Georgia poll workers targeted by Trump are cleared of false election fraud claims

MAGA lies a lot. It is their calling in life.
Your lie has failed. Americans never saw these videos because the MSM never showed them. Then after J 6 anything on the obvious fraud was censored. Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook because he could have turned things around.
The sore losers created a "sliced and diced" fake video. The Secretary of State offered to provide Trump the full video for the entire evening. Trump deliberately refused.

Raffensperger: Mr. President, they did not put that. We did an audit of that, and we proved conclusively that they were not scanned three times.

Where was everybody else at that late time in the morning? Where was everybody? Where were the Republicans? Where were the security guards? Were the people that were there just a little while before when everyone ran out of the room. How come we had no security in the room. Why did they run to the bottom of the table? Why do they run there and just open the skirt and rip out the votes. I mean, Brad. And they were sitting there, I think for five hours or something like that, the votes.

Raffensperger: Mr. President, we’ll send you the link from WSB.

I don’t care about the link. I don’t need it.


This must be normal in Trump's world. His Trumpies don't seem to mind at all.
Suuuuuuuure, just AFTER they KICKED OUT the partisan observers they pulled out CASES OF BALLOTS to count OVER AND OVER!
You are splicing REALITY!
You are GASLIGHTING!!!!!

Why don't you stop lying? It's not going to help Trump get elected.
Why don't you do an exercise of fact checking your story with other sources and see if you can prove it's true or if it was debunked, and by a book and how it was all proven to be fake....manipulated to purposely deceive you....
Kinda tough all the claims in the article are sourced.

Full body cam/door cam/video clips added - Full video/audio at bottom of article.

Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveal her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.
In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.
911 call transcript, body cam videos, and police report were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.
Your lie has failed. Americans never saw these videos because the MSM never showed them. Then after J 6 anything on the obvious fraud was censored. Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook because he could have turned things around.
MSM didn't show them because It's " obvious fraud", perpetuated by the lying liars YOU follow. That makes you a liar. And an idiot because you can't tell fake, altered tapes from actual truth!
Carry on with your lying self! 🤣
MSM didn't show them because It's " obvious fraud", perpetuated by the lying liars YOU follow. That makes you a liar. And an idiot because you can't tell fake, altered tapes from actual truth!
Carry on with your lying self! 🤣
The MSM did not show them because people would have insisted on real investigations. The MSM was complicit. Not hard to figure out when 300,000 votes leads vanish over night like in PA.. In GA. Trump lead by 106,000 votes. The water leak happened and that lead vanished.
The MSM did not show them because people would have insisted on real investigations. The MSM was complicit. Not hard to figure out when 300,000 votes leads vanish over night like in PA.. In GA. Trump lead by 106,000 votes. The water leak happened and that lead vanished.
The water leak happened the morning voting started. It was repaired hours before the vote counting started. You know this. You've been told this numerous times since Nov 2020. Yet, damned near 3 years later, you repeat the lies of your leaders! You're a good sheep. Baaaa!
The water leak happened the morning voting started. It was repaired hours before the vote counting started. You know this. You've been told this numerous times since Nov 2020. Yet, damned near 3 years later, you repeat the lies of your leaders! You're a good sheep. Baaaa!
People were sent home and the fraudsters stayed and continued counting until Trump's lead disappeared. End of story. OBVIOUS fraud.
People were sent home and the fraudsters stayed and continued counting until Trump's lead disappeared. End of story. OBVIOUS fraud.
Only because your propagandists told you.
Keep repeating their lies. One day a miracle will happen and you could become a truth teller. But It's not today!
Doesn't appear they were targeted......what is obvious in Freeman's interaction with many in gov't and law enforcement are her claims of witnessing fraud.

And it looks like it all went away.

Summary of January 4, 2021 meeting with Ruby Freeman

Location: Cobb County Sheriff’s Office, Marietta, GA
Participants: Ruby Freeman, Trevian Kutti, Harrison Floyd (by phone), Garrison Douglas, Cobb County Police Officers

