George Zimmerman

That would be the George who never testified on the stand because he didn't want to be caught in more lies?

Quit being a freaking hypocrite. You would have done the exact same.

Well, first, I'd have never gone around carrying a gun. Second, I'd have never followed a person I don't know down a darkened street. Third, I wouldn't have chased that person after a 9-1-1 dispatcher told me not to.

So already, we have three reasons why I'd never be in that situation to start with.

All evidence suggests Martin struck first. That's NOT defending oneself, that's attacking another. Even the girlfriend understands this.

If Martin really thought Zimmerman was a rapist (ridiculous, but let's go with it), why wouldn't he have simply gone home? Instead, he doubled back and waited for Zimmerman.


Hmmm. "Hey, I've got this cracker rapist following me. Must have a thing for little boys. I know, let me let him follow me home, show him where I live with my 12 year old brother! Yeah, that's the ticket!"

Also, keep in mind, maybe Martin couldn't find his house without checking the house numbers. He had only arrived in that complex recently. I'm sure you find Zimmerman's claim he wasn't sure which of THREE STREETS he was on plausible even though he's lived there for 8 years, though.
That's fine and all.

But if I killed a kid in self-defense, and felt I had no other choice, I would have gotten up on the stand and told my side of the story.

I wouldn't have hid behind the 5th Amendment---- unless I knew I was in the wrong.

Does that hold true with Lois Lerner? Or is that different somehow?

Lerner didn't kill anyone. Argument fail.

life fAiL s0n.......gonna be over 1,000 posts in a month for you!!!

Dude.......just trying to help here. You have OCD issues........something you cant control because its a brain pathology corrected only via pharmachological aids. Trust me.....been in the field for almost 30 years.

Check out something called Effexor XR or other like SSRO's. You can still come on and enjoy it here on USMB but it will no longer be such a dominant aspect of things for you. You gotta get networked.
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The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.

LOL. You conservatives can't talk - you had Casey Anthony convicted long before she went to trial, and when she was found not guilty, you still can't deal with it!!!

nobody cares sweetie........

but >>>>

Just sorta hitting the reset button!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
Racial Profiling---Lets see Irish are Drunk Fireman, Jews are cheap businessman, Italians are Mobsters, Polish are dumb, Germans are scientists and the master race, French are dirty slobs, English are snobs, Muslims are terrorist, and Blacks are lazy animals....

Now if you believe this racial profiling is correct who gives a shit you are a asshole.
But just some of the time this is accurate so get over it..

The one thing that is really a pain is that when it is a black it is always always black caucus jumping all over ever other race saying you guys are racist.

Guess what I'm Irish and red faced and also about 30 lbs over weight----so I guess I'm a drunk fireman--everyone who meets me for the first time thinks this---I never drink and
have been in business for over 40 years.

You own your heritage so get over it and prove the assholes wrong and stop ya crying.
Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying


He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.

He said himself he was in a drug induced haze his last 2 years of college, how did he get to Harvard unless Khalid Monsour paid his way through there?
Does that hold true with Lois Lerner? Or is that different somehow?

Lerner didn't kill anyone. Argument fail.

life fAiL s0n.......gonna be over 1,000 posts in a month for you!!!

Dude.......just trying to help here. You have OCD issues........something you cant control because its a brain pathology corrected only via pharmachological aids. Trust me.....been in the field for almost 30 years.

Check out something called Effexor XR or other like SSRO's. You can still come on and enjoy it here on USMB but it will no longer be such a dominant aspect of things for you. You gotta get networked.

Guy, I only spend an hour or two a day here. And frankly, why do you care about how many posts I do a month?

Again, just because I have something to say, unlike you.
White Americans are without a leader today. Obama is the leader and defender of black Americans only. He, like his fellow blacks, have no regard for the white Americans or any other race of people in America. They care about the black race only.
This was foretold in Daniel 11:37, btw.
White Americans are without a leader today. Obama is the leader and defender of black Americans only. He, like his fellow blacks, have no regard for the white Americans or any other race of people in America. They care about the black race only.
This was foretold in Daniel 11:37, btw.

Indeed.......his statements yesterday were certainly a slam dunk on that. But if you think back to the summer of 2009 and the incident at Cambridge. He instantly wanted to throw Sgt. Crowley onto the plantation for a few years.

Hes always been a racist fuck.:2up:

Cant get mad about it.......after this, we wont have a black president who's racist for a long, long time.
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Lerner didn't kill anyone. Argument fail.

life fAiL s0n.......gonna be over 1,000 posts in a month for you!!!

Dude.......just trying to help here. You have OCD issues........something you cant control because its a brain pathology corrected only via pharmachological aids. Trust me.....been in the field for almost 30 years.

Check out something called Effexor XR or other like SSRO's. You can still come on and enjoy it here on USMB but it will no longer be such a dominant aspect of things for you. You gotta get networked.

Guy, I only spend an hour or two a day here. And frankly, why do you care about how many posts I do a month?

Again, just because I have something to say, unlike you.

That makes your posting feats every more remarkable s0n........HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.

that's some fascinating shit bro........1,000 posts a month and you're only on here one or two hours per day!!!:eek::eek::eek:
White Americans are without a leader today. Obama is the leader and defender of black Americans only. He, like his fellow blacks, have no regard for the white Americans or any other race of people in America. They care about the black race only.
This was foretold in Daniel 11:37, btw.

Indeed.......his statements yesterday were certainly a slam dunk on that. But if you think back to the summer of 2009 and the incident at Cambridge. He instantly wanted to throw Sgt. Crowley onto the plantation for a few years.

Hes always been a racist fuck.:2up:

Cant get mad about it.......after this, we wont have a black president who's racist for a long, long time.

That's precisely what he has taught white America. Don't make this mistake again and think you are going to get a fair black president!
There is nothing wrong with a "black" man identifying with the deceased. There is something wrong when a sitting president makes this statement during such a time where race is in the forefront of the American mind and emotions are high. This president has done nothing to lead the nation from the precipice of rioting and discord, he has only added to the anger and resentment. I am very disappointed in the way Obama has handled the Martin/Zimmerman situation.

I have had doors locked when I have passed as well depending on the neighborhood I was in. I have had parents inform their daughters they would disown them if they continued to see me based on race. That was yesterday and I became a very accomplished and successful man I do not let yesterday control what I think of today nor do I let those memories interfere with my professional duties/responsibilities .

While Obama may have met all the requite elements it took to become president, he sorely lacks in the common sense that every leader should possess. Leaders bond and succor the ills of those he leads not create schisms with thoughtless and self satisfying remarks that could only divide not bond those he leads.
White Americans are without a leader today. Obama is the leader and defender of black Americans only. He, like his fellow blacks, have no regard for the white Americans or any other race of people in America. They care about the black race only.
This was foretold in Daniel 11:37, btw.

Indeed.......his statements yesterday were certainly a slam dunk on that. But if you think back to the summer of 2009 and the incident at Cambridge. He instantly wanted to throw Sgt. Crowley onto the plantation for a few years.

Hes always been a racist fuck.:2up:

Cant get mad about it.......after this, we wont have a black president who's racist for a long, long time.

That's precisely what he has taught white America. Don't make this mistake again and think you are going to get a fair black president!

He's been extremely fair.
That was a great speech.

Probably more "republican" than today's republicans.

Obama pointed out that we are not a "post" racial society and there are still problems.

He also pointed out that the Federal Government is NOT the solution to all society's ills and that we, as a people, must address these problems on a local level.

And he closed by saying that we have come a very long way, made alot of progress and because of what he sees in the next generation is hopeful about the future.

Not really sure what the "outrage" is all about.

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