Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

Sounds like you are arguing the police should seize firearms from white men.
What about that pesky truth though?
Also Armed guards at the entrance. Not that hard to do. If they fire long range from parking lot or nearby house/hills, have a plan. You aren't safe in line anywhere in gun free zones.
This is true. It is a cost for districts however, and guards replace teachers in budget dollars. In Texas a new law went into effect mandating security for every school. I think this was the first year it is in effect.

Additionally it didn't stop the crazy shooting at Trump, and he had lots of guards.
Not entirely sure if the OP is too young to remember when Democrat protesters were burning statues of George Bush in effigy or just too naive and/or stupid to realize that also was done out of 'hate' and preceded the Obama presidency. To openly state that 'hate' began on the right during the Obama regime is simply laughable. Of course most of the insults are coming from the right board posters, you're part of the looney left and last I check, the left almost never criticize one of their own. What a idiotic OP all around...
When 14-yearolds are the perpetrators of a Mass Shooting at a high school, you know that hate has to be part of problem and in that kind of a situation, it more likely means that the parents were involved in some way, whether stimulating the hate or not seeing it and doing something about it. In addition, how can a 14-year old get a gun? Most likely, it was the father's gun.

Nonetheless, this OP is not about the mass shooting as mass shooting have gotten to be the norm for our country

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This OP is about the hate that is tearing this country apart,

Lets begin with this recent statistic about campaign ads

According to data from AdImpact, the Trump campaign and its affiliated super PACS shelled out 57 percent of the their television spending to anti-Harris campaigns, compared to the 8 percent dedicated to anti-Trump ads by the Democratic ticket, from Aug. 23 to Aug. 29.

This is not about the issues but about the nominees themselves, in an effort to generate hate against the opponent!

It all started with the Republican party in 2009 when a Black man (Obama) was elected president, Republicans hated that and showed it clearly from the get go.

Then came Trump with hate against Hillary, hate against Mexicans, hate against Muslims, hate against the system, hate against the FBI, hate against the Judicial system, hate against Abortion, and so on and so forth,

Now both sides are hating each other and especially hating Trump, but then what could have been expected to happen? By nature, if someone slaps you, you slap back and that trend will grow (not stop) until the first guilty party stops doing it. Republicans and then Trump were the original stimulators of hate.

What the Republican party created and what Trump took to the nth degree is creating disunity and hate and that is one of the reasons why mass shooting in the U.S. are 10 times higher than the next nation.

Hey, Trump has even caused hate to occur withing his own party. There are the Republican anti-Trumpers, there are Republicans with the Lincoln Project, and there are at least 23 people that worked and were loyal to Trump that quit and left him.

Here is a sample of the Hate that Trump brings to the table to everyone that does not agree with him

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We need to stop this "hate train" and to do that, we need to get rid of the root of the problem, the Republican Far Right.
This from twitter:


When is the day to talk about it?

The aunt of alleged Georgia school shooter Colt Gray threatened to go “full throttle” on anyone speaking ill of the 14-year-old suspect on social media just hours after the massacre unfolded.

Annie Polhamus Brown, who identified herself as Gray’s aunt, leapt to the teen’s defense in a series of since-removed Facebook posts soon after authorities identified him as the alleged gunman who opened fire at Apalachee High School in Winder on Wednesday.

“They are charging my 14yo nephew as an adult, for murder,” Brown wrote in one of her Facebook posts after Gray was accused of slaughtering four people and wounding at least nine others during the shooting spree at his school.

“Yall ready to see Polhamus blood in full throttle? Nah, I wouldn’t be either
I want to know why maga posters here haven't posted on the color or immigration status of the shooter.

Can someone explain.
Fentynal, Heroin and Cocaine are prohibited Nationwide. How is that working out for you Einstein? Tons pour in from down south every month. So would guns if there was a buck to be made. Then only bangers, murderers and Robbers would get them. Leftist commee puke incapable of logical thought. Regurgitate MSLSD racial madcow day after day after day.
" Leftist commee puke incapable of logical thought. Regurgitate MSLSD racial madcow day after day after day." what language do you speak, WTF is a madcow?
So every color has their own mental problems, is that what you are saying?

I'm wondering why he hasn't been called a savage, thug, feral animal, etc.
Its not based only on skin color

But a white boy raised in the suburbs who flips out one day and shoots 10 people is not the same as a black killer in the hood who will kill until he gets caught
Its not based only on skin color

But a white boy raised in the suburbs who flips out one day and shoots 10 people is not the same as a black killer in the hood who will kill until he gets caught
If this white boy had not gotten caught, would he have still been shooting? You do know there are white boys in gangs, that is just not regulated to the hood. I know that is what you are doctrinated to believe.
Its not based only on skin color

But a white boy raised in the suburbs who flips out one day and shoots 10 people is not the same as a black killer in the hood who will kill until he gets caught

The GA school shooter just didn't get up today and decide to kill. The El Paso white boi killer didn't decide that day to drive 400 miles to murder 20 people of color...

Why are YOU making excuses for white killers?

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