Georgia approves Confederate license plate,pisses NAACP off

whitehall : The sad inconvenient truth is that the flag on the stern of slave ships for about a hundred years prior to the Civil War was the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes.

Here's what the tag looks like:


Over the last few years, this county has fractured. In my 55 years, I've never seen this country so divided and its people so hateful towards each other. I've never seen a president egg on divisiveness so hard while abandoning his main job as leader of all people.

I have Confederate ancestors on both sides of my family. I learned in the 70's to keep my mouth shut about being proud or even aware of my heritage. I wouldn't put this tag on my car in this ObamaNation. It would be asking for slit tires or smashed headlights. So much for the 1st Amendment.
Nice looking tag. Reminds me I need to turn my application in to the SCV...all filled out just forgot to send it in! They want you to be afraid to speak your mind...I refuse to be silenced...I wear my beliefs on shirts,in my musical tastes,in books I read,my tattoos etc etc etc...People don't like it. Tough shit. I have only had 1 problem before and of course it was some liberal who did it behind my back. They tried ripping my Where Is The Birth Certificate bumper sticker off my vehicle. So I just put another one on it LOL...
I have traveled the states and the world for the last 35 years. South Boston is more racist than anywhere in the south these days as well as the midwest states of Indiana, Illinois and Ohio.
Race relations here are better than most everywhere else in the country. Take a look at the City of Atlanta and the Georgia Legislature, they all work together black and white.
Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to post rumors here that remove all doubt.

Wait, the politicians in Atlanta work?

I was under the impression they gave each other awards while the city stops functioning due to a few inches of snow.....

I live in Georgia, fairly close to Atlanta actually.
I went to high school and college with the worst sort of rednecks, people that treated African Americans like scum. We were raised differently as my father worked for The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)from 1962-1980. When he first started there he and 2 other men would go to high schools all over the south that were giving the SAT which was run through the CEEB. Many southern high schools refused to allow African Americans to take the SAT. Dad and his fellow employees said "fine, if the blacks can not take the test then NO ONE in this school can take it". And local school boards WANTED TO DO what was right so they caved most all the time. Eventually they all caved. Sure, some will buy this tag because they are bigots but to claim that the flag ITSELF is racist is ignorance. I would not put it on my car as to me that flag represents the change the Ga. legislature made to our state flag in 1956 in response to integration demands. We always supported integration. They changed the flag then TO the Stars and Bars which it had NEVER been before. That ended in 2001 when Zell Miller got a coalition of everyone here to change it.
But folks, the SAME EMBLEM has been on Ga. tags FOR MANY YEARS.
All this is is a redesign of it.
SUCKERS, you PC kooks bought it hook, line and sinker.
The cost is $80 for lifetime with transfer or $40 for one time vehicle.
LOL...I laugh at how the states in the south freak out when it snows...I am driving 60 mph and most others are creeping along at 30...its just annoying.
I went to high school and college with the worst sort of rednecks, people that treated African Americans like scum. We were raised differently as my father worked for The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)from 1962-1980. When he first started there he and 2 other men would go to high schools all over the south that were giving the SAT which was run through the CEEB. Many southern high schools refused to allow African Americans to take the SAT. Dad and his fellow employees said "fine, if the blacks can not take the test then NO ONE in this school can take it". And local school boards WANTED TO DO what was right so they caved most all the time. Eventually they all caved. Sure, some will buy this tag because they are bigots but to claim that the flag ITSELF is racist is ignorance. I would not put it on my car as to me that flag represents the change the Ga. legislature made to our state flag in 1956 in response to integration demands. We always supported integration. They changed the flag then TO the Stars and Bars which it had NEVER been before. That ended in 2001 when Zell Miller got a coalition of everyone here to change it.
But folks, the SAME EMBLEM has been on Ga. tags FOR MANY YEARS.
All this is is a redesign of it.
SUCKERS, you PC kooks bought it hook, line and sinker.
The cost is $80 for lifetime with transfer or $40 for one time vehicle.
Zell Miller didn't change it. Barnes did because I was part of the Boot Barnes movement that got that turn coat bastard Perdue into office and then he turned his back on the very people who helped him get elected...he gave us that FUGLY blue flag...
I have traveled the states and the world for the last 35 years. South Boston is more racist than anywhere in the south these days as well as the midwest states of Indiana, Illinois and Ohio.
Race relations here are better than most everywhere else in the country. Take a look at the City of Atlanta and the Georgia Legislature, they all work together black and white.
Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to post rumors here that remove all doubt.

Wait, the politicians in Atlanta work?

I was under the impression they gave each other awards while the city stops functioning due to a few inches of snow.....

I live in Georgia, fairly close to Atlanta actually.

