Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Yep - heard about this. More NRA whores puff out their chests and make idle threats.

But Delta holds the ace - they can simply threaten to move their hub from Atlanta to Dallas or Denver.

Watch the slimy little worms consider the thousands of jobs that'd go buh-bye, go silent and crawl back under their rocks :)
Have ewe ever been through Atlanta Hartsfield? Ain’t never gonna happen dummie.

you do know they can move their hq and still fly out of atlanta, right?

You do know that would be an enormous expenditure of money and effort, right?

As big as they are, corporations are determining the same thing 97% of the American public support = STRONGER GUN LAWS

Catch ya a clue or two!
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really
did they all pander?? How many threw NRA out on their asses??
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Can any libtard rationally explain why the NRA was targeted as the evil one in this shooting when they had naught to do with it? Secondly why aren’t the libtards upset with the failures of FLE and the FBI? What gives?
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
how many other devils did the same thing delta did? united avis etc etc ??
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
That sounds plausible except for one thing: The timing. Why did they wait for this exact moment, with the gun backlash, to make this public?
Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
That sounds plausible except for one thing: The timing. Why did they wait for this exact moment, with the gun backlash, to make this public?

because it is such a hot button issue. People on both sides of the debate are very passionate and get very heated over it. So, why not remove yourself from the equation and not take a stance at all...which is what they did and they are being pounded for it. Wouldn't it be better if all companies stayed out of social issues and just provided their service?
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Why? Why just the NRA and not others who received discounts? Because they target the NRA that’s why! They are stupid people at Delta because any sane person knows the NRA was not responsible for that mass shooting. Game set match!
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Why? Why just the NRA and not others who received discounts? Because they target the NRA that’s why! They are stupid people at Delta because any sane person knows the NRA was not responsible for that mass shooting. Game set match!

What other organizations do they give discounts to that are involved in issues as heated as the gun debate?
So you do not give a fuck about the other 70% that pay taxes?

Sent from my iPhone using

You are sorely mistaken in your assumption that all people who do not own guns do not support the 2nd Amendment.

i support the second amendment

it doesn't require supporting the hack fuckwits at the nra

You're an example of a person who should be on a watch list because of your obvious mental health issues:cuckoo:

Don't worry, he is. Thank goodness del is no longer fully ambulatory, and cannot get out any of the doors of his house...and thus is no longer a threat to others.


Ahhh, you posted a picture of your sugar daddy! How cute!
You've confused me with Ravi, I'm afraid.
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Why? Why just the NRA and not others who received discounts? Because they target the NRA that’s why! They are stupid people at Delta because any sane person knows the NRA was not responsible for that mass shooting. Game set match!

Keep in mind also, this discount was only for travel to the host city of the NRA convention during weekend of the convention and the days just before and after. in 2017 66,000 people attended the NRA convention, so lets pretend that all 66,000 of them flew there...that is a very low number of people affected for this much shit to be happening.
Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really

Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Why? Why just the NRA and not others who received discounts? Because they target the NRA that’s why! They are stupid people at Delta because any sane person knows the NRA was not responsible for that mass shooting. Game set match!

Keep in mind also, this discount was only for travel to the host city of the NRA convention during weekend of the convention and the days just before and after. in 2017 66,000 people attended the NRA convention, so lets pretend that all 66,000 of them flew there...that is a very low number of people affected for this much shit to be happening.

You loons willingly and gleefully RUINED the business of a baker for refusing to bake a cake for only 2 people.
Actually, Delta took a neutral stance, they neither supported nor were against the NRA, they choose to be neutral on the issue of guns in the country.

and for that, they are the devil to way too many people
Be! They targeted the NRA WHy?

They did not target the NRA, they withdrew the offer for a discounted fare that was only valid one weekend a year. They did not say that if you are part of the NRA we do not want your business, they did not raise their fares to the city holding the NRA convention. They took a neutral stance, they said we will neither support nor fight against...Isnt that the stance we should want all business to take, to stay out of the social issues and just provide their service?
Why? Why just the NRA and not others who received discounts? Because they target the NRA that’s why! They are stupid people at Delta because any sane person knows the NRA was not responsible for that mass shooting. Game set match!

Keep in mind also, this discount was only for travel to the host city of the NRA convention during weekend of the convention and the days just before and after. in 2017 66,000 people attended the NRA convention, so lets pretend that all 66,000 of them flew there...that is a very low number of people affected for this much shit to be happening.

You loons willingly and gleefully RUINED the business of a baker for refusing to bake a cake for only 2 people.

Oh hell fucking no! Do not put that shit on me.

I believe that any and all anti-discrimination laws imposed on any private company or individual are unconstitutional. I have stated this multiple times on this forum and have gotten pounded from all sides for my view.

I sided 100% with the bakers and the rest of the people that said no. Nobody should ever be forced to provide a service or a product they do not wish to, with no exceptions. I think this extends to medical people also, if someone does not have the money or insurance, they should not be forced to treat them. The government should never be in the business of forcing an individual to do anything.

So, you can take that shit and shove it right back up your ass

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