Georgia TA: 'Some white people may have to die...'

I igu
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?

Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu, or Day of the Rangers (Somali: Maalintii Rangers), was part of Operation Gothic Serpent. It was fought on 3–4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia, between forces of the United States—supported by UNOSOM II—and Somali militiamen loyal to the self-proclaimed president-to-be Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who had support from armed fighters. The battle is also referred to as the First Battle of Mogadishu, to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

The initial U.S. Joint Special Operations force, Task Force Ranger, was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command; it consisted mostly of members from the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force. Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two of Aidid's high-echelon lieutenants during a meeting in the city. The goal of the operation was achieved, though conditions spiraled into the deadly Battle of Mogadishu. The initial operation of 3 October 1993, intended to last an hour, became an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of 4 October.

The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October. U.S. forces were finally evacuated to the U.N. base by the armored convoy. While leaving the crash site, a group of Rangers and Delta operators led by SSG John R. Dycus realized that there was no room left in the vehicles for them and were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point on National Street. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile".

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia

This is not 1879. It's 2018 bitch. You don't want none.
Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

You are either confused or delusional. Being white doesn't mean we agree with your stupid values any more than owning a gun makes us all right wing gun nuts, or being a man means we want women to be subservient. Your little group is much smaller than you think it is.
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
The trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement. It's not the presence of black people that is the problem; rather, it is blackness with ambition, with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

Nobody is trying to wipe whites off the face of the earth. Your group is shrinking in numbers. You are outnumbered. Mommy government has protected you. And you don't want that kind of war. It's easy to talk your shit on the internet.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I igu
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?

Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu, or Day of the Rangers (Somali: Maalintii Rangers), was part of Operation Gothic Serpent. It was fought on 3–4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia, between forces of the United States—supported by UNOSOM II—and Somali militiamen loyal to the self-proclaimed president-to-be Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who had support from armed fighters. The battle is also referred to as the First Battle of Mogadishu, to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

The initial U.S. Joint Special Operations force, Task Force Ranger, was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command; it consisted mostly of members from the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force. Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two of Aidid's high-echelon lieutenants during a meeting in the city. The goal of the operation was achieved, though conditions spiraled into the deadly Battle of Mogadishu. The initial operation of 3 October 1993, intended to last an hour, became an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of 4 October.

The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October. U.S. forces were finally evacuated to the U.N. base by the armored convoy. While leaving the crash site, a group of Rangers and Delta operators led by SSG John R. Dycus realized that there was no room left in the vehicles for them and were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point on National Street. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile".

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia

This is not 1879. It's 2018 bitch. You don't want none.

I do want not some, all of it. Bring bitch. I will enjoy assisting you in your transfer to the after life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.

Your wrong. You can’t fight one on one. You need numbers or weapons. You talk shit but when it comes down to it you’ll run. Just look at Asscelips dipshit. He is only safe in his shell in Cally. Outside of it he is a bitch like you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is coming from the race who used mob of people to attack 1 black person.

The only thing you whip is cream and even that you buy already whipped at the store.
I igu
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?

Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu, or Day of the Rangers (Somali: Maalintii Rangers), was part of Operation Gothic Serpent. It was fought on 3–4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia, between forces of the United States—supported by UNOSOM II—and Somali militiamen loyal to the self-proclaimed president-to-be Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who had support from armed fighters. The battle is also referred to as the First Battle of Mogadishu, to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

The initial U.S. Joint Special Operations force, Task Force Ranger, was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command; it consisted mostly of members from the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force. Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two of Aidid's high-echelon lieutenants during a meeting in the city. The goal of the operation was achieved, though conditions spiraled into the deadly Battle of Mogadishu. The initial operation of 3 October 1993, intended to last an hour, became an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of 4 October.

The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October. U.S. forces were finally evacuated to the U.N. base by the armored convoy. While leaving the crash site, a group of Rangers and Delta operators led by SSG John R. Dycus realized that there was no room left in the vehicles for them and were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point on National Street. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile".

