Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

Ok so I get it now you are not allowed personal opinions if they do not follow the democratic standard! So is it racist if you don't like a particular form of music say rap or hip hop?
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Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
That was referring to "interracial marriage", per the understanding of race at the time.
Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
That was referring to "interracial marriage", per the understanding of race at the time.

No, it wasn't referring to interracial marriage, it was saying that people of different faiths shouldn't marry. Jews considered anyone who didn't believe in the Jewish faith to be a Gentile.
No, it wasn't referring to interracial marriage, it was saying that people of different faiths shouldn't marry.
* of different nations.

That's the word used. And yes, that was their understanding of race at the time. And it is one of the passages to which morons like this councilman specifically refer.
America was founded by white Christians
America was stolen by white Christians from Native Americans

Until America was founded and made into the world's superpower, there was a universally accepted idea of the right of conquest. World War II led organizations like the UN to abolish the concept.

I grant you that when the colonists bought land with trinkets, they pulled off deals that Trump could never match, but they did what was considered legal at the time. Unfortunately it is what it is. Furthermore, our Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws, so as long as the Constitution stands, you have no recourse. That is being used as a justification for the genocide against whites as well as the all out assault against the Constitution.

The 'genocide against whites'

As a white male, I guess I missed that memo. That genocide is apparently really going badly since the number of white Americans continues to grow........

You are absolutely deslusional. For example:

In the current U.S. Congress 13 percent of it is made up of immigrants and / or the children of immigrants. That totals 68 legislators and 57 of those are Democrats.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Virtually all of those Democrats are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-white. They are a fair representation of the country over-all. There are plenty of white people who have abandoned their heritage and culture, making their race irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Stacey Abrams, a virulent racist, that demands reparations from whites, only lost her bid for governor by under 2 percent of the vote in a state that has rejected Dems for many years.

According to U.S. Census figures roughly half of all U.S. counties had a population of at least 98 percent. Today fewer than 5 percent of the counties in the United States can make that claim.

I live about 25 miles from the city in this thread. In 1980 nearly 85 percent of the residents were white. Today, it's fewer than 50 percent AND we've been all Republican until the last couple of elections.

You and I live on different planets.

Wow- who killed all of those white folk?

I find the snowflake mentality of you white 'christians' who seek to blame other people for your own failures just to be comical.

As a white man I have had nothing but benefits from being the least discriminated against group in America. Sorry your life has been such a failure that you need to blame non-whites for your life.
Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
That was referring to "interracial marriage", per the understanding of race at the time.

No, it wasn't referring to interracial marriage, it was saying that people of different faiths shouldn't marry. Jews considered anyone who didn't believe in the Jewish faith to be a Gentile.

Jews, Asians, Arabs, Hispanics and Blacks...all tend to encourage their children to stick with their own. Especially in the case of Jews, they would not even be around anymore if they hadn't.
Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
..the LORD created the different races to be different/separated
Lord Voldenmort??
no--THE Lord
Yup. The Lord. My Lord is as valid as your Lord
yes--the races were not created to mix--plain and simple
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

Mmm, so the accusations against the Mayor are FOURTH HAND accounts? And one of the layers is the media?

You know, if America was half as racist as you lefties claim, this guy would not be being forced out of office because of his statement.

Just saying.
Well, I'm sure YOU wouldn't want to force him out of office.
I would not have doubted that people like this still exist. What is shocking is that a person in a position of power and public trust believed that he could say this out loud and actually get away with it!

Georgia City Councilman Resigns After Claiming Interracial Marriage Is Wrong

Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman has resigned after publicly opposing interracial marriage because of his sincerely held Christian beliefs.

Earlier this year Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.

At the time, Councilman Cleveland explained that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.”

Someone should point out to him that the vast majority of Christians would find this belief revolting. The good news is:

After making headlines for his openly racist claim, Cleveland was faced with mounting opposition and a recall election next month, and so decided to resign rather than fact the public humiliation of a recall.

In related news, the mayor is a bigot also:

Georgia mayor under fire for alleged remarks about black job candidate

The mayor of Hoschton, a nearly all-white community 50 miles northeast of Atlanta, allegedly withheld a job candidate from consideration for city administrator because he was black, an AJC investigation has found.

