Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

So its a good thing the state govt attacks businesses like this?
So you want to protect your 2nd amendment but get angry when someone uses their 1st amendment rights..humm could that be called a cherry picker..[emoji39] [emoji11] [emoji89]

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Using the power of government to pressure a business into performing or not performing certain actions for another organization is not someone using their 1st amendment rights. According to a quote in the article, the tax break in question was explicitly described as being contingent upon Delta resuming its previous business affairs with the NRA.

I don't know what version of the First Amendment YOU'RE reading, but the version I'm familiar with says, "Petition the government for redress of grievances". Doesn't specify what the grievances have to be to count. You get to pester your local politician for whatever you wanna pester him for.

I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
So you want to protect your 2nd amendment but get angry when someone uses their 1st amendment rights..humm could that be called a cherry picker..[emoji39] [emoji11] [emoji89]

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Using the power of government to pressure a business into performing or not performing certain actions for another organization is not someone using their 1st amendment rights. According to a quote in the article, the tax break in question was explicitly described as being contingent upon Delta resuming its previous business affairs with the NRA.

I don't know what version of the First Amendment YOU'RE reading, but the version I'm familiar with says, "Petition the government for redress of grievances". Doesn't specify what the grievances have to be to count. You get to pester your local politician for whatever you wanna pester him for.

I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.
you have to understand that cons have very strict principles and they won't budge from them if the price isn't right

You have to understand that leftists try to insist on conservatives holding to principles set up as straw men by the leftists, while they themselves proudly have no principles whatsoever.

What principles? Conservatives talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.

The party of “smaller government” now wants to put armed guards in every school. Hired 5,000 additional people for border security, imposes more restrictions on women’s reproductive rights than they do on who purchased a handgun.

The party of “fiscal responsibility” just passed legislation which will raise the deficit by 1.5 trillion dollars in 10 years. And then went on a spending spree.

The “family values” party ran a pedophile for the Senate and a man who admits to sexually harassing and assaulting women as President.

Talk about people with their heads up their asses.
Using the power of government to pressure a business into performing or not performing certain actions for another organization is not someone using their 1st amendment rights. According to a quote in the article, the tax break in question was explicitly described as being contingent upon Delta resuming its previous business affairs with the NRA.

I don't know what version of the First Amendment YOU'RE reading, but the version I'm familiar with says, "Petition the government for redress of grievances". Doesn't specify what the grievances have to be to count. You get to pester your local politician for whatever you wanna pester him for.

I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

What free speech. Delta said they don’t want to do business with the NRA, which is their right.

The State of Georgia is refusing to do business with Delta unless they do business with the NRA.

Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members
Imagine if the State of New York refused to give tax breaks to Chick-Fila-A unless they donate to GLAD and give discounts to their members
You say something that makes sense. Finally.
The pandoras box is appalling and destructive!
Isn't this unfair, maybe illegal, government intrusion? I thought NaziCons were against such stuff.

Curious, what if it had been a discount for members of Planned Parenthood?

You tell me.

How would you feel about this, if a Democratic state representative in New York had held tax breaks for Chik-fil-a hostage unless they gave discounts to members of Planned Parenthood?

Under the exact same circumstances, where Chik-Fil-A had contracted to give the discounts and then revoked them because they "suddenly realized" Planned Parenthood performed abortions? And the tax breaks had already expired, and New York was in the process of deciding whether or not they wished to reinstate them?

I would still consider it the purview of the state legislature of New York to decide what business deals it wanted to negotiate, and the purview of its constituents to weigh in on how they wanted them to act. I wouldn't personally like that decision, but then, that's why I choose not to live in New York. It's the whole point to having separate, sovereign states.
Using the power of government to pressure a business into performing or not performing certain actions for another organization is not someone using their 1st amendment rights. According to a quote in the article, the tax break in question was explicitly described as being contingent upon Delta resuming its previous business affairs with the NRA.

I don't know what version of the First Amendment YOU'RE reading, but the version I'm familiar with says, "Petition the government for redress of grievances". Doesn't specify what the grievances have to be to count. You get to pester your local politician for whatever you wanna pester him for.

I'm not talking about anyone petitioning government, I'm talking about the actions of the government. When a government representative says that a piece of legislation will not be passed unless company A does business in a particular way with organization X, that is not free speech. The representative is not acting as a private citizen in that context.
That is some convoluted reasoning there, skippy.

A member of government speaking on behalf of government being different than a private citizen speaking on their own behalf is "convoluted reasoning"?
The convolution is that you are arguing that free speech constitutes a violation of free speech lol.

