Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

What free speech. Delta said they don’t want to do business with the NRA, which is their right.

The State of Georgia is refusing to do business with Delta unless they do business with the NRA.

Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members

The state of Georgia is refusing to negotiate tax breaks with a company which discriminates. I should think you lefties would approve. Aren't you the ones always insisting that state and local governments MUST insist on all manner of parities in a business before allowing them to bid on government jobs? What is that, if not the government interfering in private business and telling them how to run their companies?

What if Delta had decided it wasn't going to give discounts to members of the NAACP? Would you want the state of Georgia to say, "Not our business. Let's talk about them tax breaks"? Of course not.
They're not discriminating, you idiot. They are just rescinding a discount program for NRA members. These members can continue to fly Delta just like everyone else.

Man, you people are stupid.

I beg your pardon, but since YOU are not the target of their action, YOU do not get to decide that. Furthermore, they offer discount programs to many groups, which included the NRA up until a few days ago. Now they have singled out ONE group to no longer qualify, while all the others still get to receive discounts. On what basis? Simply because they don't like the people in the group.

If that's not discrimination, Brain Trust, then how do YOU define discrimination?

I believe they also offer discounts to members of AARP. How about if they decided tomorrow to issue a big public announcement that they no longer wanted to associate themselves with AARP and its members, but old farts are still welcome to fly on their planes at full price? Would you maybe consider that discriminating against geezers?
No. Not for removing a discount.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
Now THAT'S bringing a gun to a gun fight!

so gubmint can violate the first amendment because you feel like?


Where and when did the government violate the First Amendment? Who has been arrested for expressing their beliefs?

are you so deluded that you think only arrest violates the first amendment?


No, I suppose if the state of Georgia declined to renew Delta's business license, that would also qualify.

Refusing to give them a break on their taxes? Not so much.
I disagree. I consider presenting your highly bigoted and ignorant opinion as a statement of fact is dishonest in the extreme. It would be worse if you weren't the only person here stupid enough to fall for it.
I'm glad you got that out of your system.

Funny how it gets right back into my system then next time you open your flapping piehole.

If you're expecting me to get over my allergy to ignorance any time soon, get used to disappointment.
Lol the Georgia senate is in the pocket of a private organization :rofl:

They're in the pocket of private citizens that's who they work for ...the way it should be genius :slap:
They just punished a company that employs their own constituents because they annoyed the Virginia based NRA :rofl:

No citizens voted to punish Delta, genius :slap:

Well, I guess THAT will be addressed in the election later this year, hmmm?
Just to clarify, this temper tantrum by the Georgia Lt Gov is not about Delta refusing to do business with the NRA. All Delta did was stop giving the NRA a discount.

Now the Georgia senate wants to try and strong-arm Delta so they will give the NRA their discounts back???? This is conservatism?? No, it is not.

I'm sure you'd like to define conservatism as "not fighting back when attacked", but we're not really inclined to accept your parameters.

When attacked? So stopping discounts is now an attack?

And since when does stopping discounts warrant high ranking state officials actually attacking a private business? Yeah, extorting private companies to provide discounts to your political donors is NOT what conservatives do. It is political bullshit. It is what the lowest scum politicians do.

I guess whether or not it's viewed as an attack depends on the people doing the viewing, now doesn't it? Hasn't that been the left's song and dance for a while now, that "offensive" and "hate speech" and whatever are determined by the alleged victim?

So yeah, if the members of the NRA feel attacked and offended, I really don't see where YOU get a vote in that.

As for "what conservatives do", what part of "unless you're a conservative, no one asked you or cares what you think" did I not make clear to you? I don't ask a fish for advice on how to fly, and I don't ask leftists for advice on how to be a conservative.

On the other hand, if I want to know about "lowest scum politicians", leftists are definitely the right source.

I think you're just pissed that Georgia is dealing itself into a game you've been trying to keep to yourselves.

