Georgia Senate Sweep would crush retirement accounts

Another crystal ball

That's what happened under Obama. Underperforming market and economy equaled lower standard of living, particularly for poor and middle-class Americans. You didn't care, of course. All that matters for you is that the party is in power.
No, that isn't what happened under Obama.
Another crystal ball

That's what happened under Obama. Underperforming market and economy equaled lower standard of living, particularly for poor and middle-class Americans. You didn't care, of course. All that matters for you is that the party is in power.
No, that isn't what happened under Obama.

Yea, that's EXACTLY what happened under Obama.

Team Biden is going to weaken the economy and reduce the standard of living of average Americans. You'll be celebrating while Joe sells us out to the Chinese, etc.

Markets will be fine.
Um that isn't what the markets are saying or the analysis---expect a 10% drop minimum.
A 10% correction would be great. 12% to 15% maybe even better. In the long run, that is nothing.

But attaching partisan paranoia to market fluctuations is ignorant. Markets would prefer tax & spend over borrow & spend.
Another crystal ball

That's what happened under Obama. Underperforming market and economy equaled lower standard of living, particularly for poor and middle-class Americans. You didn't care, of course. All that matters for you is that the party is in power.
The market climbed 149% under Obama over 8 years. Your post is false.
Not sure what that has to do with the topic
The topic is some schmuck predicting that the market will lose 6-10% if Democrats are elected.
I don’t take his prediction seriously and I don’t take the pearl clutching hyperbole that this correction, if it ever did happen, would crush people.

Just more scare tactics. Seen it a million times.
You acknowledged that you’re not a finance expert and don’t have neither the education nor the experience but you question someone who does? OK

But is your opinion based on your education and experience, or political desires?
Someone like Romney might be better for business than someone like Elizabeth Warren, but between Biden and Trump it is not that clear. For example, Obama was elected on being anti war, but then doubled down on wars all over the Mideast. The Clintons trashed Glass-Steagall, so were for right wing bankers, not unions or poor people. And likely Biden will be like a cross of Obama and Hillary? About the only thing in Trump's favor is he did not start any wars. So hard to say?
Direct experience. Trump kept most of his campaign promises. You just didn’t like his platform

Mexico pay for the building a wall right across the US-Mexico wall...
Actual: US paid for fence repairs (which actually Obama secured the funding for) and a couple hundred miles of more fencing which cut apart with DIY tools...

Trump said he would keep America Safe.
He has failed to anticipate or prepare for COVID... He was given a warning by the Obama Administration but choose to not only ignore it but wilfully destroy there preparations...

Can go all day... Trump poor at keeping his promises, again another Trump failure. Pointed out by a Trumpster...

Cue the complaint about using Poltifact... It is unfair, they use reality and facts and cite there evidence when the do so...


While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?
Totally wrong. The D Party is the party of the ultra rich. They will do everything they can to support Wall Street and continue the crony capitalist policies both political crime families love.
The market climbed 149% under Obama over 8 years. Your post is false.

The market underperformed and so did the economy. Your devotion to the party is commendable.

The statistics prove I am correct. The DJIA rose 149%.

When he took office: 7,949.09
When he left office: 19,732.40

You can do the math, can't you?
This is nothing to be proud of. Ears did it with the help of the Fed keeping interest rates at zero and adding on massive debt, while starting five new wars. All this did was enrich the rich and add trillions to the national debt, while doing nothing to help the working class.

This resulted in Americans electing a buffoon, who then continued O’s awful economic policies of more debt and enrichment of the rich...leading to the election of an old washed up always wrong swamp creature, who will continue the exact same fiscal policies.
You can do the math, can't you?

Why can't you comprehend the word "underperform"?
What was the percentage gain under the blob? Do enlighten us please.

You're dumb and disingenuous. Carry on.

Your surrender is accepted. Thanks for the early morning batting practice. I shall now celebrate my victory with the finest bagels and muffins in the land. Have a great day---you guys should do well in Georgia so your day will get better....your life? Thats another question. I'm afraid you'll always be a loser.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
If that were true you would think the market would react negatively to the Biden win.

