George Zimmerman

That was a great speech.

Probably more "republican" than today's republicans.

Obama pointed out that we are not a "post" racial society and there are still problems.

He also pointed out that the Federal Government is NOT the solution to all society's ills and that we, as a people, must address these problems on a local level.

And he closed by saying that we have come a very long way, made alot of progress and because of what he sees in the next generation is hopeful about the future.

Not really sure what the "outrage" is all about.

The outrage is because there is this continued effort to claim that Trayvon was victimized because of his race. Obama agrees with it. Obama is full of shit.
That's what the outrage is about. Blacks clearly love their victim status and will lie to retain it
There is nothing wrong with a "black" man identifying with the deceased. There is something wrong when a sitting president makes this statement during such a time where race is in the forefront of the American mind and emotions are high. This president has done nothing to lead the nation from the precipice of rioting and discord, he has only added to the anger and resentment. I am very disappointed in the way Obama has handled the Martin/Zimmerman situation.

I have had doors locked when I have passed as well depending on the neighborhood I was in. I have had parents inform their daughters they would disown them if they continued to see me based on race. That was yesterday and I became a very accomplished and successful man I do not let yesterday control what I think of today nor do I let those memories interfere with my professional duties/responsibilities .

While Obama may have met all the requite elements it took to become president, he sorely lacks in the common sense that every leader should possess. Leaders bond and succor the ills of those he leads not create schisms with thoughtless and self satisfying remarks that could only divide not bond those he leads.

That's called "leadership".

There are still huge problems with institutional racism in this country.

President Obama has rightly pointed that out and rightly pointed out there's been a great deal of progress.

This country, great as it is, has done things in the past that have had impacts on the civil rights of American Citizens.

And those things weren't short lived. The solutions are going to be difficult and will need constant care.
Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying


He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.

Fantastic post. I am in emphatic agreement with you. The whole thing of demonizing Trayvon and demeaning him, for blaming the victim, this has been a pathetic attempt on the pro-gun people who will say anything that supports their idea of everyone in America packing a pistol, well, except black teenagers apparently. They are the ones we are supposed to be shooting.

Trayvon may have grown up to be anything: no one knows and it's just as safe a bet he would have been an asset to the community as not. A better asset than the man who murdered him most likely.
That was a great speech.

Probably more "republican" than today's republicans.

Obama pointed out that we are not a "post" racial society and there are still problems.

He also pointed out that the Federal Government is NOT the solution to all society's ills and that we, as a people, must address these problems on a local level.

And he closed by saying that we have come a very long way, made alot of progress and because of what he sees in the next generation is hopeful about the future.

Not really sure what the "outrage" is all about.

The outrage is because there is this continued effort to claim that Trayvon was victimized because of his race. Obama agrees with it. Obama is full of shit.
That's what the outrage is about. Blacks clearly love their victim status and will lie to retain it
He was victimized because of race.

It's a pretty open and shut idea.

The problems in the state of Florida with race are systemic.

We, as a people, cannot have a different set of laws and protocols that apply to our citizens which are dependent on skin color or ethnicity.

Justice must be equal. And it must be blind.
Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying


He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.

Fantastic post. I am in emphatic agreement with you. The whole thing of demonizing Trayvon and demeaning him, for blaming the victim, this has been a pathetic attempt on the pro-gun people who will say anything that supports their idea of everyone in America packing a pistol, well, except black teenagers apparently. They are the ones we are supposed to be shooting.

Trayvon may have grown up to be anything: no one knows and it's just as safe a bet he would have been an asset to the community as not. A better asset than the man who murdered him most likely.

Let's hear your justification for your last sentence.
That was a great speech.

Probably more "republican" than today's republicans.

Obama pointed out that we are not a "post" racial society and there are still problems.

He also pointed out that the Federal Government is NOT the solution to all society's ills and that we, as a people, must address these problems on a local level.

And he closed by saying that we have come a very long way, made alot of progress and because of what he sees in the next generation is hopeful about the future.

Not really sure what the "outrage" is all about.

The outrage is because there is this continued effort to claim that Trayvon was victimized because of his race. Obama agrees with it. Obama is full of shit.
That's what the outrage is about. Blacks clearly love their victim status and will lie to retain it
He was victimized because of race.

It's a pretty open and shut idea.

The problems in the state of Florida with race are systemic.

We, as a people, cannot have a different set of laws and protocols that apply to our citizens which are dependent on skin color or ethnicity.