Let's clarify something. I am a conservative. I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment in particular and the US Constitution in general. I have worked for tax reform for years. I am strongly in favor of a smaller, less intrusive gov't. I demand a balanced budget. I am tired of sending young American men and women to die overseas just because our leaders want to play world policeman. I think the gov't has no business in our bedrooms or in how we raise our children, other than protecting people from harm (that includes those too young to make a choice and those who do not consent.

If the NRA members feel "attacked" because a discount (that they could only use once a year) was stopped, then the NRA is full of snowflakes. The fact that you are a member of a nonprofit organization does not guarantee that businesses will always offer you discounts. That is solely up to the business. And if the NRA decides to boycott Delta, I support their choice.

But for a high ranking state employee to use the tax system to interfere in the operations of a private business is FAR from less intrusive. It is gov't bullying and extortion.
Lol the Georgia senate is in the pocket of a private organization :rofl:

They're in the pocket of private citizens that's who they work for ...the way it should be genius :slap:
They just punished a company that employs their own constituents because they annoyed the Virginia based NRA :rofl:

No citizens voted to punish Delta, genius :slap:

Well, I guess THAT will be addressed in the election later this year, hmmm?
Could be. I wonder if this will lead to layoffs or if Delta will accept invitations from other states to locate their headquarters.
you have to understand that cons have very strict principles and they won't budge from them if the price isn't right

You have to understand that leftists try to insist on conservatives holding to principles set up as straw men by the leftists, while they themselves proudly have no principles whatsoever.

I have voted in every election since 1978. I have never voted for a liberal candidate.

And I hold to the principles that we conservatives have touted as our beliefs for my entire adult life.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta Georgia a while back, so these State Republican senators may have bit off more than they can chew. They have made themselves a target in the upcoming November election--:auiqs.jpg:

Lot's of business's have been dumping the NRA since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
NRA fallout: See the list of companies that cut discounts for NRA members after Parkland, Florida school shooting
First National Bank cuts ties with NRA


You keep telling yourself that.
What pray tell makes the NRA POS so special they get a discount ? How about one for vets or police or etc etc etc ?
Lol the Georgia senate is in the pocket of a private organization :rofl:

They're in the pocket of private citizens that's who they work for ...the way it should be genius :slap:
They just punished a company that employs their own constituents because they annoyed the Virginia based NRA :rofl:

No citizens voted to punish Delta, genius :slap:

Well, I guess THAT will be addressed in the election later this year, hmmm?
Could be. I wonder if this will lead to layoffs or if Delta will accept invitations from other states to locate their headquarters.
I'd leave in a NY minute Hope they do Give a finger to those ah politicians and 1000 or so employees in Ga
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.
Please offer some evidence that this is the case.

And yes, I would like to think that doing the right thing mattered to elected officials. I do not believe that elected officials are there to jump at the daily whims of the voters.

Sent from my iPhone using

Yes, well, politics can sometimes require balancing between what an officeholder thinks is right, and what their constituents think is right. This is probably not one of those cases, though. Do you really think it's likely that politicians from Georgia are big into gun-grabbing?

Furthermore, the NRA has a national membership of 5 million people. How many of them do you suppose are in a state like Georgia? And how pissed off do you think they are about Delta's decision, particularly considering that NRA members tend to be very passionate and energized on the subject of gun rights?

Again, the NRA's influence comes from its politically active membership. If you really think they're just sitting quietly and taking this boycott bullshit without a fight, you're delusional.

If the NRA members are pissed at Delta, then THEY should boycott Delta. The gov't should not use the tax system to punish Delta. If you cannot see how wrong that is, I have no way to make you see.

Well, you're correct that you have no way to make me see the world the way you do. I have no interest in putting my head that far up my ass.

I'm sure there are NRA members already boycotting Delta, and I expect it will grow. That in no way revokes their right to ALSO decide that they don't want a tax break deal to be made with them. Like it or not, leftie, you don't have a God-given right to government goodies.

Leftie? WTF? Because I despise politicians using the tax system to punish a private company for not catering to a big political donor? No.

NRA members boycotting Delta is not part of the issue. That is fine.

Cagle said "I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA,” In otherwords, he is punishing Delta unless Delta steps back in line. That is the worst kind of gov't interference in private business.