According to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and interviews with city officials, Mayor Theresa Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”

I thought your only concern was if other cock suckers and fudge packers were discriminated against. He didn't say anything about faggots but I'm guessing he had no love loss for them either.

You thought wrong dip shit!! I am concerned about all civil rights issues. Now, do you actually have anything of any intellectual quality to contribute here or are you just going to be a fucking DICK

Well we know the answer to that.

Notice not one of these homophobic dicks actually seems to disagree Cleveland's opposition to mixed race marriages.

No surprise there either.

Having almost been in a mixed-race marriage myself at one time, I can tell you that they're a sham. Most mixed relationships are based on the hatred of one or the other race. They're seen as a "status symbol" among liberals.

Liberal white women often become involved in mixed-race relationships as a form of protest, usually against their parents. Liberal white males especially see mixed-race relationships as a "status symbol", proving to themselves and the world that "They're not racist."

In the case of black women, a white significant other is generally because they've been abused by a black man at some time. They engage themselves in a relationship with a white man, mostly out of spite from their perception that they were fucked over by some uncaring black man.

In the case of a black man involved with a white woman, generally they tend to be blonde white women. They typically do that because black women tend to be domineering and materialistic, which to many black men is emasculating. Therefore, they sometimes run off with blond, white women as revenge for their emasculation.

You can laugh at this if you want to but having been both a liberal Democrat at one time and a musician for 30 years, I know a little bit. I've had more than my share of black pussy in my lifetime, I am a scholar of human emotions, and a damned fine judge of character.
Consequently, the founders / framers outlawed inter-racial marriage
Really? It's in the Constitution? Please show us where

Did I say it was in the Constitution?
You said that the famers outlawed it. How exactly did they do that ?

There were laws against inter-racial marriage in the colonies BEFORE the Constitution was ratified. You can attribute that to the founders.

In 1776 seven out of the 13 original colonies enforced anti - miscegenation laws.

Now, specifically as to the "famers" (framers), within six months after the ratification of the United States they limited citizenship to free whites. Only whites were recognized as citizens. Since black genes are more predominant over white genes at a ration of 4 to 1, mixed race people could not vote nor hold public office. States outlawed inter-racial marriage and the courts upheld it.

If you want a REAL education on your question, you should read Chief Justice Roger Taney's opinion in the case of Dred Scott v Sanford.

Scott v. Sandford | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Finally, 19 of the men who signed the Constitution went on to serve as U.S. Senators. Keep that in mind as you read Taney's historical account of the laws.

U.S. Senate: Delegates Who Became Senators

If interracial marriages were something to be protested, where is the legislation by any of those men to repeal it? How come interracial marriage is not listed as an unalienable Right? In limiting citizenship to whites, doesn't that send a signal to you that the framers who held elective office after the ratification of the Constitution did not address the bans on interracial marriage because it was not inconsistent with their world view?
America was founded by white Christians
America was stolen by white Christians from Native Americans

Until America was founded and made into the world's superpower, there was a universally accepted idea of the right of conquest. World War II led organizations like the UN to abolish the concept.

I grant you that when the colonists bought land with trinkets, they pulled off deals that Trump could never match, but they did what was considered legal at the time. Unfortunately it is what it is. Furthermore, our Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws, so as long as the Constitution stands, you have no recourse. That is being used as a justification for the genocide against whites as well as the all out assault against the Constitution.

The 'genocide against whites'

As a white male, I guess I missed that memo. That genocide is apparently really going badly since the number of white Americans continues to grow........

You are absolutely deslusional. For example:

In the current U.S. Congress 13 percent of it is made up of immigrants and / or the children of immigrants. That totals 68 legislators and 57 of those are Democrats.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Virtually all of those Democrats are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-white. They are a fair representation of the country over-all. There are plenty of white people who have abandoned their heritage and culture, making their race irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Stacey Abrams, a virulent racist, that demands reparations from whites, only lost her bid for governor by under 2 percent of the vote in a state that has rejected Dems for many years.

According to U.S. Census figures roughly half of all U.S. counties had a population of at least 98 percent. Today fewer than 5 percent of the counties in the United States can make that claim.

I live about 25 miles from the city in this thread. In 1980 nearly 85 percent of the residents were white. Today, it's fewer than 50 percent AND we've been all Republican until the last couple of elections.

