Georgia Senate Sweep would crush retirement accounts

While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
So, when in the last 100 years have we had that type of crash in the stock market?
Not sure what that has to do with the topic
The topic is some schmuck predicting that the market will lose 6-10% if Democrats are elected.
I don’t take his prediction seriously and I don’t take the pearl clutching hyperbole that this correction, if it ever did happen, would crush people.

Just more scare tactics. Seen it a million times.
You acknowledged that you’re not a finance expert and don’t have neither the education nor the experience but you question someone who does? OK

But is your opinion based on your education and experience, or political desires?
Someone like Romney might be better for business than someone like Elizabeth Warren, but between Biden and Trump it is not that clear. For example, Obama was elected on being anti war, but then doubled down on wars all over the Mideast. The Clintons trashed Glass-Steagall, so were for right wing bankers, not unions or poor people. And likely Biden will be like a cross of Obama and Hillary? About the only thing in Trump's favor is he did not start any wars. So hard to say?
Direct experience. Trump kept most of his campaign promises. You just didn’t like his platform
Stay on topic or get reported

I've been in the markets for 25 years, you whiny pathetic little snowflake, and I was on topic.

If your widdle feewings can't stand being a man, then STFU.

Your OP is retarded. Even if the article you posted, a 10% decline isn't "crushing retirement accounts. On average, a 10% decline has occurred about once every 18 months for the last two centuries.

You see, I know WTF I'm talking about, unlike you, who has to hide behind the skirts of the mods.
10% decline means $50k for someone with $500k in their 401k. That’s real money to retirees. Sorry math isn’t your strong suit.

Not really.
Declines are always temporary as inflation forces stocks back up, if nothing else.
No one should lose anything in their 401k from a temporary stock drop unless some emergency comes up that makes then need cash immediately.
I am Discussing retirees and those close to retirement otherwise yes it’s just a paper loss.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
So, when in the last 100 years have we had that type of crash in the stock market?
When in the last 100 years have we had so many people 65+ living and depending on their retirement accounts?
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
So, when in the last 100 years have we had that type of crash in the stock market?
When in the last 100 years have we had so many people 65+ living and depending on their retirement accounts?
Have you forgot Social Security?

Or Medicare?
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
So, when in the last 100 years have we had that type of crash in the stock market?
When in the last 100 years have we had so many people 65+ living and depending on their retirement accounts?
Have you forgot Social Security?

Or Medicare?
SS is crumbs as is Medicare. How do you not know this? Since pensions are mostly gone, retirees rely on their savings and investments.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
So, when in the last 100 years have we had that type of crash in the stock market?
When in the last 100 years have we had so many people 65+ living and depending on their retirement accounts?
Have you forgot Social Security?

Or Medicare?
SS is crumbs as is Medicare. How do you not know this? Since pensions are mostly gone, retirees rely on their savings and investments.
Why do you think it's crumbs?

Political bias?
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?

Sure....why not. I'm set. I got a pension. Of course that isn't going to happen but Its fun to see you're not letting your blob's devastating defeat keep you from making up shit.
You're that old? I thought you were around my age. Interesting.
I'm not collecting a pension...I have one set up though. The one great thing about public sector work...pensions.
Indeed...explains you political views as well.

It explains your jealousy for damn sure.

This just in....

The corpse kicked your blob's ass.

never gets old.
No jealousy and glad you agree he is a corpse.

I'm sorry you didn't plan as well as I did....
Your blob lost to a corpse. That's gotta suck that your lord and master couldn't beat someone you consider to be dead. LOL
Plan what? Sometimes people vote for corpses. Walking Dead is a great show.

One of the absolutely dumbest shows ever!!!!

You are nuts

They are in your mouth!!!

While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?
Wasn't that meant to happen under Obama?

Fuck! you are desperate....
Forget retirement accounts. The energy cost increases will destroy the economy on the ground.
A few oligarchs will be rich but everyone else will be squeezed into submission.
Lazy, ignorant democrats failing their due diligence and not vetting their Pravda propaganda.
Today’s democrats: stupidest generation of Americans ever.

Cost of energy is actually coming down... Technology is doing that...
Another crystal ball

That's what happened under Obama. Underperforming market and economy equaled lower standard of living, particularly for poor and middle-class Americans. You didn't care, of course. All that matters for you is that the party is in power.
Invest wisely (it ain't that difficult), stop trying to time markets (there are too many conflicting variables) and you'll be fine.

And above all, don't listen to political zealots who (try to) substitute their ignorant, paranoid insanity for market knowledge.
Another crystal ball

That's what happened under Obama. Underperforming market and economy equaled lower standard of living, particularly for poor and middle-class Americans. You didn't care, of course. All that matters for you is that the party is in power.
No, that isn't what happened under Obama.

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