Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

NOPE…it’s definitely hate. You globalists are in complete denial, you don’t want to believe that you fucked the place all up with your retarded as fuck diversity bullshit.
Core Americans HATE waiting behind illegal wetbacks for doctors appointments
We HATE that we can’t send our kids to the public schools wetbacks have destroyed
We HATE sharing the roadways with underinsured/uninsured wetbacks
We HATE the graffiti and gang violence that comes with illegal wetbacks
We HATE not being able to speak to the person in front of us at the bank because they speak another nations language.
We HATE that people want to teach our daughters that abortions are cool
We HATE that people want to teach our sons that sucking dick is sooo progressive
We HATE living among people who think men can become women by proclamation

So yeah, it’s definitely HATE.
I don't see how any of your statements would make a child want to get a rifle and shoot up any place, much less a school.
Again, some of you Anti-2A people don't care about the following, which is an almost weekly occurrence:

Chicago shootings: At least 33 shot, 6 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say​

Statistically speaking, that's good news for a holiday weekend. Usually, it's in the 70s or even 100s with double digit killed.
I don't see how any of your statements would make a child want to get a rifle and shoot up any place, much less a school.
Go deeper…a new culture of hate has been manifested and fostered by a society with no cohesion.
This shit isn’t rocket science. Think of Lions and Gazelles coexisting…now think of Core Americans as the Lions and Leftists as the Gazelles.
The Lions aim to protect and preserve the America they were gifted while the Gazelles seek to change it all.
Simple shit for third graders to understand.
Yes….ALL prideful white people with balls are fed the fuck up…even 14 year old white kids have had enough.
SO they shoot up a school? You're arguing white people are mad so their kids go shoot other white kids. WHa?
Go deeper…a new culture of hate has been manifested and fostered by a society with no cohesion.
This shit isn’t rocket science. Think of Lions and Gazelles coexisting…now think of Core Americans as the Lions and Leftists as the Gazelles.
The Lions aim to protect and preserve the America they were gifted while the Gazelles seek to change it all.
Simple shit for third graders to understand.
Gun control would have prevented this shooting.

Fentynal, Heroin and Cocaine are prohibited Nationwide. How is that working out for you Einstein? Tons pour in from down south every month. So would guns if there was a buck to be made. Then only bangers, murderers and Robbers would get them. Leftist commee puke incapable of logical thought. Regurgitate MSLSD racial madcow day after day after day.

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