Oh, and rightwing loon, I have been an outspoken proponent of removing ALL tax breaks and fundamentally changing the tax system to remove this ability to make the tax system a weapon. But that would be actual conservatism, not this sick version being practiced now.
Are you for a fair flat tax, no exceptions, no excuses, no exemptions?

I am a strong proponent of the Fair Tax. No exemptions for anyone. No exceptions. And everyone pays the same tax. No one pays tax on what it takes to live.
Lol the Georgia senate is in the pocket of a private organization :rofl:

They're in the pocket of private citizens that's who they work for ...the way it should be genius :slap:
They just punished a company that employs their own constituents because they annoyed the Virginia based NRA :rofl:

No citizens voted to punish Delta, genius :slap:

Well, I guess THAT will be addressed in the election later this year, hmmm?
Could be. I wonder if this will lead to layoffs or if Delta will accept invitations from other states to locate their headquarters.
I'd leave in a NY minute Hope they do Give a finger to those ah politicians and 1000 or so employees in Ga
Yeah move to New York or Cali...Your liberal havens
Actually, using them as a tool to encourage certain behavior is EXACTLY why such tax breaks exist on a state level. Admittedly, the behavior in question is usually more economic in nature, but it still remains within the state legislature's purview.

Then I assume you can give me lots of other examples of governments using these tax breaks to force a single private company to give discounts to another private company...since that is what these tax breaks are for.

I will be waiting for your list...

Methinks you don't really get the difference between federal, state, and local government, and why there are multiple levels.

If something is wrong, it is wrong no matter what level it is being done on. The fact that state is doing it instead of the Fed Govt does not make it any more right.
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

Delta pandered over fake internet outrage at the NRA....sad really
Wow, it's like politicians are human beings who can change their minds according to the situation, or some shit like that.

Oh please, this is not about them changing their minds. All the reasons for the tax exemption still exist. What changed is that Delta no longer offers a discount for NRA members. This is using the tax system to punish a business for not toeing the line.
Guess politicians in Georgia don't care much for a company that won't kiss NRA's ass

Since a goodly number of their constituents are NRA members or supporters, why is that surprising? You certainly expect politicians in leftist states like California to cooperate with every left-wing advocacy group that comes down the pike, don't you?

I actually expect politicians to act in a manner that is best for their state or nation.

Seems to me that you expect politicians to act in a manner YOU deem best for their state or nation.

No, not at all. I expect politicians to use the tax system to fund the nation or state. Period. End of discussion.

To use it to extort a preferred response is wrong.
Delta took a corporate stance, know full well the ramifications thereof. They had to have anticipated the reactions of the far right including boycotts, no tax breaks, mean looks and whatever they could throw at them. It was a calculated financial risk. Severing some 10% discount with the NRA, in the face of the anti-NRA mood the country is in, is good PR and advertising. The Georgia legislators knee-jerk reaction to Delta's move, makes the state look hick, and that's not good. The state of Georgia wants to look more metropolitan in order to attract the international business that uses their airport but don't stick around. It's all just business.

What Casey Kegel said isn't going to make Amazon happy; and Amazon has made Atlanta one of the finalists for its second headquarters. Kegel could have just blown it.
Oh please, this is not about them changing their minds. All the reasons for the tax exemption still exist. What changed is that Delta no longer offers a discount for NRA members. This is using the tax system to punish a business for not toeing the line.
Guess politicians in Georgia don't care much for a company that won't kiss NRA's ass

Since a goodly number of their constituents are NRA members or supporters, why is that surprising? You certainly expect politicians in leftist states like California to cooperate with every left-wing advocacy group that comes down the pike, don't you?

I actually expect politicians to act in a manner that is best for their state or nation.

Seems to me that you expect politicians to act in a manner YOU deem best for their state or nation.

No, not at all. I expect politicians to use the tax system to fund the nation or state. Period. End of discussion.

To use it to extort a preferred response is wrong.

not if you are a statist it is not. It is what they think the Govt is for.

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