You and I live on different planets.

Wow- who killed all of those white folk?

I find the snowflake mentality of you white 'christians' who seek to blame other people for your own failures just to be comical.

As a white man I have had nothing but benefits from being the least discriminated against group in America. Sorry your life has been such a failure that you need to blame non-whites for your life.

Did you confuse me with Jesus? How, exactly, with 1 vote in over 150 MILLION did "I" fail? And where did I lay the blame on non-whites for the conditions in America or the situation in my life?

Let's get this straight: It is a bit naive for you to presume facts not in evidence. So that you understand me, let me make my position crystal clear:

The white people in America today are a dwindling minority. Between the acceptance of homosexuality and interracial marriage, not to mention the MILLIONS of people who die prematurely over things like illegal drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and other preventable conditions the reality boils down to some harsh truths. The youth of today, for the first time in American history, will live shorter lives than the generation before them; they will be less affluent; have smaller families and fewer Freedoms and Liberties. THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF ANY OTHER RACE, RELIGION, ETC. IT RESTS CLEARLY ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE WHITE RACE.

There are no other races demanding that mothers put their young children on mind altering drugs like Ritalin or Adderall so that they can go through life thinking a pill is some magic elixir that can solve their every woe in life. No racial group is forcing those same parents to help their children to get opioids and then after years of drug abuse be taken off mommy's insurance when they have no high school diploma, no job skills, no initiative, no driver's license, no work ethic and the only things they DO have are a drug habit, rotted teeth, tattoos and body piercings.

Today America leads the world in drug use. Over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply ends up in the United States of America. We have more people in prison than any nation on the planet and for every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison.

The fact that whites have rejected their history and culture and live under a cloud of a false sense of guilt for the plight of non-whites has led to the demise of our nation. That whites are being pursued by the non-whites in the political arena is the FAULT OF WHITES who refuse to stand up and reject the subtle takeover via genocide.

Whites number less than ONE in 13 of the world's population. They have been browbeaten into crawling before their masters - be it liberals, non-white racists, a controlled news and entertainment media and / or other various sundry political propaganda prostitutes. That is their fault.

The whites of today reject the God of their fathers; they shit on their culture; let others destroy their heritage. I don't blame non-whites for that. I blame sorry ass white fathers for abandoning their families and the ease by which people get an abortion or a divorce, negatively impacting their own lives as well as the lives of countless others - mostly children. I blame the lying preachers who misled their parishioners just so the church can keep its tax exempt status and be popular with the masses (that helps when you pass the offering plate.) I blame voters that go to the polls and vote for socialism, nazism, communism, and globalism on the installment plan. I blame the whites that willingly engage in paganism and debauchery by getting involved in illegal drugs, homosexuality, interracial sexual encounters / marriages and adopting the ways of the heathen.

The white race has become the sorriest sons of bitches on the face of the earth. The leadership they pick is indicative of their weaknesses. When we look at politicians like Donald Trump, Adam Schiff, Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi it becomes obvious - if this is the best we can do, something is damn well wrong. If it makes you feel good to blame me, have at it, but you're the only person in America that thinks I wield the kind of influence to make any kind of impact on the status quo. If I did have that kind of influence, we'd have a much better country.
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America was founded by white Christians
America was stolen by white Christians from Native Americans

Until America was founded and made into the world's superpower, there was a universally accepted idea of the right of conquest. World War II led organizations like the UN to abolish the concept.

I grant you that when the colonists bought land with trinkets, they pulled off deals that Trump could never match, but they did what was considered legal at the time. Unfortunately it is what it is. Furthermore, our Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws, so as long as the Constitution stands, you have no recourse. That is being used as a justification for the genocide against whites as well as the all out assault against the Constitution.

The 'genocide against whites'

As a white male, I guess I missed that memo. That genocide is apparently really going badly since the number of white Americans continues to grow........

You are absolutely deslusional. For example:

In the current U.S. Congress 13 percent of it is made up of immigrants and / or the children of immigrants. That totals 68 legislators and 57 of those are Democrats.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Virtually all of those Democrats are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-white. They are a fair representation of the country over-all. There are plenty of white people who have abandoned their heritage and culture, making their race irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Stacey Abrams, a virulent racist, that demands reparations from whites, only lost her bid for governor by under 2 percent of the vote in a state that has rejected Dems for many years.

