Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

So the First Amendment right of free expression of one's opinion means nothing to you? Forgive me, I must have been mistaken that I believed it did.

So when Farrakhan blasts whites, you support that. I'm glad to know this.

The First Amendment doesn't give anyone, not even radical black-separatists and liberation-theologists like Farrakhan to spew anti-white and anti-Semitic hate speech, though.

Why he's not on the SPLC's list of hate groups or terrorist organizations, is beyond me.

He should be.

Easy! The SPLC is a domestic terror group. a U.S. Navy Sailor, when I was on active duty, I had to watch what opinions I aired in public, as there were certain things I could NOT say publicly because if I did, I could be brought to Captain's Mast.

That is also how I feel that public officials should behave. They can have their feelings in private (like I did), but public airing of my views had to be curbed so as to not bring discredit to the Navy or the military overall, so I think this person was right to step down.

You weren't elected to the Navy, dumbass! You voluntarily agreed to those restriction on your speech.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

So the First Amendment right of free expression of one's opinion means nothing to you? Forgive me, I must have been mistaken that I believed it did.

So when Farrakhan blasts whites, you support that. I'm glad to know this.

The First Amendment doesn't give anyone, not even radical black-separatists and liberation-theologists like Farrakhan to spew anti-white and anti-Semitic hate speech, though.

Why he's not on the SPLC's list of hate groups or terrorist organizations, is beyond me.

He should be.

Easy! The SPLC is a domestic terror group.
No, it's not .
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

So the First Amendment right of free expression of one's opinion means nothing to you? Forgive me, I must have been mistaken that I believed it did.

So when Farrakhan blasts whites, you support that. I'm glad to know this.

The First Amendment doesn't give anyone, not even radical black-separatists and liberation-theologists like Farrakhan to spew anti-white and anti-Semitic hate speech, though.

Why he's not on the SPLC's list of hate groups or terrorist organizations, is beyond me.

He should be.

Easy! The SPLC is a domestic terror group.

The SPLC has done nothing that would support your assertion that it is a terrorist group. Gathering data on groups and reporting its findings involves no violence and is not a "terrorist" activity.
..why do you think the LORD created the races?? so they would be separate/etc..if he wanted them to be together, he wouldn't have made different races
Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
..the LORD created the different races to be different/separated
This is not about free speech. He was a public official who has power and authority and must be held to a higher standard. He can't be allowed to alienate and marginalize others when he is supposed to be representing everyone. Now that he is a private citizen, he can say whatever the fuck he wants

It is exactly about free speech.
Because you say so??:777::777::777:
I said what I said. You know it to be a strong and valid point, as you demonstrat by NOT addressing it.

That is as close as you libs get to admitting when you lose. Not addressing the point.

I admit your admission would have been stronger, if you had called me a "racist". That is the Gold Standard of a Liberal, when he feels his world view being crushed by Logic and Reason.

But still, that is certainly a win for me. This thread is done. You as op can asked for it to be closed.

As usual , you delude your self into thinking that you won something. The fact that he caught a shit storm over it does not mean that America is not racist. The fact that he exists and felt free to make those remarks proves how deeply ingrained racism is

Yeah, we went over all of that, and you had a choice of how to respond, and you choose to dodge, thus admitting that, on some level, you know I am right.

America is not nearly as racist as America haters like you, want to pretend.

This demonstrates it.

YOu lose.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
Gibberish! Desperate blathering

I concisely and seriously addressed your post.

Your pretense otherwise, is ironically, just an evasive tactic, from a liberal, who knows at some level, that he cannot defend his positions and policies based on their merits.

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
As usual , you delude your self into thinking that you won something. The fact that he caught a shit storm over it does not mean that America is not racist. The fact that he exists and felt free to make those remarks proves how deeply ingrained racism is

Yeah, we went over all of that, and you had a choice of how to respond, and you choose to dodge, thus admitting that, on some level, you know I am right.

America is not nearly as racist as America haters like you, want to pretend.

