Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

I don't know what version of the First Amendment YOU'RE reading, but the version I'm familiar with says, "Petition the government for redress of grievances". Doesn't specify what the grievances have to be to count. You get to pester your local politician for whatever you wanna pester him for.

I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

What free speech. Delta said they don’t want to do business with the NRA, which is their right.

The State of Georgia is refusing to do business with Delta unless they do business with the NRA.

Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members

The state of Georgia is refusing to negotiate tax breaks with a company which discriminates. I should think you lefties would approve. Aren't you the ones always insisting that state and local governments MUST insist on all manner of parities in a business before allowing them to bid on government jobs? What is that, if not the government interfering in private business and telling them how to run their companies?

What if Delta had decided it wasn't going to give discounts to members of the NAACP? Would you want the state of Georgia to say, "Not our business. Let's talk about them tax breaks"? Of course not.
That's a cop-out.

If you disagree with the government attempting to coerce political conformity via the tax code, then say so. If you think it's ok, then say that.

Saying "cause and effect" is desperately trying to find a middle ground that doesn't exist. You can claim a causal chain between any two events.

Middle ground exists whether you want it to or not.

No, I don't support government coercion of any type. But if you're going to provoke a political group by singling them out over a singular issue, you shouldn't be surprised by the response.

If you don't support government coercion of political opponents, then why do you keep trying to couch your response in language that suggests that it's ok?

Would it be "cause and effect" if Obama had decided to imprison everyone who criticizes him?

"Sorry, Rush Limbaugh. You should have expected being locked up for the rest of your life, after all, you provoked Obama. Cause and effect."
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
You people are such hypocrites. You tout the freedom of businesses to work with who they want to, having a million hissy fits if a baker is forced to make a cake for people he doesn't agree with. But let some other business express their freedom to choose who they do business with and you are all up in arms (pun intended).


Sorry, but while I believe Delta has every right to refuse to do business with anyone they want, that does not mean they have a right to do it WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. The major consequence to a business making such a decision is that it makes itself less appealing to other people it wants to do business with. And in Delta's case, the business it wanted to do was to negotiate tax breaks with a Southern state.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
You people are such hypocrites. You tout the freedom of businesses to work with who they want to, having a million hissy fits if a baker is forced to make a cake for people he doesn't agree with. But let some other business express their freedom to choose who they do business with and you are all up in arms (pun intended).


Sorry, but while I believe Delta has every right to refuse to do business with anyone they want, that does not mean they have a right to do it WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. The major consequence to a business making such a decision is that it makes itself less appealing to other people it wants to do business with. And in Delta's case, the business it wanted to do was to negotiate tax breaks with a Southern state.

You are saying that the government is allowed to punish people for political reasons.

Are you sure that's the position you want to take?
And you, apparently, are trying to sway them to agree with you by sneering at them as "low-information".Yeah, that'll work.
I didn't lie at least.

I disagree. I consider presenting your highly bigoted and ignorant opinion as a statement of fact is dishonest in the extreme. It would be worse if you weren't the only person here stupid enough to fall for it.
If you don't support government coercion of political opponents, then why do you keep trying to couch it in language that suggests that it's ok?

It's not ok. But it isn't surprising.

If you punch me, I punch you. Is it necessarily okay for me to retaliate? Not always.

Forgive me for being so cryptic. I honestly don't know how to respond to what my state government is doing.
Wow, it's like politicians are human beings who can change their minds according to the situation, or some shit like that.

Oh please, this is not about them changing their minds. All the reasons for the tax exemption still exist. What changed is that Delta no longer offers a discount for NRA members. This is using the tax system to punish a business for not toeing the line.
Guess politicians in Georgia don't care much for a company that won't kiss NRA's ass

Since a goodly number of their constituents are NRA members or supporters, why is that surprising? You certainly expect politicians in leftist states like California to cooperate with every left-wing advocacy group that comes down the pike, don't you?

I actually expect politicians to act in a manner that is best for their state or nation.

Seems to me that you expect politicians to act in a manner YOU deem best for their state or nation.

Regardless of the Constitution?
Delta can choose to discontinue discounts and passengers can choose to use other airlines. It really IS that simple.

. . . And the state of Georgia can choose not to reinstate the tax breaks. It isn't as though they have some sort of legal obligation to give them, any more than Delta has a legal obligation to give discounts to NRA members.
I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

What free speech. Delta said they don’t want to do business with the NRA, which is their right.

The State of Georgia is refusing to do business with Delta unless they do business with the NRA.

Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members

The state of Georgia is refusing to negotiate tax breaks with a company which discriminates. I should think you lefties would approve. Aren't you the ones always insisting that state and local governments MUST insist on all manner of parities in a business before allowing them to bid on government jobs? What is that, if not the government interfering in private business and telling them how to run their companies?

What if Delta had decided it wasn't going to give discounts to members of the NAACP? Would you want the state of Georgia to say, "Not our business. Let's talk about them tax breaks"? Of course not.
They're not discriminating, you idiot. They are just rescinding a discount program for NRA members. These members can continue to fly Delta just like everyone else.

