Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp dismisses GOP calls for special session to impeach DA Fani Willis

The votes "found" after 3 am gave a disproportionate amount of Biden votes, and he was far ahead of Biden when the Republicans were escorted to the door that was promptly locked by Democrats who claimed they would "lock up." Hah! That was a lie, and the video showed them going and finding boxes and bags full of votes, all of which went to Biden. Trump requested that "Brad" find the votes for him that disappeared into Demmie never-never land, without Peter Pan. He had a right to know what happened to his lead before the Republicans were ushered out with doors locked behind them.

The Democrat Injustice department has no intention of righting the wrong done to President Trump on election night due to forbidden practices committed by the precinct Demmies. Nobody said what their marching orders were, but the video showed it loud and clear. They cheated President Trump from every appearance.

And I think this damn coordinated leftist Judicial atrocity sucks. :cranky:

The votes "found" after 3 am

You are lying. You have zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing and none in way of absolute physical evidence to support that lie. YOU NEED ACTUAL PHYSICAL EVIDENCE AND YOU AIN'T GOT JACK FUCKING SHIT IN THE WAY OF EVIDENCE!

You have no proof of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You have second, third and fourth hearsay, but you have no proof.

Ghouli is already found liable for lying the Mother and Daughter who worked as Election Workers, they did nothing wrong.

His lies about those two Women resulted in them receiving death threats. You are LYING. YOU ARE A LYING LIAR THAT LIES.

Fucking 11035809 Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
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There's no reason for the State of Georgia to remove Miss Fanny Willis. Yet. Give her a little more time and let's talk about it then.

The Constitution of Georgia is rather clear, there is, as it stands right this very fucking NOW no way the The Governor (the Executive Branch) can remove Ms. Willis (The Judicial Branch) from her office. To do so would be on its face Unconstitutional.

The Executive and Judicial are, under the Constitution Seperate but Co-Equal Branches of Government. No such authority as discussed exists to remove Ms. Willis. To do so would be a gross violation of Constitutional Due Process.

IF 01135809 is as innocent as all you MAGA MAGGOTS claim he is, you should welcome the coming trial on 13-Seperate RICO Counts. Rather than fight the trial, you should welcome it. IF on the other hand, the court proves beyond a reasonable doubt of the guilt of 01135809, then he faces a minimum of 5-Years on each count for a total 65-Years in the Georgia State Prison.

There was no Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, except by P01135809, he wanted Governor Kemp to "Find 11,780" Votes", which would of be a clear case of Election Fraud.

Asking the Governor to find those votes mean that P01135809 knows he lost the State of Georigia and with the State of Georgia he lost the election as well. You don't go begging for votes because you won asshole, you do because you fucking lost.
It's remarkable that the governor was able to say "constitutional". Most Republicans burn their tongues if they're forced to utter that word. It's kind of like a vampire's allegy to sunlight.

And yes, the ones here have to wear gloves when they type the word, lest they burn their fingertips.
Oh, you mean like “constitutional” when it comes to election interference with a “Russia collusion” fraud the Dems / Marxists perpetrated on the American people?
The State does NOT have the power to impeach Ms. Willis. It would be and is Unconstitutional.
Well, I'm glad constitutionality is still on the table. I was under the impression it was being ignored entirely at this point.
This will earn Kemp points in the long run when we've washed this MAGA filth from governance. I can easily see him running for President at some point. Looks like he is playing the long game here.
Playing the ace kisser ?

Done seen this bull shite storyline before, and it ain't purdy if a race baiting ace kissing politically biased government official is involved.

So Kemp has put himself in a position where he might be going along to get along, otherwise like somebody said (playing the long game for political reason's or gain), otherwise being a lying politically charged ace kissing politician that sees opportunity in this sort of thing ?

Why the two tiered justice system seems to always be in play somehow anymore, just baffles the mind...🤔
Playing the ace kisser ?

Done seen this bull shite storyline before, and it ain't purdy if a race baiting ace kissing politically biased government official is involved.

So Kemp has put himself in a position where he might be going along to get along, otherwise like somebody said (playing the long game for political reason's or gain), otherwise being a lying politically charged ace kissing politician that sees opportunity in this sort of thing ?

Why the two tiered justice system seems to always be in play somehow anymore, just baffles the mind...🤔
I've read your posts. You seem baffled by lots of stuff.
"The State" has no control Ms. Willis. The attempt made by MAGA MAGGOTS in Georgia was unconstitutional.
How do you figure ? So Trump thinks that the election was stolen (still does), and yet he is condemned for challenging the election ? How do you all figure that you should legally get away with your obstruction in these alleged charades ? The courts refusing to give Trump and team their day in court over the matter when it was appropriate for it (be it ethically and rightfully so), is coming back to haunt the court system or system of justice in the nation big time. How long do y'all think that the obstruction and charades can continue on if that is what's been in play since 2020 ?