Fucking leftist whackjobs.

1. I never argued that anything was violating free speech in this thread
2. I'm not a leftist

Care to make any other completely wrong comments? ;)
I'm sure you'd like to define conservatism as "not fighting back when attacked", but we're not really inclined to accept your parameters.

When attacked? So stopping discounts is now an attack?

And since when does stopping discounts warrant high ranking state officials actually attacking a private business? Yeah, extorting private companies to provide discounts to your political donors is NOT what conservatives do. It is political bullshit. It is what the lowest scum politicians do.
Well that said all Ga. is doing is stopping discounts to Delta. See how that works?

If it were that simple, I wouldn't bat an eye.

But the same people who are threatening to remove the tax break are the ones who pushed for it. And they are not just removing the tax break. They are using the tax system to punish Delta for removing discounts. That is the worst sort of gov't interference in private affairs. This is what conservative vehemently opposed in the past.

Wow, it's like politicians are human beings who can change their minds according to the situation, or some shit like that.

The situation being the NRA calling them and threatening to pull their campaign donations.

Campaign donations? And now you're going to cite us evidence that the NRA has donated significant percentages of these folks' campaign war chests, right?

I'll be waiting.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
You people are such hypocrites. You tout the freedom of businesses to work with who they want to, having a million hissy fits if a baker is forced to make a cake for people he doesn't agree with. But let some other business express their freedom to choose who they do business with and you are all up in arms (pun intended).

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Well that said all Ga. is doing is stopping discounts to Delta. See how that works?

If it were that simple, I wouldn't bat an eye.

But the same people who are threatening to remove the tax break are the ones who pushed for it. And they are not just removing the tax break. They are using the tax system to punish Delta for removing discounts. That is the worst sort of gov't interference in private affairs. This is what conservative vehemently opposed in the past.

Wow, it's like politicians are human beings who can change their minds according to the situation, or some shit like that.

Oh please, this is not about them changing their minds. All the reasons for the tax exemption still exist. What changed is that Delta no longer offers a discount for NRA members. This is using the tax system to punish a business for not toeing the line.

Yes, what changed was that Delta did something that made tax breaks less appealing to the Senate's constituents. Which would be exactly the sort of change they're SUPPOSED to pay attention to.

What did the other airlines do to make the tax breaks less appealing for them as well?

Couldn't tell you. I don't live in Georgia. Apparently, something was already making those tax breaks unappealing, since they were allowed to expire, and many people were already opposing their reinstatement even before this whole NRA tempest in a teacup ensued.
Second, I want to be clear on what your position is.

Are you saying that you would have no problem with a state government holding tax breaks for a "conservative" company hostage unless they gave discounts to a political organization that they disagreed with?

It is the right of a company or corporation to discontinue discounts to a certain group of people, but doing it now? Against the NRA? It's cheap political grandstanding. It only succeeds in placing blame on the NRA for the killings and not on the killer where it belongs.

My personal opinion is that government should not influence commerce. However, if you're going to take a political stand, expect a political response.
Delta can choose to discontinue discounts and passengers can choose to use other airlines. It really IS that simple.
Second, I want to be clear on what your position is.

Are you saying that you would have no problem with a state government holding tax breaks for a "conservative" company hostage unless they gave discounts to a political organization that they disagreed with?

It is the right of a company or corporation to discontinue discounts to a certain group of people, but doing it now? Against the NRA? It's cheap political grandstanding. It only succeeds in placing blame on the NRA for the killings and not on the killer where it belongs.

I understand that you're upset by the criticism against the NRA. But that doesn't change the bottom line here.

My personal opinion is that government should not influence commerce. However, if you're going to take a political stand, expect a political response.

You appear to contradict yourself here.

Do you support the government enforcing political views on corporations by weaponized tax law, or not?
Love how the Radical Left are ok with refusing business to those they dont agree with but want laws passed for us to serve homosexuals and transgenders against our will.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta Georgia a while back, so these State Republican senators may have bit off more than they can chew. They have made themselves a target in the upcoming November election--:auiqs.jpg:

Lot's of business's have been dumping the NRA since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
NRA fallout: See the list of companies that cut discounts for NRA members after Parkland, Florida school shooting
First National Bank cuts ties with NRA

You appear to contradict yourself here.

Do you support the government enforcing political views on corporations by weaponized tax law, or not?

No. But what I am saying is that actions have consequences. I don't necessarily have to agree with the consequences. Cause and effect.

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