Georgia approves Confederate license plate,pisses NAACP off

The only flag that's ever been banned in this country is the American flag.

In the South..for about 4 years...until they got their asses handed to them. :D

Libtards make no sense. They bitch and whine that conservatives are screwing the country up but are happy we were forced against our will to stay apart of this union....makes no damn sense...

Um doesn't your avatar say that you're a socialist?
I have traveled the states and the world for the last 35 years. South Boston is more racist than anywhere in the south these days as well as the midwest states of Indiana, Illinois and Ohio.
Race relations here are better than most everywhere else in the country. Take a look at the City of Atlanta and the Georgia Legislature, they all work together black and white.
Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to post rumors here that remove all doubt.

Wait, the politicians in Atlanta work?

I was under the impression they gave each other awards while the city stops functioning due to a few inches of snow.....

I live in Georgia, fairly close to Atlanta actually.

So we should invest the same amount of money into snow plows that St. Cloud Minnesota does?
Only a fool does that.
We had a massive ice storm here, 5 inches and I live 35 miles north of Atlanta.
Atlanta has the most efficient, largest and busiest airport in the world. I was in the new 1 billion dollar terminal 2 weeks ago traveling back from Zurich.
You need to get a little more info before posting next time.

I'm sorry, what are you talking about?

Did the mayor of Atlanta, before the storm hit that caused so much trouble, claim that the city was ready?
While the storm was ongoing and people were trapped in stores, schools, and vehicles on the road, was the mayor receiving an award as Georgian of the Year, with the governor in attendance?

I realize that Atlanta does not regularly get a lot of snow like northern states. Of course the preparations are going to be different, less of the kind of experience and equipment one might find in an area used to more of that kind of weather. That doesn't mean the city or state government did anything like a good job preparing for the storm.

Here's a timeline of some events during the storm, including the Atlanta mayor saying the city is ready :
Two inches of chaos: What Atlanta's leaders were doing while the snow fell -

I was at the Atlanta airport in the middle of January. What does your opinion of the efficacy of that airport have to do with my somewhat tongue in cheek comment?

The Atlanta leadership dropped the ball during the storm. Is that so difficult to admit? :dunno:
I don't find it hard to imagine that a Black American might regard this flag much as a Jew would regard the Nazi battle flag. After all it was carried in battles fought to preserve the institution of Slavery.
Hundreds of extremist groups, including the KKK have used it. It's popularity as a symbol of "Southern Heritage" increased dramatically in the late fifties in reaction to desegregation. Many regard it as a symbol of defiance at the outcome of the War of Secession. Is it such a great thing to ask that this flag that symbolizes evil for so many be relegated to the history books?

"If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." - A. Lincoln


Nazi Battle Flag (Banned in Germany)
Gotta have a license plate to remind the darkies of their place
The only flag that's ever been banned in this country is the American flag.

In the South..for about 4 years...until they got their asses handed to them. :D
Court: School can ban American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

That's not a flag...that's a shirt.

BTW...did you know that if we were to follow the ACTUALLY U.S. flag code, those kinds of shirts are disrespectful to the flag?

Damn I wish I still lived there! Better believe I would pay 80$ for it!

It always fascinates me how all those stupid people think THAT's the Confederate flag....:rofl:

It is a confederate flag. There are several versions. Its also called the Confederate Battle Flag...
Battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, later adopted by Confederate Armies elsewhere, but not the flag of the Confederate Government
'Flag' shorts are more disrespectful. :)

Though as a former US Navy man I can tell ya, I wasn't serving the flag. Flag's a piece of fabric I wasn't willing to kill or be killed over. We'll make more.

...Or rather, we'll order more and ask China to make them for us. (rolls eyes)
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Damn I wish I still lived there! Better believe I would pay 80$ for it!

It always fascinates me how all those stupid people think THAT's the Confederate flag....:rofl:

Of course you're talking about all the stupid people who get pissed about it huh?

Those who wave it picked it up first....after the war and used it for their Jim Crow ways. That's what that rectangular Southern Cross stands for....and people have the right to be pissed by it...just like people have the right to be pissed if they were waving a Nazi flag.
It always fascinates me how all those stupid people think THAT's the Confederate flag....:rofl:

Of course you're talking about all the stupid people who get pissed about it huh?

Those who wave it picked it up first....after the war and used it for their Jim Crow ways. That's what that rectangular Southern Cross stands for....and people have the right to be pissed by it...just like people have the right to be pissed if they were waving a Nazi flag.

How dumb. You're stating the obvious fact that people have a right to be pissed off when others use a flag, while ignoring the obvious correlating fact, that people have the right to USE that flag if they wish.