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia

This is not 1879. It's 2018 bitch. You don't want none.
LOL! A WEAKENED US Military who have to abide by rules of engagement vs terrorists who don't care who or what they harm and have no rules to abide by as far as what weapons they can use. YAWN. White men own most of the guns in this country and we will use them in defense of our race if pushed towards it. I wish it was an open war already,you apes can't stop killing each other because you are from a different block or wear the wrong gang colors....LOL....Apes are inferior in EVERY WAY to the white man especially us rednecks from Appalachia.
I've already put a two white racists in the hospital. Wouldnt take much for me to go the extra step. :rolleyes:

Anytime punk. All talk. That must be the 12 year olds you beat up. Coward. Your new name.

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We know how big bad right wingers deal with 12year olds. Would you be so tough if it was a man like Asclepias instead of a little girl?

I would love for it to be him. He doesn’t have the balls to I told him come to NJ. He replies come to CA. Always avoids me when I ask him to Nj. As for you Just another liberal asshole with a big mouth.

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I'll bet you're the toughest kid on the play ground from your entire grade.

This guy is just some pussy just like Goofyboy. I gave him plenty of opportunity and he made all kinds of excuses why he couldnt meet me. It was hilarious. He's like most of the feral inbreds. Talk a lot on the internet but when it comes time for action he is nowhere to be found. :laugh:

You talk a lot. You had your chance to come to NJ and you linked out. You want me to come to Cally Why is that, because you know you can’t handle me alone. Your bring some of your other punks with you. You have a big mouth but no balls. Bring it bitch. Your next comment will be calling me names and come to Cally. The same shit you been spewing all the time. Bring it or shut the fuck up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

You are either confused or delusional. Being white doesn't mean we agree with your stupid values any more than owning a gun makes us all right wing gun nuts, or being a man means we want women to be subservient. Your little group is much smaller than you think it is.
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
The trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement. It's not the presence of black people that is the problem; rather, it is blackness with ambition, with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

Nobody is trying to wipe whites off the face of the earth. Your group is shrinking in numbers. You are outnumbered. Mommy government has protected you. And you don't want that kind of war. It's easy to talk your shit on the internet.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have no facts. You have no millions.

Satisfy your women instead of whining about imaginary shit.

Then you have more white kids.
You are either confused or delusional. Being white doesn't mean we agree with your stupid values any more than owning a gun makes us all right wing gun nuts, or being a man means we want women to be subservient. Your little group is much smaller than you think it is.
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
The trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement. It's not the presence of black people that is the problem; rather, it is blackness with ambition, with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
Nobody is trying to wipe whites off the face of the earth. Your group is shrinking in numbers. You are outnumbered. Mommy government has protected you. And you don't want that kind of war. It's easy to talk your shit on the internet.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have no facts. You have no millions.

Satisfy your women instead of whining about imaginary shit.

Then you have more white kids.

We have many millions. Don’t try to downplay what you are up against. You are up against Mt. Everest.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I igu
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?

Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu, or Day of the Rangers (Somali: Maalintii Rangers), was part of Operation Gothic Serpent. It was fought on 3–4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia, between forces of the United States—supported by UNOSOM II—and Somali militiamen loyal to the self-proclaimed president-to-be Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who had support from armed fighters. The battle is also referred to as the First Battle of Mogadishu, to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

The initial U.S. Joint Special Operations force, Task Force Ranger, was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command; it consisted mostly of members from the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force. Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two of Aidid's high-echelon lieutenants during a meeting in the city. The goal of the operation was achieved, though conditions spiraled into the deadly Battle of Mogadishu. The initial operation of 3 October 1993, intended to last an hour, became an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of 4 October.

The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October. U.S. forces were finally evacuated to the U.N. base by the armored convoy. While leaving the crash site, a group of Rangers and Delta operators led by SSG John R. Dycus realized that there was no room left in the vehicles for them and were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point on National Street. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile".

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia

This is not 1879. It's 2018 bitch. You don't want none.

I do want not some, all of it. Bring bitch. I will enjoy assisting you in your transfer to the after life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I really don't think that is something you would enjoy trying to do.
I igu
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a totally massacre in black mens favour. And it would b that way ten times out of ten.

I truly believe that.
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?
The fk you talking about. There is no large scale gun supplier even today in Africa in 2019.

But yet you think the zulus had guns in 1854 (or whenever it was)

Yeah you probably had one or two zulus who stole a gun from a white solider they killed. but did they even know how to use it ?

My point they were outgunned and then it was hardly a cake walk for the British.

Gunpowder basically allowed whites to kill ppl from a distance up until then wars were fought up close sword with sword.