Justice must be equal. And it must be blind.

You really need to get off this high horse of yours. You can't continue to claim this was about race by lying. Our countries laws apply to all people equally except that minorities get a few special breaks here and there.

He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.

Fantastic post. I am in emphatic agreement with you. The whole thing of demonizing Trayvon and demeaning him, for blaming the victim, this has been a pathetic attempt on the pro-gun people who will say anything that supports their idea of everyone in America packing a pistol, well, except black teenagers apparently. They are the ones we are supposed to be shooting.

Trayvon may have grown up to be anything: no one knows and it's just as safe a bet he would have been an asset to the community as not. A better asset than the man who murdered him most likely.

Let's hear your justification for your last sentence.

Read the post I responded too.

He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.

Fantastic post. I am in emphatic agreement with you. The whole thing of demonizing Trayvon and demeaning him, for blaming the victim, this has been a pathetic attempt on the pro-gun people who will say anything that supports their idea of everyone in America packing a pistol, well, except black teenagers apparently. They are the ones we are supposed to be shooting.

Trayvon may have grown up to be anything: no one knows and it's just as safe a bet he would have been an asset to the community as not. A better asset than the man who murdered him most likely.

Let's hear your justification for your last sentence.

My justification is that George Zimmerman is a murderer. Most people do not grow up to become murderers. Not even black men, though so many whites in America would like to think so. Statistically, it is not likely Trayvon, had he been allowed to grow up and live his life, would have killed anyone.
The outrage is because there is this continued effort to claim that Trayvon was victimized because of his race. Obama agrees with it. Obama is full of shit.
That's what the outrage is about. Blacks clearly love their victim status and will lie to retain it
He was victimized because of race.

It's a pretty open and shut idea.

The problems in the state of Florida with race are systemic.

We, as a people, cannot have a different set of laws and protocols that apply to our citizens which are dependent on skin color or ethnicity.

Justice must be equal. And it must be blind.

You really need to get off this high horse of yours. You can't continue to claim this was about race by lying. Our countries laws apply to all people equally except that minorities get a few special breaks here and there.

I am not lying about a thing.

Florida introduced laws written by the gun lobby that are insane. They have no standards and are extremely broad. There have been several very high profile case that were pretty similar and had very different outcomes.

Add in, in most of the industrialized world, this either never would have happened, or the perpetrator of the murder would be incarcerated.

We've gone through a Frontier Justice phase in this nation's history with awful results. Why anyone thinks it's a good idea to go back to that, other than the gun lobby and their focus on profit, is unbelievable.

One of the Federal Government's obligation is the faithfully protect the civil rights of American Citizens. And that INCLUDES when those civil rights are violated on a state level.
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Fantastic post. I am in emphatic agreement with you. The whole thing of demonizing Trayvon and demeaning him, for blaming the victim, this has been a pathetic attempt on the pro-gun people who will say anything that supports their idea of everyone in America packing a pistol, well, except black teenagers apparently. They are the ones we are supposed to be shooting.

Trayvon may have grown up to be anything: no one knows and it's just as safe a bet he would have been an asset to the community as not. A better asset than the man who murdered him most likely.

Let's hear your justification for your last sentence.

My justification is that George Zimmerman is a murderer. Most people do not grow up to become murderers. Not even black men, though so many whites in America would like to think so. Statistically, it is not likely Trayvon, had he been allowed to grow up and live his life, would have killed anyone.

how about making the great leap to the truth. GZ is NOT a murderer. You're lying to make your point. Is this something you are aware of or is your delusion so over whelming that you are not even aware of it.
The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.

LOL. You conservatives can't talk - you had Casey Anthony convicted long before she went to trial, and when she was found not guilty, you still can't deal with it!!!

To the best of my memory I have not posted anything about the Anthony verdict but just as with Zimmerman the system worked as it was designed to.
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He was victimized because of race.

It's a pretty open and shut idea.

The problems in the state of Florida with race are systemic.

We, as a people, cannot have a different set of laws and protocols that apply to our citizens which are dependent on skin color or ethnicity.

Justice must be equal. And it must be blind.

You really need to get off this high horse of yours. You can't continue to claim this was about race by lying. Our countries laws apply to all people equally except that minorities get a few special breaks here and there.

I am not lying about a thing.

Florida introduced laws written by the gun lobby that are insane. They have no standards and are extremely broad. There have been several very high profile case that were pretty similar and had very different outcomes.

