Zimmerman blew away a 10 year old in cold blood.

Liberals are pathological liars, but that's only because they do not think for themselves, they just mindless parrot back whatever is fed into the Progressive Collective
obama inserts himself into everything. It's always all about him. He grew up in Hawaii, but wants us to believe it was just like Alabama in the 40s. He lived in Chicago, which as we all know is just like Selma. Listening to him pontificate about how bad he had it, I pitied his poor grandmother. That's who he was really railing against. His grandmother that was afraid of the black man who menaced her at the bus stop. How he must have hated her. In obama's mind, black people are angels suffering the taskmaker's lash every time they leave the safety of their home.
So you agree that Zimmerman was in the wrong and is a murderer, because that is exactly what he did: he stalked and killed somone. An innocent, unarmed person. Yes, exactly what he did.

You conveniently leave out the fight. Why? Oh wait---I know--it totally fucks up your entire point. Lets ignore reality at all costs.

"The Fight" really should have had no bearing at all on the case. It only becomes an issue because Florida law allows it.

In most civilized countries and states in this country, following a kid with a gun, because you "suspect" he's a criminal and gunning him down is illegal.

LOL----getting your ass whipped and fighting back is what this entire case is about.
That's called "leadership".

There are still huge problems with institutional racism in this country.

President Obama has rightly pointed that out and rightly pointed out there's been a great deal of progress.

This country, great as it is, has done things in the past that have had impacts on the civil rights of American Citizens.

And those things weren't short lived. The solutions are going to be difficult and will need constant care.

That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.

Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..

The problem was clear and has been so for many years before Obama. Obama only pointed out his personal perspective with remarks such as 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."
So you agree that Zimmerman was in the wrong and is a murderer, because that is exactly what he did: he stalked and killed somone. An innocent, unarmed person. Yes, exactly what he did.

You conveniently leave out the fight. Why? Oh wait---I know--it totally fucks up your entire point. Lets ignore reality at all costs.

"The Fight" really should have had no bearing at all on the case. It only becomes an issue because Florida law allows it.

In most civilized countries and states in this country, following a kid with a gun, because you "suspect" he's a criminal and gunning him down is illegal.

Pretty sure all states allow you to defend yourself against someone pounding your head into the pavement

Which ones don't, do you have a list? Google?
You conveniently leave out the fight. Why? Oh wait---I know--it totally fucks up your entire point. Lets ignore reality at all costs.

"The Fight" really should have had no bearing at all on the case. It only becomes an issue because Florida law allows it.

In most civilized countries and states in this country, following a kid with a gun, because you "suspect" he's a criminal and gunning him down is illegal.

LOL----getting your ass whipped and fighting back is what this entire case is about.

It absolutely is not.

What it's about is protecting some very broad and dangerous laws concerning self defense, and institutional racism.

And in a broader sense, it is a civil rights case.
You conveniently leave out the fight. Why? Oh wait---I know--it totally fucks up your entire point. Lets ignore reality at all costs.

"The Fight" really should have had no bearing at all on the case. It only becomes an issue because Florida law allows it.

In most civilized countries and states in this country, following a kid with a gun, because you "suspect" he's a criminal and gunning him down is illegal.

Pretty sure all states allow you to defend yourself against someone pounding your head into the pavement

Which ones don't, do you have a list? Google?

Remember Bernie Goetz?

He was playing cop too.

That's not allowed.
That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.

Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..

The problem was clear and has been so for many years before Obama. Obama only pointed out his personal perspective with remarks such as 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

i dont believe it

obama and martins lives had been much different

obama had a rock solid support system his grandmama

martin lost his network in 2010

obama seems to be a loving father who keeps an eagle eye

over the safety and well being of his children

maybe he should spend some time

pointing out what worked in his life then

made it possible for him to become the prezbo of this great nation
"The Fight" really should have had no bearing at all on the case. It only becomes an issue because Florida law allows it.

In most civilized countries and states in this country, following a kid with a gun, because you "suspect" he's a criminal and gunning him down is illegal.