Man, you people are stupid.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta Georgia a while back, so these State Republican senators may have bit off more than they can chew. They have made themselves a target in the upcoming November election--:auiqs.jpg:

Lot's of business's have been dumping the NRA since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
NRA fallout: See the list of companies that cut discounts for NRA members after Parkland, Florida school shooting
First National Bank cuts ties with NRA


You keep telling yourself that.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
Now THAT'S bringing a gun to a gun fight!

so gubmint can violate the first amendment because you feel like?


Where and when did the government violate the First Amendment? Who has been arrested for expressing their beliefs?
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
Now THAT'S bringing a gun to a gun fight!

so gubmint can violate the first amendment because you feel like?


Where and when did the government violate the First Amendment? Who has been arrested for expressing their beliefs?

are you so deluded that you think only arrest violates the first amendment?

I disagree. I consider presenting your highly bigoted and ignorant opinion as a statement of fact is dishonest in the extreme. It would be worse if you weren't the only person here stupid enough to fall for it.
I'm glad you got that out of your system.
Dummies! Listen up. Georgia gave Delta a tax break, they can legally take it away. Deal with it.
Delta forgets that NRA members fly to places other than the convention and that they have choices. For my frequent trips to The UK I can choose between Delta and three other airlines. Bye-bye Delta.

Every airline that previously supported the NRA has since pulled their perks and benefits for NRA members.

So when you go to the UK next time, you can swim there.

"Previously supported?...who cares? other airlines can take up the slack and increase their business:cool:
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
You people are such hypocrites. You tout the freedom of businesses to work with who they want to, having a million hissy fits if a baker is forced to make a cake for people he doesn't agree with. But let some other business express their freedom to choose who they do business with and you are all up in arms (pun intended).


Sorry, but while I believe Delta has every right to refuse to do business with anyone they want, that does not mean they have a right to do it WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. The major consequence to a business making such a decision is that it makes itself less appealing to other people it wants to do business with. And in Delta's case, the business it wanted to do was to negotiate tax breaks with a Southern state.

You are saying that the government is allowed to punish people for political reasons.

Are you sure that's the position you want to take?

No, I'm saying that all governments have powers and responsibilities inherent to the type of government they are. There is always a fairly fine line to walk in determining what is and isn't in their purview, and what is appropriate even when it is.

In this case, Delta chose to make a public stand which discriminates against a group of people, and the state of Georgia chose not to give tax breaks, which are an utterly optional power state governments have, to a company which discriminates.

Also, you should keep in mind that I would view this differently if, instead of being perfectly fine with the NRA and then severing ties to pander to public opinion, Delta had instead just been approached by the NRA for the first time about offering discounts and had then refused. Or if the NRA had actually done something wrong. Or if the tax breaks had been in effect at the moment, rather than having expired. Or any of a number of other permutations.

Just because I am suspicious and skeptical of government use of power does not mean I always automatically oppose it. It always requires a determination on a case-by-case basis.
Oh please, this is not about them changing their minds. All the reasons for the tax exemption still exist. What changed is that Delta no longer offers a discount for NRA members. This is using the tax system to punish a business for not toeing the line.
Guess politicians in Georgia don't care much for a company that won't kiss NRA's ass

Since a goodly number of their constituents are NRA members or supporters, why is that surprising? You certainly expect politicians in leftist states like California to cooperate with every left-wing advocacy group that comes down the pike, don't you?

I actually expect politicians to act in a manner that is best for their state or nation.

Seems to me that you expect politicians to act in a manner YOU deem best for their state or nation.

Regardless of the Constitution?

To which Constitution are you appealing, and exactly in what regard?
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

What free speech. Delta said they don’t want to do business with the NRA, which is their right.

The State of Georgia is refusing to do business with Delta unless they do business with the NRA.

Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members

The state of Georgia is refusing to negotiate tax breaks with a company which discriminates. I should think you lefties would approve. Aren't you the ones always insisting that state and local governments MUST insist on all manner of parities in a business before allowing them to bid on government jobs? What is that, if not the government interfering in private business and telling them how to run their companies?

What if Delta had decided it wasn't going to give discounts to members of the NAACP? Would you want the state of Georgia to say, "Not our business. Let's talk about them tax breaks"? Of course not.
They're not discriminating, you idiot. They are just rescinding a discount program for NRA members. These members can continue to fly Delta just like everyone else.

Man, you people are stupid.

I beg your pardon, but since YOU are not the target of their action, YOU do not get to decide that. Furthermore, they offer discount programs to many groups, which included the NRA up until a few days ago. Now they have singled out ONE group to no longer qualify, while all the others still get to receive discounts. On what basis? Simply because they don't like the people in the group.

If that's not discrimination, Brain Trust, then how do YOU define discrimination?

I believe they also offer discounts to members of AARP. How about if they decided tomorrow to issue a big public announcement that they no longer wanted to associate themselves with AARP and its members, but old farts are still welcome to fly on their planes at full price? Would you maybe consider that discriminating against geezers?

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