Georgia nursing student murdered by an illegal

Probably. I did look around for a legitimate source of news, none of which mentioned his immigration status.

But let's have another exciting episode of WHITE WOMEN IN PERIL!!!

In fact, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than the native-born population.

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That was a typical attempt to make excuses for Biden’s flood of illegals.

The timeframe you chose to selectively sidestep the millions of illegals who were imported under Biden is an entirely different matter.

Biden’s illegals have payment obligations to the cartels which Biden has enriched, literally beyond belief.
So it sounds like these two brothers were Venezuelan, which means they weren't here illegally, they were hear on aslyum claims because Venezuela has a form of government we don't like.

The brothers actually were here illegally. What a shame people die in horrible ways because self-loathing Dems / Marxists see criminal illegals as a protected class.

On Saturday, it was confirmed that Ibarra is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Ibarra originally crossed into the U.S. illegally at El Paso, Texas in September of 2022, and according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was released into the country on a parole; but it has also been reported that he was released from a detention center due to lack of space.
Trump has 91 charges against him and called to suspend the constitution. You're confused.
In America you must be proven guilty of a crime and Trump hasn't been... the Biden's are closer to that than Trump.... read the bill of rights you uneducated worm....
In America you must be proven guilty of a crime and Trump hasn't been... the Biden's are closer to that than Trump.... read the bill of rights you uneducated worm....
Exactly how are the Biden's closer to being proven guilty of a crime?

The former fuckup is fighting his trail dates with delay tactics.
Exactly how are the Biden's closer to being proven guilty of a crime?

The former fuckup is fighting his trail dates with delay tactics.

give it a rest Einstein. Quit watching CNN you might learn something to help you gain earned wealth you clearly are short of for your age bracket. You’re welcome in advance.
give it a rest Einstein. Quit watching CNN you might learn something to help you gain earned wealth you clearly are short of for your age bracket. You’re welcome in advance.
Again, what crimes are the Bidens close to.

It seems that Alec Smirnoff is a lot closer.
Have you looked at international law regarding asylum claims?
Sounds like you are about to show how and why Mexico qualifies as a SHIT HOLE where people are oppressed and tortured, fleeing poverty and violence.
The problem is most of Central America are shitholes run by corrupt governments. The Left likes to talk about the oppression these people are seeking via asylum yet the the Left gets angered when you call these countries “SHIT HOLES.”

While this article notes Trump, we have been undermining economies like Venezuela for years.

Older intervention.

The United States’ Hand in Undermining Democracy in Venezuela

We can't seem to allow other countries to operate unless they are bending to our every will.

Isn’t this nice. Thanks to Biden and his open borders policy, the US is the world’s dumping ground for countries that are ridding themselves of criminals and low lifes.

It looks like Venezuela will refuse to take back the criminals imported by Biden. The dithering old fool pretending to be a US President will keep the border open to make sure this country gets the worst of the worst from around the third world.

Venezuelan migrants linked to more crimes in U.S., but Maduro shuts door on all deportations​

Venezuela has scrapped a deal that allows the US to deport some if its citizens home as more migrants are linked to crimes​


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