  • Ruby Freeman was employed by Happy Faces – a temporary agency that had been founded by Stacey Abrams. Freeman was a contractor to Fulton County, GA Elections absentee ballot department where she worked with her supervisor daughter Shaye Moss to process absentee ballots in early November 2020. In December 2020, video of the Fulton County ballot processing center operations from early November at State Farm Arena was part of a Georgia Senate Committee investigation and was publicly televised by multiple news organizations. The video showed ballot boxes appearing to be outside of normal chain of custody being extracted from under a table and processed while no election observers or members of the media were present. Freeman, Moss and Ralph Jones are seen pulling the ballot boxes from underneath the table. Freeman and Moss are seen scanning and rescanning stacks of ballots into an election computer. The unusual activities seen in the video coverage of the Fulton County ballot counting became a major focus of national attention in late 2020 and early 2021. The presidential race in Georgia in 2020 was decided by less than 11,900 votes. Investigators that reviewed the video produced estimates of unusual ballot scans estimating between 20,000 to 40,000 from the ballots under the table added to the overall vote totals after midnight November 3, 2020.
  • After the December 2020 coverage of the Fulton County election operations, we learn in the following body cam footage that Ruby Freeman met with representatives from the GA Secretary of State, GBI and FBI/DOJ in December 2020 and tried to blow the whistle on the improper re-scanning of absentee ballots and the improper access to voting computers via USB ports. She commented that what the Secretary of State and District Attorney were reporting was false and a fraud. When she met the FBI/DOJ, they did not ask her to tell what she knew and instead told her to scrub her social media.
  • In December of 2020, a chaplain Steven Lee became aware Ruby Freeman hearing she wanted to disclose her involvement in ballot processing at State Farm Arena and was seeking legal assistance. Lee knocked on the door at Freemans home two weeks prior to January 4th, but Freeman said she did not want to speak with him because he is “old white man.” (See body cam transcript)
  • ___________________________
At 30 minutes into the conversation, there was further discussion of the fraud and Ruby Freeman agreeing to accept help from the crisis manager to get an attorney.

(30:23) Floyd: Ms. Ruby, um, did .… change the counts. I know people who will make sure you are safe and secure”. “There is a couple things I need you to confirm. Just to make sure. Is that ok with you?”
RF: Yes.
Floyd: Ok. So you mentioned a couple things, and I’m not going to lie to you …but … the ballot boxes. Are you sure about that?”
RF: “Yes. I had to put them up under the table.”
Floyd: “You put them under the table?”
RF: “Yes”
Floyd: So there were more people involved?”
RF: “Yes”

Election Official Ralph Jones communicated with Freeman and Moss. Freeman admitted that in the late-night hours of 3Nov20 she was pressured by her supervisors to illegally scan ballots after observers had been removed from the absentee ballot central count at State Farm Arena.
Discussion by Police Officers on the Original Police Report heard on the body cam.
Then one hour and three minutes into the body cam we hear the responding officer talk with a supervisor about writing the police report.

Officer 1: “This report will be media entrants. So..
Officer Supervisor: “Media what?”
Officer 1: “Mostly everything going to be in support of that. Pretty much everything and it’s going to be real bland on public now.

(1:03:13) Officer Supervisor “I wouldn’t go too detailed on this at all because this might not even be a thing. It’s just, she approached the door, she didn’t feel comfortable. We spoke to both parties and she agreed to meet with them ... You don’t have to run with what they talked about don’t worry about that.”

(1:03:25) Officer 1: “Yeah”

(1:03:27) Officer Supervisor: “So I mean this could be yeah definitely so don’t go too…”
(1:03:30) Officer: “No I’m not…”

(1:03:32) Officer Supervisor: “You know you all the …you need, date of birth and everything?”

(1:03:42) Officer 1: “Mmm hmm”

(1:03:46) Officer Supervisor: “Okay. Yeah, yeah I wouldn’t, I mean there’s no crime here, there’s nothing”

(1:03:49) Officer 1: “Mmm Mmm, Yeah it’s, it’s just political.”

(1:03:52) Officer Supervisor: “at this point we generated a case number and because we don’t even know what was going on.”

(1:03:57) Officer 1: “Because of, thing, coverup, anyway it’s a cover-up and we took all the necessary, necessary steps though.”

After the police wrap up the content of the police report, the meeting ended. Ruby Freeman was escorted home
(contrary to the second supplement to the police report made 17 days later).

UPDATE FULL VIDEO ADDITION: Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal
See the defamation lawsuit on Rudy decided this week.
Doesn't appear they were targeted......what is obvious in Freeman's interaction with many in gov't and law enforcement are her claims of witnessing fraud.

And it looks like it all went away.

Summary of January 4, 2021 meeting with Ruby Freeman

Location: Cobb County Sheriff’s Office, Marietta, GA
Participants: Ruby Freeman, Trevian Kutti, Harrison Floyd (by phone), Garrison Douglas, Cobb County Police Officers