According to U.S. Census figures roughly half of all U.S. counties had a population of at least 98 percent. Today fewer than 5 percent of the counties in the United States can make that claim.

I live about 25 miles from the city in this thread. In 1980 nearly 85 percent of the residents were white. Today, it's fewer than 50 percent AND we've been all Republican until the last couple of elections.

You and I live on different planets.

Your figures are not logical. 100% of all US counties had a population of 100% if anyone lived there! :abgg2q.jpg:

I think you meant to say something else. a U.S. Navy Sailor, when I was on active duty, I had to watch what opinions I aired in public, as there were certain things I could NOT say publicly because if I did, I could be brought to Captain's Mast.

That is also how I feel that public officials should behave. They can have their feelings in private (like I did), but public airing of my views had to be curbed so as to not bring discredit to the Navy or the military overall, so I think this person was right to step down.

You weren't elected to the Navy, dumbass! You voluntarily agreed to those restriction on your speech.

Hey, the politicians made a conscious voluntary choice to run. Sorry, but they chose it just like I did, only they had to get elected first.

There are no restriction on free speech regarding this topic. Only a libtard would impose such restrictions because they are unconstitutional.
Yanno, I know there were parts in the OT where Jews and Gentiles weren't supposed to marry, but I've never heard of any passages where it is against interracial marriage.
..the LORD created the different races to be different/separated
Lord Voldenmort??
no--THE Lord
Yup. The Lord. My Lord is as valid as your Lord
yes--the races were not created to mix--plain and simple

That is your opinion. Enjoy it but don't impose it on anyone else.
America was stolen by white Christians from Native Americans

Until America was founded and made into the world's superpower, there was a universally accepted idea of the right of conquest. World War II led organizations like the UN to abolish the concept.

I grant you that when the colonists bought land with trinkets, they pulled off deals that Trump could never match, but they did what was considered legal at the time. Unfortunately it is what it is. Furthermore, our Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws, so as long as the Constitution stands, you have no recourse. That is being used as a justification for the genocide against whites as well as the all out assault against the Constitution.

The 'genocide against whites'

As a white male, I guess I missed that memo. That genocide is apparently really going badly since the number of white Americans continues to grow........

You are absolutely deslusional. For example:

In the current U.S. Congress 13 percent of it is made up of immigrants and / or the children of immigrants. That totals 68 legislators and 57 of those are Democrats.

In 116th Congress, at least 13% of lawmakers are immigrants or the children of immigrants

Virtually all of those Democrats are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-white. They are a fair representation of the country over-all. There are plenty of white people who have abandoned their heritage and culture, making their race irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Stacey Abrams, a virulent racist, that demands reparations from whites, only lost her bid for governor by under 2 percent of the vote in a state that has rejected Dems for many years.

According to U.S. Census figures roughly half of all U.S. counties had a population of at least 98 percent. Today fewer than 5 percent of the counties in the United States can make that claim.

I live about 25 miles from the city in this thread. In 1980 nearly 85 percent of the residents were white. Today, it's fewer than 50 percent AND we've been all Republican until the last couple of elections.

You and I live on different planets.

Wow- who killed all of those white folk?

I find the snowflake mentality of you white 'christians' who seek to blame other people for your own failures just to be comical.

As a white man I have had nothing but benefits from being the least discriminated against group in America. Sorry your life has been such a failure that you need to blame non-whites for your life.

Did you confuse me with Jesus? How, exactly, with 1 vote in over 150 MILLION did "I" fail? And where did I lay the blame on non-whites for the conditions in America or the situation in my life?

Let's get this straight: It is a bit naive for you to presume facts not in evidence. So that you understand me, let me make my position crystal clear:

The white people in America today are a dwindling minority. Between the acceptance of homosexuality and interracial marriage, not to mention the MILLIONS of people who die prematurely over things like illegal drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and other preventable conditions the reality boils down to some harsh truths. The youth of today, for the first time in American history, will live shorter lives than the generation before them; they will be less affluent; have smaller families and fewer Freedoms and Liberties. THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF ANY OTHER RACE, RELIGION, ETC. IT RESTS CLEARLY ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE WHITE RACE.