Sadly for you and your partisan bullshit the opposite is true
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?
Totally wrong. The D Party is the party of the ultra rich. They will do everything they can to support Wall Street and continue the crony capitalist policies both political crime families love.
WAS. Not is. The old D party is long dead.
While Trump due to his polarizing nature seemingly lost the election to a corpse, the Senate remaining red and the House likely going red in 2020 has kept the markets in check. However, if Georgia goes fully blue then the country will go full Leftist/Socialist and markets will crumble.

In the end money talks. Let's see what happens.

I am curious what others think. Do you want one party rule --- or do you prefer as the markets do, a two party checks and balances rule?

There is a lot to be said for one party rule on the federal level. Sound persons of good character with the Congress behind them can do wonderous things. Medicare Part D for one thing under Bush in 2003. They should have raised taxes to pay for it. One party rule can do terrible things too of course but sound persons of good character can do wonderous things. The ACA is another example.

We didn't have that with your blob. We had a man-child whose character was dead if he ever hand any and a Senate that makes up rules as it goes along and then violates them...see ACB and nominee Garland.

So I have no problem with the Senate turning blue.
So you are OK with retirement accounts tanking as House and Senate push the corpse left?
If that were true you would think the market would react negatively to the Biden win.

Sadly for you and your partisan bullshit the opposite is true
Do you not know how to read? The market was neutral as the assumption is the Republicans retain control of the Senate and block many of the D whacky policies. SMH....
Not sure what that has to do with the topic
The topic is some schmuck predicting that the market will lose 6-10% if Democrats are elected.
I don’t take his prediction seriously and I don’t take the pearl clutching hyperbole that this correction, if it ever did happen, would crush people.

Just more scare tactics. Seen it a million times.
You acknowledged that you’re not a finance expert and don’t have neither the education nor the experience but you question someone who does? OK

But is your opinion based on your education and experience, or political desires?
Someone like Romney might be better for business than someone like Elizabeth Warren, but between Biden and Trump it is not that clear. For example, Obama was elected on being anti war, but then doubled down on wars all over the Mideast. The Clintons trashed Glass-Steagall, so were for right wing bankers, not unions or poor people. And likely Biden will be like a cross of Obama and Hillary? About the only thing in Trump's favor is he did not start any wars. So hard to say?
Direct experience. Trump kept most of his campaign promises. You just didn’t like his platform

Mexico pay for the building a wall right across the US-Mexico wall...
Actual: US paid for fence repairs (which actually Obama secured the funding for) and a couple hundred miles of more fencing which cut apart with DIY tools...

Trump said he would keep America Safe.
He has failed to anticipate or prepare for COVID... He was given a warning by the Obama Administration but choose to not only ignore it but wilfully destroy there preparations...

Can go all day... Trump poor at keeping his promises, again another Trump failure. Pointed out by a Trumpster...

Cue the complaint about using Poltifact... It is unfair, they use reality and facts and cite there evidence when the do so...

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Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
The markets aren't concerned with the puppet on the podium.
Business is business
People with 'real money' AKA those who control the 'market' all know Biden is nothing but a senile fart in the wind.
'President' Harris will blow whatever the radical Left/Media direction they tell her to.
In the end the 'market' will just ignore these Leftists and concentrate on making more $.
Wall is TBD, he was going to tax remittances. No one was prepared for COVID. Tell me more. You just bought into all the media hatred.
Iran deal. North Korea deal. China trade deal. Balance budget. 4% economic growth. Troops out of Syria. Health care reform. His tax plan broke many of his promises including the idea that it wouldn’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy and that it’d be revenue neutral. He was going to have a special counsel for Clinton. He was going to declassify everything about Mueller.

The wall being TBD is a good example of how Trump weasels out of “promises”. He is extremely vague. You can’t be held to account if you never actually promise something and rarely if ever does that actually make a promise, it’s typically couched in hedging and one of his favorite phrases, “we’ll see what happens”.

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