  • Ruby Freeman was employed by Happy Faces – a temporary agency that had been founded by Stacey Abrams. Freeman was a contractor to Fulton County, GA Elections absentee ballot department where she worked with her supervisor daughter Shaye Moss to process absentee ballots in early November 2020. In December 2020, video of the Fulton County ballot processing center operations from early November at State Farm Arena was part of a Georgia Senate Committee investigation and was publicly televised by multiple news organizations. The video showed ballot boxes appearing to be outside of normal chain of custody being extracted from under a table and processed while no election observers or members of the media were present. Freeman, Moss and Ralph Jones are seen pulling the ballot boxes from underneath the table. Freeman and Moss are seen scanning and rescanning stacks of ballots into an election computer. The unusual activities seen in the video coverage of the Fulton County ballot counting became a major focus of national attention in late 2020 and early 2021. The presidential race in Georgia in 2020 was decided by less than 11,900 votes. Investigators that reviewed the video produced estimates of unusual ballot scans estimating between 20,000 to 40,000 from the ballots under the table added to the overall vote totals after midnight November 3, 2020.
  • After the December 2020 coverage of the Fulton County election operations, we learn in the following body cam footage that Ruby Freeman met with representatives from the GA Secretary of State, GBI and FBI/DOJ in December 2020 and tried to blow the whistle on the improper re-scanning of absentee ballots and the improper access to voting computers via USB ports. She commented that what the Secretary of State and District Attorney were reporting was false and a fraud. When she met the FBI/DOJ, they did not ask her to tell what she knew and instead told her to scrub her social media.
  • In December of 2020, a chaplain Steven Lee became aware Ruby Freeman hearing she wanted to disclose her involvement in ballot processing at State Farm Arena and was seeking legal assistance. Lee knocked on the door at Freemans home two weeks prior to January 4th, but Freeman said she did not want to speak with him because he is “old white man.” (See body cam transcript)
  • ___________________________
At 30 minutes into the conversation, there was further discussion of the fraud and Ruby Freeman agreeing to accept help from the crisis manager to get an attorney.

(30:23) Floyd: Ms. Ruby, um, did .… change the counts. I know people who will make sure you are safe and secure”. “There is a couple things I need you to confirm. Just to make sure. Is that ok with you?”
RF: Yes.
Floyd: Ok. So you mentioned a couple things, and I’m not going to lie to you …but … the ballot boxes. Are you sure about that?”
RF: “Yes. I had to put them up under the table.”
Floyd: “You put them under the table?”
RF: “Yes”
Floyd: So there were more people involved?”
RF: “Yes”

Election Official Ralph Jones communicated with Freeman and Moss. Freeman admitted that in the late-night hours of 3Nov20 she was pressured by her supervisors to illegally scan ballots after observers had been removed from the absentee ballot central count at State Farm Arena.
Discussion by Police Officers on the Original Police Report heard on the body cam.
Then one hour and three minutes into the body cam we hear the responding officer talk with a supervisor about writing the police report.

Officer 1: “This report will be media entrants. So..
Officer Supervisor: “Media what?”
Officer 1: “Mostly everything going to be in support of that. Pretty much everything and it’s going to be real bland on public now.

(1:03:13) Officer Supervisor “I wouldn’t go too detailed on this at all because this might not even be a thing. It’s just, she approached the door, she didn’t feel comfortable. We spoke to both parties and she agreed to meet with them ... You don’t have to run with what they talked about don’t worry about that.”

(1:03:25) Officer 1: “Yeah”

(1:03:27) Officer Supervisor: “So I mean this could be yeah definitely so don’t go too…”
(1:03:30) Officer: “No I’m not…”

(1:03:32) Officer Supervisor: “You know you all the …you need, date of birth and everything?”

(1:03:42) Officer 1: “Mmm hmm”

(1:03:46) Officer Supervisor: “Okay. Yeah, yeah I wouldn’t, I mean there’s no crime here, there’s nothing”

(1:03:49) Officer 1: “Mmm Mmm, Yeah it’s, it’s just political.”

(1:03:52) Officer Supervisor: “at this point we generated a case number and because we don’t even know what was going on.”

(1:03:57) Officer 1: “Because of, thing, coverup, anyway it’s a cover-up and we took all the necessary, necessary steps though.”

After the police wrap up the content of the police report, the meeting ended. Ruby Freeman was escorted home
(contrary to the second supplement to the police report made 17 days later).

UPDATE FULL VIDEO ADDITION: Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal

The video showed ballot boxes appearing to be outside of normal chain of custody...

The video showed no such thing. The way Trump's lawyers presented the video to tbe Georgia Senate presented that way with very careful, intentional selective editing. But the full surveillance video cameras captured all the events taking place in that room and the ballots were never outside the chain of custody.

Y'all just can't stop lying about that video.
Your lie has failed. Americans never saw these videos because the MSM never showed them. Then after J 6 anything on the obvious fraud was censored. Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook because he could have turned things around.

More lies. Here's the MSM showing the video...

Virtually everything you post is a lie.
Kinda tough all the claims in the article are sourced.

Full body cam/door cam/video clips added - Full video/audio at bottom of article.

Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveal her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.
In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.
911 call transcript, body cam videos, and police report were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.

Yeah, she "admits" they were done counting for thd night, packed up the remaining uncounted ballots and placed them under a table. Then taking the ballots back out after being told to keep counting.

Nothing illegal about that.

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