Besides you only need to look at Haiti in 1804 when blacks defeated napoleon and European or Vietnam to know that even when whites have the technological edge they can still be defeated.

Whites need an advantage to stand a chance. This why cops all of a sudden get brave with black men because they know they have an advantage.

But in a fair fight ? Whites will generally lose to blacks
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You have no facts. You have no millions.

Satisfy your women instead of whining about imaginary shit.

Then you have more white kids.

We have many millions. Don’t try to downplay what you are up against. You are up against Mt. Everest.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I know what I am up against. It is exactly what I said.
Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a resounding win in black men's favour

Delusions of Grandeur. Never happen. White people have heart unlike you. Remember in a street fight. There are no rules. You will get destroyed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
whites cant fight everyone knows. History of boxing shows thatm

Toussaint Louverture

This is the great Toussaint Louverture. This is the man who whipped Napoleons ass and sent him out of Haiti.

François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture (French: [fʁɑ̃swa dɔminik tusɛ̃ luvɛʁtyʁ] 9 May 1743 – 7 April 1803), also known as Toussaint L'Ouverture or Toussaint Bréda, was the best-known leader of the Haitian Revolution.[6] He was a leader of the growing resistance. His military and political acumen saved the gains of the first Black insurrection in November 1791. He first fought for the Spanish against the French; then for France against Spain and Great Britain; and finally, for Saint-Domingue against Napoleonic France. He helped transform the slave insurgency into a revolutionary movement. By 1800 Saint-Domingue, the most prosperous French slave colony of the time, had become the first free colonial society to have explicitly rejected race as the basis of social ranking.

Toussaint Louverture - Wikipedia
I igu
Battle of Rorke's Drift - Wikipedia

Result British victory

139–141 British Army regulars
11 colonial troops
4 civilians[1][2][3]
100 NNH cavalry
(briefly engaged, then fled)

3,000–4,000 Zulus:[4]
iNdluyengwe ibutho: 500 to 700 men
Thulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko amabutho: c. 3,000 men[5]

Yeahhhhh 141 white men defeated 4,000 African you go ahead and think that.
If you have the advantage of gunpowder (as whites did) then a group of middle aged women could easily defeat a bunch of the most highly trained fighting unit if they were unarmed.

My point still stands

In fact I'll go step further and say if you were to put a 1000 armed white men on a field and a 1000 armed black men. And both had the same weaponry.

Black men would still win most times.
I figured you didn't read the article. The Zulu's HAD RIFLES! So care to try again?

Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu, or Day of the Rangers (Somali: Maalintii Rangers), was part of Operation Gothic Serpent. It was fought on 3–4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia, between forces of the United States—supported by UNOSOM II—and Somali militiamen loyal to the self-proclaimed president-to-be Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who had support from armed fighters. The battle is also referred to as the First Battle of Mogadishu, to distinguish it amongst the nine major Battles of Mogadishu during the decades-long Somali Civil War.

The initial U.S. Joint Special Operations force, Task Force Ranger, was a collaboration of various elite special forces units from Army Special Operations Command, Air Force Special Operations Command and Navy Special Warfare Command; it consisted mostly of members from the 75th Ranger Regiment and Delta Force. Task Force Ranger was dispatched to seize two of Aidid's high-echelon lieutenants during a meeting in the city. The goal of the operation was achieved, though conditions spiraled into the deadly Battle of Mogadishu. The initial operation of 3 October 1993, intended to last an hour, became an overnight standoff and rescue operation extending into the daylight hours of 4 October.

The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October. U.S. forces were finally evacuated to the U.N. base by the armored convoy. While leaving the crash site, a group of Rangers and Delta operators led by SSG John R. Dycus realized that there was no room left in the vehicles for them and were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point on National Street. This has been commonly referred to as the "Mogadishu Mile".

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia

This is not 1879. It's 2018 bitch. You don't want none.

I do want not some, all of it. Bring bitch. I will enjoy assisting you in your transfer to the after life.

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I really don't think that is something you would enjoy trying to do.

Yes I would. Very much so

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Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

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You have no facts. You have no millions.

Satisfy your women instead of whining about imaginary shit.

Then you have more white kids.

We have many millions. Don’t try to downplay what you are up against. You are up against Mt. Everest.

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I know what I am up against. It is exactly what I said.

No you don’t. You may think you do. You have no idea.