LOL----getting your ass whipped and fighting back is what this entire case is about.

It absolutely is not.

What it's about is protecting some very broad and dangerous laws concerning self defense, and institutional racism.

And in a broader sense, it is a civil rights case.

Some are DESPERATELY trying to make this case a "broader issue" but it ain't happening.
If there had been no fight, Zimmerman would be in prison and I would have fully supported that decision. Blacks and liberals have to ignore the fight to make their case that this was all about discrimination. The WAS a fight. Possibly a fight that involved a person profiling a gay person. Sorry--you lose.
This is nothing new.....the same played out liberal ploy of making blacks feel that they are the only people looking out for them. Works every time too.......and people wonder why the black communities fall further and further into the abyss.

All a fabulous ruse.

Meanwhile, in places like the ghetto's of Chicago, black youths are being slaughtered every night and they don't do dick about never hear boo from these fucking phonies. But the phoney frauds continue to need 95% of the black vote so they fein outrage over a non-racial incident......because the dull sheep will follow like zombies on a food hunt.
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That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.

Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..

The problem was clear and has been so for many years before Obama. Obama only pointed out his personal perspective with remarks such as 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

He also could be the black kid who's body was found rotting in an abandon building who was killed for not joining a gang. Or in a few years he could have been the black man who defended himself by killing a white car thief that tried to lunge at him ... Yet no speech saying that. Wouldn't help to divide the nation. This is what Obama and liberals want. It's proven by them referring to Zimmerman as white.
This is nothing new.....the same played out liberal ploy of making blacks feel that they are the only people looking out for them. Works every time too.......and people wonder why the black communities fall further and further into the abyss.

All a fabulous ruse.

Meanwhile, in places like the ghetto's of Chicago, black youths are being slaughtered every night and they don't do dick about never hear boo from these fucking phonies. But the phoney frauds continue to need 95% of the black vote so they fein outrage over a non-racial incident......because the dull sheep will follow like zombies on a food hunt.

Murder is OK. Discrimination is not OK.
Plain and simple.
That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.

Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..

The problem was clear and has been so for many years before Obama. Obama only pointed out his personal perspective with remarks such as 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."


Most of the great speeches include a personal perspective.

And unlike every other American President who's talked about the subject of racism in this county, Obama's actually experienced it.
I sincerely hope that democrats start running on a major platform of repealing all self defense laws. They can tell themselves that a majority of the public doesn't want to be able to defend themselves.

Bernie Goetz is another man who just didn't want to be beat up by a bunch of black guys. He too was acquitted, to salve hurt feelings he got a short sentence for the possession of an unlicensed gun. He remains a hero to New York to this very day.

You do understand that Bernie Goetz was acquitted don't you?
Two things.....first, hard to believe any white person would have ever shown any fear when Barry was around...."hearing the door locks click" almost sent me over backwards laughing. :lol: And second, that session with the press again revealed what a stuttering moron he is without his teleprompters.
Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..

The problem was clear and has been so for many years before Obama. Obama only pointed out his personal perspective with remarks such as 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."


Most of the great speeches include a personal perspective.

And unlike every other American President who's talked about the subject of racism in this county, Obama's actually experienced it.

If he was a black conservative that ran for president I'd feel bad for him. That's where the real racism comes from. The liberals that show their true colors when you don't abide by their masters in the liberal party.
LOL----getting your ass whipped and fighting back is what this entire case is about.

It absolutely is not.

What it's about is protecting some very broad and dangerous laws concerning self defense, and institutional racism.

And in a broader sense, it is a civil rights case.

Some are DESPERATELY trying to make this case a "broader issue" but it ain't happening.
If there had been no fight, Zimmerman would be in prison and I would have fully supported that decision. Blacks and liberals have to ignore the fight to make their case that this was all about discrimination. The WAS a fight. Possibly a fight that involved a person profiling a gay person. Sorry--you lose.

This is not a "game" it's a discussion. You have one perspective and I have another.

I don't think this is going away.

And it's not going away because institutional racism still exists.

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