Well here we have trials on the way, but if these trials are found to be compromised in anyway or biased in any way, then Trump wins. So be ready for the bull shite to stop as these very issues find their way to the supreme court, and believe me they will. You all have lost faith in the office of the presidency, but why ? Because you couldn't control it, and now it's going to show you why you all couldn't control it.
How do you figure ? So Trump thinks that the election was stolen (still does), and yet he is condemned for challenging the election ? How do you all figure that you should legally get away with your obstruction in these alleged charades ? The courts refusing to give Trump and team their day in court over the matter when it was appropriate for it (be it ethically and rightfully so), is coming back to haunt the court system or system of justice in the nation big time. How long do y'all think that the obstruction and charades can continue on if that is what's been in play since 2020 ?

Well here we have trials on the way, but if these trials are found to be compromised in anyway or biased in any way, then Trump wins. So be ready for the bull shite to stop as these very issues find their way to the supreme court, and believe me they will. You all have lost faith in the office of the presidency, but why ? Because you couldn't control it, and now it's going to show you why you all couldn't control it.
Trump is not being charged with challenging the election. He is being charged with the illegal way he tried to steal the election. You can honestly believe a bank owes you money, but that doesn't make it legal to rob the bank.
The woman is dividing the nation. She's making as much if not more division than Biden. She is not the Empress yet.
Both the Federal and state indictments of Trump are perfectly appropriate, warranted, and lawful – to ‘impeach’ Willis for doing her job is another example of the right’s contempt for the rule of law.
How do you figure ? So Trump thinks that the election was stolen (still does), and yet he is condemned for challenging the election ? How do you all figure that you should legally get away with your obstruction in these alleged charades ? The courts refusing to give Trump and team their day in court over the matter when it was appropriate for it (be it ethically and rightfully so), is coming back to haunt the court system or system of justice in the nation big time. How long do y'all think that the obstruction and charades can continue on if that is what's been in play since 2020 ?

Well here we have trials on the way, but if these trials are found to be compromised in anyway or biased in any way, then Trump wins. So be ready for the bull shite to stop as these very issues find their way to the supreme court, and believe me they will. You all have lost faith in the office of the presidency, but why ? Because you couldn't control it, and now it's going to show you why you all couldn't control it.
Trump committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – and as a result of these crimes, Trump has been lawfully indicted.
Trump committed historic crimes, attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – and as a result of these crimes, Trump has been lawfully indicted.
Are indictments a conviction? It’s pretty clear that TDS addled Dems / Socialists have a pathology that consumes their every waking moment on Trump matters but you people really need some help with your affliction.

For those of us not afflicted with your pathology, we can see an obvious, organized campaign by the Dems / Socialists to pile on charges aimed at Trump, largely derived by Soros controlled DA’s and furthered by the Dems / Socialists for obvious political purposes.
Are indictments a conviction? It’s pretty clear that TDS addled Dems / Socialists have a pathology that consumes their every waking moment on Trump matters but you people really need some help with your affliction.

For those of us not afflicted with your pathology, we can see an obvious, organized campaign by the Dems / Socialists to pile on charges aimed at Trump, largely derived by Soros controlled DA’s and furthered by the Dems / Socialists for obvious political purposes.

Or there are those infected with their own brand of TDS (Trump Devotion Syndrome) who can't see that P01135809 brought this upon himself thinking he was above the law due to his life of privilege and no one smacking his hands in the cookie jar before.

The other side of the coin is (without listing each of the 91 state and federal felony charges), maybe, just maybe he will be convicted of crimes by a jury of his peers after being indicted by juries of his pears for crimes involving (and I paraphrase, not indictment language):
  • Theft of government property,
  • Failure to return classified documents when so ordered by government officers,
  • Failure to return classified documents when so ordered by a Federal District Judge,
  • Criminal conspiracy to commit election interference,
  • Criminal conspiracy to interfere with Congressional functions,
  • Criminal conspiracy to, and Obstruction of, justice.

Here is a thought for the cultists, maybe, just maybe FPOTUS#45 brought this on himself be being a douchebag.

Or there are those infected with their own brand of TDS (Trump Devotion Syndrome) who can't see that P01135809 brought this upon himself thinking he was above the law due to his life of privilege and no one smacking his hands in the cookie jar before.

The other side of the coin is (without listing each of the 91 state and federal felony charges), maybe, just maybe he will be convicted of crimes by a jury of his peers after being indicted by juries of his pears for crimes involving (and I paraphrase, not indictment language):
  • Theft of government property,
  • Failure to return classified documents when so ordered by government officers,
  • Failure to return classified documents when so ordered by a Federal District Judge,
  • Criminal conspiracy to commit election interference,
  • Criminal conspiracy to interfere with Congressional functions,
  • Criminal conspiracy to, and Obstruction of, justice.

Here is a thought for the cultists, maybe, just maybe FPOTUS#45 brought this on himself be being a douchebag.


Well yes, like the typical Dem / Socialist, charges are as good as a conviction so let’s just proceed with the hanging.

Who is the next-in-line Soros and Dem / Socialist controlled DA to build on charges? There’s obviously a queue.

Playing the ace kisser ?

Done seen this bull shite storyline before, and it ain't purdy if a race baiting ace kissing politically biased government official is involved.

So Kemp has put himself in a position where he might be going along to get along, otherwise like somebody said (playing the long game for political reason's or gain), otherwise being a lying politically charged ace kissing politician that sees opportunity in this sort of thing ?

Why the two tiered justice system seems to always be in play somehow anymore, just baffles the mind...🤔
What is an "ace kisser"?

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