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Honestly if you were to put a thousand everyday white man and a thousand everyday black men on a field. Both unarmed. Both of similar age and you accounted for height, weight and they were told to go at it until the other side was crushed or they gave up.

It would be a resounding win in black men's favour

Delusions of Grandeur. Never happen. White people have heart unlike you. Remember in a street fight. There are no rules. You will get destroyed.

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whites cant fight everyone knows. History of boxing shows thatm

I’m not talking about boxing. What you think we are going to box. Street fight punk. There are no rules. No weapons You won’t last 3 mins. Boxing Joke sport now. You and me it’s a street fight and you won’t make.

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As the older more racist generations die off, the younger more tolerant generations take over. You don't get that?
I am 34 and tolerance is for pussies like you.

Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

You are either confused or delusional. Being white doesn't mean we agree with your stupid values any more than owning a gun makes us all right wing gun nuts, or being a man means we want women to be subservient. Your little group is much smaller than you think it is.
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
The trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement. It's not the presence of black people that is the problem; rather, it is blackness with ambition, with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
As the older more racist generations die off, the younger more tolerant generations take over. You don't get that?
I am 34 and tolerance is for pussies like you.

Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

Nobody is trying to wipe whites off the face of the earth. Your group is shrinking in numbers. You are outnumbered. Mommy government has protected you. And you don't want that kind of war. It's easy to talk your shit on the internet.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Since I'm a white guy, I'm not sure why you wold think I want to eliminate me. Care to elaborate?
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I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Nobody is trying to shrink whites but themselves. We never saw any fucking Vikings in Africa. So it's like this. Whites like you have pissed off all the asians and all the Indian tribes as well as blacks. On top of that, 70 percent of your own race wants you out. You ain't ready and you don't want none..
From their own mouths
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher








I can keep providing proof there Anti White....the facts are on my side as is history and the simple fact me and MILLIONS like me are more than willing to die for our race.

You are damn right about that Odium.

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You have no facts. You have no millions.

Satisfy your women instead of whining about imaginary shit.

Then you have more white kids.

We have many millions. Don’t try to downplay what you are up against. You are up against Mt. Everest.

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If that many idiots agreed with you, you wouldn't be having this conversation. You are delusional.
  • Thanks
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Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

You are either confused or delusional. Being white doesn't mean we agree with your stupid values any more than owning a gun makes us all right wing gun nuts, or being a man means we want women to be subservient. Your little group is much smaller than you think it is.
I am neither actually. YOU and those like you are anti white racists who want nothing more than to see EVERY white person erased from existence. We are growing at an astounding rate.
The trigger for white rage, inevitably, is black advancement. It's not the presence of black people that is the problem; rather, it is blackness with ambition, with drive, with purpose, with aspirations, and with demands for full and equal citizenship.
That would be great yall should try it! The government has kissed your asses for 150 years and yet you still depend on nanny government for food,medical care,housing,rides etc etc.
Fewer Hitler supporters like you with each generation. You will be replaced.

We have heard this same old DUMB shit for 60 years and yet the more you anti white racists keep trying to erase white people from the face of the earth the MORE young white folks you push towards us! My kids are being raised to be proud of their heritage and history and not to take bullshit from the likes of you who is WELL beneath them and me. Its not just people who admire Hitler you have to worry about,I am sure there are just run of the mill good ole boys who don't care for Hitler etc but are still damn proud of their white heritage and keep deluding yourself into thinking we are shrinking....its easier to surprise you when the shit hits the fan and mommy government isn't their to protect your ass from a real war.

Nobody is trying to wipe whites off the face of the earth. Your group is shrinking in numbers. You are outnumbered. Mommy government has protected you. And you don't want that kind of war. It's easy to talk your shit on the internet.
The very essence of trying to shrink our numbers IS genocide therefore YES we are being erased slowly but surely. We don't need the government at all actually,we have our guns and our brotherhood that's ALL we need. I can't wait for a race war because its coming sooner or later and I am itching to have some action. You must not remember my race is the race of vikings and explorers and the Christians who fought in the Crusades and tamed the world. We LIVE for war if it must come and we are ready. We stay ready.

Since I'm a white guy, I'm not sure why you wold think I want to eliminate me. Care to elaborate?

Your siding with the morons or should I say animals

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You should say what ever your silly little mind wants. More to laugh at.

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