Add in, in most of the industrialized world, this either never would have happened, or the perpetrator of the murder would be incarcerated.

We've gone through a Frontier Justice phase in this nation's history with awful results. Why anyone things it's a good idea to go back to that, other than the gun lobby and their focus on profit, is unbelievable.

One of the Federal Government's obligation is the faithfully protect the civil rights of American Citizens. And that INCLUDES when those civil rights are violated on a state level.

Blacks own guns. WTF are you talkin bout Willis ? Gun laws apply to everyone equally.
There is nothing wrong with a "black" man identifying with the deceased. There is something wrong when a sitting president makes this statement during such a time where race is in the forefront of the American mind and emotions are high. This president has done nothing to lead the nation from the precipice of rioting and discord, he has only added to the anger and resentment. I am very disappointed in the way Obama has handled the Martin/Zimmerman situation.

I have had doors locked when I have passed as well depending on the neighborhood I was in. I have had parents inform their daughters they would disown them if they continued to see me based on race. That was yesterday and I became a very accomplished and successful man I do not let yesterday control what I think of today nor do I let those memories interfere with my professional duties/responsibilities .

While Obama may have met all the requite elements it took to become president, he sorely lacks in the common sense that every leader should possess. Leaders bond and succor the ills of those he leads not create schisms with thoughtless and self satisfying remarks that could only divide not bond those he leads.

That's called "leadership".

There are still huge problems with institutional racism in this country.

President Obama has rightly pointed that out and rightly pointed out there's been a great deal of progress.

This country, great as it is, has done things in the past that have had impacts on the civil rights of American Citizens.

And those things weren't short lived. The solutions are going to be difficult and will need constant care.

That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.
Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying

Stuff like this is really hilarious. G.W. Bush was a draft dodger, drug addict and alcoholic. Obama doing a little pot in college is hardly a comparison. YOUR president was a useless piece of shit who never would have been a governor or a president had it not been for his daddy and his millions.
There is nothing wrong with a "black" man identifying with the deceased. There is something wrong when a sitting president makes this statement during such a time where race is in the forefront of the American mind and emotions are high. This president has done nothing to lead the nation from the precipice of rioting and discord, he has only added to the anger and resentment. I am very disappointed in the way Obama has handled the Martin/Zimmerman situation.

I have had doors locked when I have passed as well depending on the neighborhood I was in. I have had parents inform their daughters they would disown them if they continued to see me based on race. That was yesterday and I became a very accomplished and successful man I do not let yesterday control what I think of today nor do I let those memories interfere with my professional duties/responsibilities .

While Obama may have met all the requite elements it took to become president, he sorely lacks in the common sense that every leader should possess. Leaders bond and succor the ills of those he leads not create schisms with thoughtless and self satisfying remarks that could only divide not bond those he leads.

That's called "leadership".

There are still huge problems with institutional racism in this country.

President Obama has rightly pointed that out and rightly pointed out there's been a great deal of progress.

This country, great as it is, has done things in the past that have had impacts on the civil rights of American Citizens.

And those things weren't short lived. The solutions are going to be difficult and will need constant care.

That is called divisiveness. Constant care by those who are empowered to do so is necessary. He is to lead a nation as a president not as a black man. As the latter he creates nothing but more problems; he becomes the symbol of racial disparity as Mandella became the symbol of resistance or bin Laden became the symbol for al-Qaeda. This is not good for the US the president needs to lead all people not just those who support his various causes.

Pointing out a problem is not "divisiveness". It's pointing out a problem.

And if we ever hope to allow all American Citizen's equal treatment by Society and the Law, those problems must be identified and addressed.

Obama becoming a symbol for the fair treatment of all American Citizens and Civil Rights is nothing to be ashamed of..
Let's hear your justification for your last sentence.

My justification is that George Zimmerman is a murderer. Most people do not grow up to become murderers. Not even black men, though so many whites in America would like to think so. Statistically, it is not likely Trayvon, had he been allowed to grow up and live his life, would have killed anyone.

how about making the great leap to the truth. GZ is NOT a murderer. You're lying to make your point. Is this something you are aware of or is your delusion so over whelming that you are not even aware of it.

He is indeed a murderer. Just because a misguided jury did not find him guilty, that does not make him innocent. He is a killer, a murderer. When someone shoots your unarmed, innocent child, get back to me on this.

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