Just another dummy who thinks they have a right to not be offended.
I am offended by the people that get a disability/handicapped tag and there is nothing wrong with them whatsoever.
But the left gives them a free pass and encourages more to join their ranks.
Always wondered if you are disabled how are you able to load your truck parked in the handicapped zone full of plywood by yourself?
Handicapped should mean you can not lift anything.
Why pay $80 for a license plate? You can advertise that you're trash with a $2 window sticker :dunno:

And you can advertise you lack of tolerance by calling people who express their likeness for the Confederacy "trash." Oh, and you can also show how much you don't want them expressing themselves via their First Amendment rights.

Lol it's my 1st amendment right to call them trash. You don't want me to be able to exercise my 1st amendment rights? :laugh:

You can call anyone what you want.
Without even knowing them.
You have never heard them express an opinion on anything.
Unlike you as we have your posts here to see.
We know for sure you are a judgmental bigot.
Zell Miller didn't change it. Barnes did because I was part of the Boot Barnes movement that got that turn coat bastard Perdue into office and then he turned his back on the very people who helped him get elected...he gave us that FUGLY blue flag...

Sorry, Miller first asked that the stars and bars BE REMOVED IN 1992 as he had a meeting with Billy Payne about soliciting the Olympics here. Miller put the ball rolling publicly. Miller went to the Legislature two times and they would not do anything. The Democratic Party, you do know Miller is a Democrat, was contacted by Miller that the next election the Democratic nominee would carry on what Miller started and Miller personally offered that into their platform. Barnes was elected next and all he did was carry on what Miller demanded and started.
That is what happened.
Ahhhhh,I guess I just started paying attention when Barnes actually removed it as I was old enough to vote him out the next election. Man that was a proud moment.
As of yet, no symbol has ever been banned in the US. You can hang a Nazi flag if you so choose.

The blue flag is fugly for sure!
But it is better than the 1956 Stars and Bars flag that changed the flag pattern we had here from 1879 -1956 where the only reason they changed it to Stars and Bars because they wanted to keep segregation.
I consider the REAL Ga flag to be a symbol of resistance against the federal governments pressure on states rights. I will always consider it to be the true flag of Ga. I wish we had the chance to vote on it like Mississippi did.

Barnes did not remove a thing.
The Legislature ONLY has that authority.
How come it took 100 years for your "real flag" to be made and flown?
The real flag of Georgia was NOT the Stars and Bars. The change was made because they opposed integration.
You need just a little knowledge on the subject.

Damn I wish I still lived there! Better believe I would pay 80$ for it!

Wanna constantly pay an Idiot Tax repairing the keying gashes on such cars go ahead. :)
That's what guns and cameras are for. :)
Sorry, Miller first asked that the stars and bars BE REMOVED IN 1992 as he had a meeting with Billy Payne about soliciting the Olympics here. Miller put the ball rolling publicly. Miller went to the Legislature two times and they would not do anything. The Democratic Party, you do know Miller is a Democrat, was contacted by Miller that the next election the Democratic nominee would carry on what Miller started and Miller personally offered that into their platform. Barnes was elected next and all he did was carry on what Miller demanded and started.
That is what happened.
Ahhhhh,I guess I just started paying attention when Barnes actually removed it as I was old enough to vote him out the next election. Man that was a proud moment.

The blue flag is fugly for sure!
But it is better than the 1956 Stars and Bars flag that changed the flag pattern we had here from 1879 -1956 where the only reason they changed it to Stars and Bars because they wanted to keep segregation.
I consider the REAL Ga flag to be a symbol of resistance against the federal governments pressure on states rights. I will always consider it to be the true flag of Ga. I wish we had the chance to vote on it like Mississippi did.

Barnes did not remove a thing.
The Legislature ONLY has that authority.
How come it took 100 years for your "real flag" to be made and flown?
The real flag of Georgia was NOT the Stars and Bars. The change was made because they opposed integration.
You need just a little knowledge on the subject.

Barnes was governor he pushed for it. He also paid the price.
Why pay $80 for a license plate? You can advertise that you're trash with a $2 window sticker :dunno:
Fortunately for you,you don't even need to waste money! You just open your mouth and we all know! You wouldn't last in Georgia,boy.

I've lasted my whole life in the state where the capital of the confederacy was... "boy."

Savannah smells and Atlanta was dirty. Is there anything else in that shithole of a state?

Listen up, Old School! Savannah is lovely and Atlanta is not dirty. I live in Georgia and the streets of Atlanta look just fine! Our dogwood trees and bradford pear trees lining the highways make our state one of the most lovely places to visit! I do not like the confederate flag and have no desire for a confederate license plate. I am not stuck in the civil war era as some are. Still! Your comment is not polite and it is also untrue. ... thank you for reading. - Jeri

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