Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
This will surely help prevent abortion! LOL.
The state of Georgia has pulled the plug on providing Planned Parenthood Southeast with free test kits that screen for sexually transmitted diseases.

A state public health official said the money for the kits had simply run out, but Planned Parenthood Southeast asserted on Monday that the action was political.
Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?
Sick bastards....People will die because of shit like this.
Negros are 10 X more likely to have an STD then any group. It's just natural selection for the stupid.
Now we know the thoughts of the average trump supporter.
Those are facts. If you want to raise the IQ of a gene pool then you HAVE to allow natural selection.
Dear lord, I hope you account is satire.
This will surely help prevent abortion! LOL.
The state of Georgia has pulled the plug on providing Planned Parenthood Southeast with free test kits that screen for sexually transmitted diseases.

A state public health official said the money for the kits had simply run out, but Planned Parenthood Southeast asserted on Monday that the action was political.
Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood

do you people take any responsibly for yourselves in this day and age?
Sick bastards....People will die because of shit like this.
Negros are 10 X more likely to have an STD then any group. It's just natural selection for the stupid.
Now we know the thoughts of the average trump supporter.
Those are facts. If you want to raise the IQ of a gene pool then you HAVE to allow natural selection.
Dear lord, I hope you account is satire.
Nope. Just facts.
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.
This will surely help prevent abortion! LOL.
The state of Georgia has pulled the plug on providing Planned Parenthood Southeast with free test kits that screen for sexually transmitted diseases.

A state public health official said the money for the kits had simply run out, but Planned Parenthood Southeast asserted on Monday that the action was political.
Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood

Yo, wait until we see a Real American President, a Republican, walk into the White House, Planned Parenthood is a goner!!!
It`s nothing more than a baby killing mill!!!


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