This demonstrates it.

YOu lose.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
Gibberish! Desperate blathering

I concisely and seriously addressed your post.

Your pretense otherwise, is ironically, just an evasive tactic, from a liberal, who knows at some level, that he cannot defend his positions and policies based on their merits.

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
He's a serial virtue signaler....He turns the beacon up especially bright when it comes to homeauxs.

In the end, it's not about any supposed civil rights of anyone else, it's about him basking in the masturbatory self-congratulation of how much a better person he is than you.
Yeah, we went over all of that, and you had a choice of how to respond, and you choose to dodge, thus admitting that, on some level, you know I am right.

America is not nearly as racist as America haters like you, want to pretend.

This demonstrates it.

YOu lose.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
Gibberish! Desperate blathering

I concisely and seriously addressed your post.

Your pretense otherwise, is ironically, just an evasive tactic, from a liberal, who knows at some level, that he cannot defend his positions and policies based on their merits.

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
He's a serial virtue signaler....He turns the beacon up especially bright when it comes to homeauxs.

In the end, it's not about any supposed civil rights of anyone else, it's about him basking in the masturbatory self-congratulation of how much a better person he is than you.

That would explain how easily and quickly he gets angry, when I call him on his bullshit.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
Gibberish! Desperate blathering

I concisely and seriously addressed your post.

Your pretense otherwise, is ironically, just an evasive tactic, from a liberal, who knows at some level, that he cannot defend his positions and policies based on their merits.

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
He's a serial virtue signaler....He turns the beacon up especially bright when it comes to homeauxs.

In the end, it's not about any supposed civil rights of anyone else, it's about him basking in the masturbatory self-congratulation of how much a better person he is than you.

That would explain how easily and quickly he gets angry, when I call him on his bullshit.
Doing so repeatedly will get you on his iggy list...He's really quite thin skinned about it.
Mmm, so the accusations against the Mayor are FOURTH HAND accounts? And one of the layers is the media?

You know, if America was half as racist as you lefties claim, this guy would not be being forced out of office because of his statement.

Just saying.

One of the layers is—a known extreme left wrong-wing source of lies and propaganda. On that basis alone, it's safest to assume that the entire premise of this thread is bullshit. But, then, I think just about everyone in this forum knows better than to assume anything other than that from TheRegressiveParasite.
I get it Bobby Boy. All that you can to is attack the source and childishly call names. You are pathetically devoid of any substance.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

I thought your only concern was if other cock suckers and fudge packers were discriminated against. He didn't say anything about faggots but I'm guessing he had no love loss for them either.

You thought wrong dip shit!! I am concerned about all civil rights issues. Now, do you actually have anything of any intellectual quality to contribute here or are you just going to be a fucking DICK

Your constitutional right to bare arms is a civil right:04:

Defend my right mrs fire island
Give me a fucking break. Are you saying that is fake news?

I said what I said. You know it to be a strong and valid point, as you demonstrat by NOT addressing it.

That is as close as you libs get to admitting when you lose. Not addressing the point.

I admit your admission would have been stronger, if you had called me a "racist". That is the Gold Standard of a Liberal, when he feels his world view being crushed by Logic and Reason.

But still, that is certainly a win for me. This thread is done. You as op can asked for it to be closed.

As usual , you delude your self into thinking that you won something. The fact that he caught a shit storm over it does not mean that America is not racist. The fact that he exists and felt free to make those remarks proves how deeply ingrained racism is

Yeah, we went over all of that, and you had a choice of how to respond, and you choose to dodge, thus admitting that, on some level, you know I am right.

America is not nearly as racist as America haters like you, want to pretend.

This demonstrates it.

YOu lose.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
You are quite talented in your ability to string words together while saying absolutely nothing of any value
So this white racist has freedom of speech, but that freedom does not apply to Farrakhan.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

As a Christian pastor I can say that the Bible does, in fact, prohibit inter-racial marriage and the concept of God's people being ruled over by the mixed multitude.

