George Zimmerman

All your whining does nothing as I have freedom of SPEECH! ;) Thank god...I can type the word black, negro, *******, chimp, etc for hours if I so wish!

What is even more cool is idiots like Obama can't force me NOT to lock my door or cross the street. He can blow it out his big black ass as far as I am concern. Until then I still live in America and I can still be racist, factful and careful.

Holder can fuck his self
Obama can fuck his self
Jessie Jackass can fuck his self
Al Sharpton can fuck his self
Chris Matthews can fuck his self
on down the list!

Obama can say words and whine about how whites aren't dropping our guard for his thugs...This doesn't mean that we have to.

You are an embarrassment to white people. Fuck HIS SELF???? It's fuck HIMSELF you ignorant white trash.

At least i'm not stupid enough to drop my guard for one of you pieces of shit. Now go stick it up your ass, moron!!!
So, what do y'all think he should have said? "Trayvon Martin was a punk who got what he deserved?"

What would satisfy you? Is there ANYTHING he could have said which you wouldn't criticize?

No, Oldguy, there is NOTHING the President could say that they wouldn't criticize. They still can't get over the fact that a black man was elected president...twice. Elected president by the majority of their fellow citizens. Including a whole lot of white people.

In other words, they have a difficult time with reality.


The truth is I have the ability to say as I please. ;):eusa_hand:

You're right, Matthew. You have the ability to say what you please, no matter how stupid and grammatically incorrect it is.
I dream of an America where the President is President to ALL Americans, not just the ones who could be his son.

I dream of an America where every single person who rejoices in the death of TM one day finds themselves getting Zimmermanned.

I think you've got an excellent point. All these folks who think Zimmerman is in the right: what happens to them when one day they meet up with a trigger happy, wanna be cop, vigilante who thinks they look 'suspicious'? Turn about is fair play?

"When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is, Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," Obama said.

More: Obama Takes Over White House Press Briefing To Speak On Trayvon Martin (VIDEO)

I thought President Obama's 17-minute speech on race was excellent - and much needed for all America - especially black America.

"When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is, Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," Obama said.

More: Obama Takes Over White House Press Briefing To Speak On Trayvon Martin (VIDEO)

I thought President Obama's 17-minute speech on race was excellent - and much needed for all America - especially black America.

I agree completely. We have an opportunity, having an African American president, to learn about the experience of being African American in this country. Instead of hate and resentment, we need to open our minds and become more enlightened. Certainly, Obama has a right and an obligation to address racial issues in the country: who is in a better position to do that than someone who has the eyes and ears of the nation and the world? Obama understands racial profiling because he has been racially profiled himself. Those who believe it doesn't happen or that it didn't happen in the Martin case have their heads in the sand. The president, as leader of all of us, including black American men, has a right and an obligation to speak about this issue. What's the point of having a black American president if he has to completely ignore the fact he is black?
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(CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman last weekend in the teenager's shooting death.

Obama speaks out on Zimmerman verdict -

Unfucking believable. He WANTS a race war.


I knew when he said that, you'd all go batshit crazy!

Now I know why you guys are all dancing on poor Trayvon's grave. He's your Obama Surrogate.
A desperate action after a poor move by a president who should have kept his mouth shut in the first place.


Stupid layered on top of stupid. Are you kidding me??? The stupid just keeps on coming.

I'm outta here. I need an injustice break.

(CNN) - President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since the verdict last weekend in the case of Martin's shooting death last year.
Obama: ?Trayvon Martin could have been me? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

That was an amazing speech.
Yep, he probably was like Trayvon. He was a smoke pot punk just like Trayvon. just staying


He grew up to become a graduate from several prestigious colleges, become a successful lawyer, teacher, author and senator. And then went on to become the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Twice.

It's an unparalleled tragedy, that if Trayvon Martin could have accomplished that much, that he was murdered at the beginning of his life.
The far left concept of guilty till proven innocent never ceases to amaze me if you don't like the defendant convict them and let the facts be dam. Even though I think it would be poetic justice if some of you who preach this were on the receiving end of it I would still never wish it on you I would want you to get a fair trial based on the facts not emotion.

LOL. You conservatives can't talk - you had Casey Anthony convicted long before she went to trial, and when she was found not guilty, you still can't deal with it!!!

Well, um, that's because she was guilty... she just pulled a "my father molested me, please feel bad for me" schtick, and the jury felt sorry for her.

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