So we should invest the same amount of money into snow plows that St. Cloud Minnesota does?
Only a fool does that.
We had a massive ice storm here, 5 inches and I live 35 miles north of Atlanta.
Atlanta has the most efficient, largest and busiest airport in the world. I was in the new 1 billion dollar terminal 2 weeks ago traveling back from Zurich.
You need to get a little more info before posting next time.
I went to high school and college with the worst sort of rednecks, people that treated African Americans like scum. We were raised differently as my father worked for The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)from 1962-1980. When he first started there he and 2 other men would go to high schools all over the south that were giving the SAT which was run through the CEEB. Many southern high schools refused to allow African Americans to take the SAT. Dad and his fellow employees said "fine, if the blacks can not take the test then NO ONE in this school can take it". And local school boards WANTED TO DO what was right so they caved most all the time. Eventually they all caved. Sure, some will buy this tag because they are bigots but to claim that the flag ITSELF is racist is ignorance. I would not put it on my car as to me that flag represents the change the Ga. legislature made to our state flag in 1956 in response to integration demands. We always supported integration. They changed the flag then TO the Stars and Bars which it had NEVER been before. That ended in 2001 when Zell Miller got a coalition of everyone here to change it.
But folks, the SAME EMBLEM has been on Ga. tags FOR MANY YEARS.
All this is is a redesign of it.
SUCKERS, you PC kooks bought it hook, line and sinker.
The cost is $80 for lifetime with transfer or $40 for one time vehicle.
Zell Miller didn't change it. Barnes did because I was part of the Boot Barnes movement that got that turn coat bastard Perdue into office and then he turned his back on the very people who helped him get elected...he gave us that FUGLY blue flag...

Sorry, Miller first asked that the stars and bars BE REMOVED IN 1992 as he had a meeting with Billy Payne about soliciting the Olympics here. Miller put the ball rolling publicly. Miller went to the Legislature two times and they would not do anything. The Democratic Party, you do know Miller is a Democrat, was contacted by Miller that the next election the Democratic nominee would carry on what Miller started and Miller personally offered that into their platform. Barnes was elected next and all he did was carry on what Miller demanded and started.
That is what happened.
The blue flag is fugly for sure!
But it is better than the 1956 Stars and Bars flag that changed the flag pattern we had here from 1879 -1956 where the only reason they changed it to Stars and Bars because they wanted to keep segregation.
Why pay $80 for a license plate? You can advertise that you're trash with a $2 window sticker :dunno:

And you can advertise you lack of tolerance by calling people who express their likeness for the Confederacy "trash." Oh, and you can also show how much you don't want them expressing themselves via their First Amendment rights.
Why pay $80 for a license plate? You can advertise that you're trash with a $2 window sticker :dunno:
Fortunately for you,you don't even need to waste money! You just open your mouth and we all know! You wouldn't last in Georgia,boy.

I've lasted my whole life in the state where the capital of the confederacy was... "boy."

Savannah smells and Atlanta was dirty. Is there anything else in that shithole of a state?

Excuse me?
Why pay $80 for a license plate? You can advertise that you're trash with a $2 window sticker :dunno:

And you can advertise you lack of tolerance by calling people who express their likeness for the Confederacy "trash." Oh, and you can also show how much you don't want them expressing themselves via their First Amendment rights.

Lol it's my 1st amendment right to call them trash. You don't want me to be able to exercise my 1st amendment rights? :laugh:
The only flag that's ever been banned in this country is the American flag.
I went to high school and college with the worst sort of rednecks, people that treated African Americans like scum. We were raised differently as my father worked for The College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)from 1962-1980. When he first started there he and 2 other men would go to high schools all over the south that were giving the SAT which was run through the CEEB. Many southern high schools refused to allow African Americans to take the SAT. Dad and his fellow employees said "fine, if the blacks can not take the test then NO ONE in this school can take it". And local school boards WANTED TO DO what was right so they caved most all the time. Eventually they all caved. Sure, some will buy this tag because they are bigots but to claim that the flag ITSELF is racist is ignorance. I would not put it on my car as to me that flag represents the change the Ga. legislature made to our state flag in 1956 in response to integration demands. We always supported integration. They changed the flag then TO the Stars and Bars which it had NEVER been before. That ended in 2001 when Zell Miller got a coalition of everyone here to change it.
But folks, the SAME EMBLEM has been on Ga. tags FOR MANY YEARS.
All this is is a redesign of it.
SUCKERS, you PC kooks bought it hook, line and sinker.
The cost is $80 for lifetime with transfer or $40 for one time vehicle.
Zell Miller didn't change it. Barnes did because I was part of the Boot Barnes movement that got that turn coat bastard Perdue into office and then he turned his back on the very people who helped him get elected...he gave us that FUGLY blue flag...

Sorry, Miller first asked that the stars and bars BE REMOVED IN 1992 as he had a meeting with Billy Payne about soliciting the Olympics here. Miller put the ball rolling publicly. Miller went to the Legislature two times and they would not do anything. The Democratic Party, you do know Miller is a Democrat, was contacted by Miller that the next election the Democratic nominee would carry on what Miller started and Miller personally offered that into their platform. Barnes was elected next and all he did was carry on what Miller demanded and started.
That is what happened.
Ahhhhh,I guess I just started paying attention when Barnes actually removed it as I was old enough to vote him out the next election. Man that was a proud moment.

Damn I wish I still lived there! Better believe I would pay 80$ for it!

As of yet, no symbol has ever been banned in the US. You can hang a Nazi flag if you so choose.

The blue flag is fugly for sure!
But it is better than the 1956 Stars and Bars flag that changed the flag pattern we had here from 1879 -1956 where the only reason they changed it to Stars and Bars because they wanted to keep segregation.
I consider the REAL Ga flag to be a symbol of resistance against the federal governments pressure on states rights. I will always consider it to be the true flag of Ga. I wish we had the chance to vote on it like Mississippi did.
Libtards make no sense. They bitch and whine that conservatives are screwing the country up but are happy we were forced against our will to stay apart of this union....makes no damn sense...

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