Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood

Sick bastards....People will die because of shit like this.
No they eont
Idiot, PP provided free std screenings, it's common sense.
So does medicaid
Yes, and it will take time, if it ever happens, to allocate those resources to the areas where the PP clinics were relied on by these women.
Nope. Most free clinics are closing due to no patients to treat. They have access.
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.
" not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex."
This will surely help prevent abortion! LOL.
The state of Georgia has pulled the plug on providing Planned Parenthood Southeast with free test kits that screen for sexually transmitted diseases.

A state public health official said the money for the kits had simply run out, but Planned Parenthood Southeast asserted on Monday that the action was political.
Georgia cuts off STD screening kits for Planned Parenthood

Yo, wait until we see a Real American President, a Republican, walk into the White House, Planned Parenthood is a goner!!!
It`s nothing more than a baby killing mill!!!

View attachment 47160

Yep, and it's such a sad thing to watch the Democrat party crow how they OWN the Black people in this country. after the thug Obama was elected, they threw up in our face about how 95% of black people voted for Obama. and I'm thinking how frikken sad is that to be OWNED by a political party.
"The state of Georgia has pulled the plug on providing Planned Parenthood Southeast with free test kits that screen for sexually transmitted diseases."

Well, for most republicans, ignorance is bliss.
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease
OR a Socially Twisted Democrat.
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

, back in the DAY we took care of OURSELVES. you can pay out of pocket or there are many Free clinics, county health centers, etc across this country. if you losers who contracted a sexual STD can't find one..... that's ON YOU. this will be my last reply to you. good bye
good grief. whining about freaking stds.
Seems the resident racists are flocking to this thread.
An article on black female STDs by a Black doctor who is not racist.

by: Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu (Courtesy Photo) Special to the AFRODr. Jawanza KunjufuDec 30, 2014


Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

The above figure is not a new statistic. My concern is that it has become the norm and is unacceptable. One fourth of White female teens have an STD. That figure would be a little more acceptable. Is the Black community in denial? Do we feel it’s okay if almost half our female teens have an STD? When I speak nationwide to youth, many of them tell they are virgins. I then ask how can you be a virgin with an STD? They then tell me it was oral or anal sex which they feel did not violate their virginity

Forty-Eight Percent of Black Female Teens Have an STD Afro
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

Herpes can be transmitted without sex. Just by touching or kissing the affected area. Or through transmission by sharing the same item such as lip gloss, bath towels, toilet seats.....
Seems the resident racists are flocking to this thread.

Funny how you equate our distaste for PP with racism or that we don't want people to be screened for STD's. But simply put, common sense should prevail, abstinence is the best antidote.

Your ilk are a dying breed. Identity politics are failing. You are making yourself look foolish. Only you can equate people's perceptions on random issues with racism. Let the false cause arguments flow, from the floodgates of stupidity.
Where's the opposition to sending money to the Israeli government, which pays for thousands of abortions?
So if government doesn't provide it, no one will provide it, is that it?
Sure, people will provide it, but nowhere near enough to reach the people that need to be reached or substantially help, private charities rarely have the resources, and for profit companies certainly won't step up, remember america in the early 20th century, before the new deal and the like?

oh well. people like you need to take up a collection and send it to PP. It's not the responsibility of the TAXPAYERS to pay for your screw ups. pay for it or if you're a male watch your pecker fall off.


It is about disease control not all STD associated diseases are transmitted by just sex. It does society no good having diseases going through it.

How about you get on your soapbox and run in the next election promising double digit increases in all STDs.

STD = Sexualy Transmitted Disease

Herpes can be transmitted without sex. Just by touching or kissing the affected area. Or through transmission by sharing the same item such as lip gloss, bath towels, toilet seats.....
Different kinds of herpes. Genital Herpes and Oral Herpes.

Herpes Simplex MedlinePlus

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