There are no other races demanding that mothers put their young children on mind altering drugs like Ritalin or Adderall so that they can go through life thinking a pill is some magic elixir that can solve their every woe in life. No racial group is forcing those same parents to help their children to get opioids and then after years of drug abuse be taken off mommy's insurance when they have no high school diploma, no job skills, no initiative, no driver's license, no work ethic and the only things they DO have are a drug habit, rotted teeth, tattoos and body piercings.

Today America leads the world in drug use. Over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply ends up in the United States of America. We have more people in prison than any nation on the planet and for every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 in prison.

The fact that whites have rejected their history and culture and live under a cloud of a false sense of guilt for the plight of non-whites has led to the demise of our nation. That whites are being pursued by the non-whites in the political arena is the FAULT OF WHITES who refuse to stand up and reject the subtle takeover via genocide.

Whites number less than ONE in 13 of the world's population. They have been browbeaten into crawling before their masters - be it liberals, non-white racists, a controlled news and entertainment media and / or other various sundry political propaganda prostitutes. That is their fault.

The whites of today reject the God of their fathers; they shit on their culture; let others destroy their heritage. I don't blame non-whites for that. I blame sorry ass white fathers for abandoning their families and the ease by which people get an abortion or a divorce, negatively impacting their own lives as well as the lives of countless others - mostly children. I blame the lying preachers who misled their parishioners just so the church can keep its tax exempt status and be popular with the masses (that helps when you pass the offering plate.) I blame voters that go to the polls and vote for socialism, nazism, communism, and globalism on the installment plan. I blame the whites that willingly engage in paganism and debauchery by getting involved in illegal drugs, homosexuality, interracial sexual encounters / marriages and adopting the ways of the heathen.

The white race has become the sorriest sons of bitches on the face of the earth. The leadership they pick is indicative of their weaknesses. When we look at politicians like Donald Trump, Adam Schiff, Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi it becomes obvious - if this is the best we can do, something is damn well wrong. If it makes you feel good to blame me, have at it, but you're the only person in America that thinks I wield the kind of influence to make any kind of impact on the status quo. If I did have that kind of influence, we'd have a much better country.

One powerful dissertation Porter
THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
Gibberish! Desperate blathering

I concisely and seriously addressed your post.

Your pretense otherwise, is ironically, just an evasive tactic, from a liberal, who knows at some level, that he cannot defend his positions and policies based on their merits.

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
He's a serial virtue signaler....He turns the beacon up especially bright when it comes to homeauxs.

In the end, it's not about any supposed civil rights of anyone else, it's about him basking in the masturbatory self-congratulation of how much a better person he is than you.

That would explain how easily and quickly he gets angry, when I call him on his bullshit.
Doing so repeatedly will get you on his iggy list...He's really quite thin skinned about it.

I have to be me.
I said what I said. You know it to be a strong and valid point, as you demonstrat by NOT addressing it.

That is as close as you libs get to admitting when you lose. Not addressing the point.

I admit your admission would have been stronger, if you had called me a "racist". That is the Gold Standard of a Liberal, when he feels his world view being crushed by Logic and Reason.

But still, that is certainly a win for me. This thread is done. You as op can asked for it to be closed.

As usual , you delude your self into thinking that you won something. The fact that he caught a shit storm over it does not mean that America is not racist. The fact that he exists and felt free to make those remarks proves how deeply ingrained racism is

Yeah, we went over all of that, and you had a choice of how to respond, and you choose to dodge, thus admitting that, on some level, you know I am right.

America is not nearly as racist as America haters like you, want to pretend.

This demonstrates it.

YOu lose.
Keep telling yourself that

THe mass hysteria of you libs, pretending that you are living in some nazi victory timeline, is getting old.

You are not a brave rebel, making a brave stand against the Evul Supervillains.

You are delusional asses, who put other people down, to somehow justify your delusional self images.
You are quite talented in your ability to string words together while saying absolutely nothing of any value

Except I made a very clear and real point. ONe you ignored in your "reply".

You obviously care about the discussion. YOu keep posting. BUT, you avoid the issue being discussed, choosing instead to attack me personally.

What does that say about how YOU view your own position?

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