It has been mostly within my own lifetime that preachers and churches have changed the tenets of their religion in order to retain their non-profit status and remain popular with the masses.

The left has become experts at creating the illusion that obedience to the laws of the Bible are related to hate and intolerance. Non-believers who observed God's laws as custom while being ignorant of the biblical connection were able to create and pass down ideologies rooted in hate and intolerance. The pastors remained silent, scared of losing their incomes.

The harsh reality is that when you mix cultures, races, religions, political ideologies, sexual orientations, and creeds you create the formula needed to destroy that civilization.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

I thought your only concern was if other cock suckers and fudge packers were discriminated against. He didn't say anything about faggots but I'm guessing he had no love loss for them either.

You thought wrong dip shit!! I am concerned about all civil rights issues. Now, do you actually have anything of any intellectual quality to contribute here or are you just going to be a fucking DICK

Well we know the answer to that.

Notice not one of these homophobic dicks actually seems to disagree Cleveland's opposition to mixed race marriages.

No surprise there either.

Having almost been in a mixed-race marriage myself at one time, I can tell you that they're a sham. Most mixed relationships are based on the hatred of one or the other race. They're seen as a "status symbol" among liberals.

Liberal white women often become involved in mixed-race relationships as a form of protest, usually against their parents. Liberal white males especially see mixed-race relationships as a "status symbol", proving to themselves and the world that "They're not racist."

In the case of black women, a white significant other is generally because they've been abused by a black man at some time. They engage themselves in a relationship with a white man, mostly out of spite from their perception that they were fucked over by some uncaring black man.

In the case of a black man involved with a white woman, generally they tend to be blonde white women. They typically do that because black women tend to be domineering and materialistic, which to many black men is emasculating. Therefore, they sometimes run off with blond, white women as revenge for their emasculation.

You can laugh at this if you want to but having been both a liberal Democrat at one time and a musician for 30 years, I know a little bit. I've had more than my share of black pussy in my lifetime, I am a scholar of human emotions, and a damned fine judge of character.

Why can't 2 people of different races simply like each other and fall in love? I've known a few bi-racial couples in my time, and none of what you have posted applies to any of them. Gordon, a person I was stationed with in Jacksonville, was married to a black woman, and those two were the most loving couple I've ever seen. And, not only that, their lives would have been easier on them if they hadn't been a bi-racial couple. In the late 80's and early 90's, I saw him catch a lot of grief from white boys when they saw him with his wife.

I also know that for myself, I could have ended up with a girl named Kelly who was black (I'm white btw). Why? Because not only was she strikingly beautiful, but she was also smart as hell and had a wicked sense of humor. But, unfortunately, she got stationed one place, and I got stationed another.

Why ask why? China is 91.5 percent Han Chinese; North Korea is 99.8 percent racially homogeneous ; Japan claims to be the most racially pure country in the world with 98 percent of its people being Japanese and Zimbabwe is over 97 percent black. We do not question those countries and their policies. So, why does it have to be so "controversial" in America?

America was founded by white Christians who believed America was the New Jerusalem and the job of the biblical Israelites was to be a "shining city on a hill." Check out this sermon, delivered in 1630 aboard a ship called the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

God forbids inter-racial marriage. Consequently, the founders / framers outlawed inter-racial marriage and our first Naturalization law limited citizenship to whites. America was blessed above all the nations of the earth and we did more in less than 200 years than the Roman Empire did in 1000 + years.

The more we've done to make America multicultural, the closer we've come to being a third world cesspool. Adding insult to injury, because we heeded the Word of God, the average non-white hates, loathes, and despises the foundational principles upon which this Republic was founded. They will settle for nothing less than a removal of all the reminders of the race that founded America. That not only means an end to our statues, memorials, monuments, flags, and legal currency, but the entire race itself.

No empire has ever survived racial amalgamation and the mixing of races, cultures, creeds, sexual orientations, political ideologies, and religions.

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